E-mu e-synth keys


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Yeah, it's one hell of a keyboard, a friend of mine has one and he won't shut up about how good it is! What's nice about it is that it already comes with a ROM card with a lot of good sounds, so you can start making tunes as soon as you turn it on.

The sampler in it is amazing and the filters sound great, I have an Emu e6400 ultra which has the same architechture as the e-synth. If you're planning to do MPC style sampling, you're wasting your time with this guy, this is the kind of sampler that sound design guys use because it is so powerful.

The keyboard is really nice, it's a semi-weighted one identical to the one in my Kawai K-5000s, which is amazing. They feel solid, have a nice curve to them, and they transmit aftertouch. Awesome.

How much are they asking for it?

Take care,



ill o.g.
Thanks for the reply.
They asked for 75.000 icelandic kroners for it, an external SCSI zip drive, an external SCSI CD-writer and a SCSI card for a computer. The dollar is about 86 kr. So its about 850 $.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Keyboard is ok but U know the deal, the Holy Grail is the MPC and at least 1 turntable if you call yourself a hip hop producer, I would use a keyboard in certain situations but resample it or make your own riffs and resample....pianos, strings etc...


I will say that the MPC has been influential in hip hop, but I wouldnt say its the holy grail or that you have to have one to produce hip hop tracks. Not nowa days. Which of course still all depends on the person using it.

I have a friend (DJ Roger) out of Atlanta and we just set up his studio, he has the mpc 2000xl, which he uses, but I can come up with stuff just as quick with a midi controller and cubase or FLoops.

Times or changing.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
would people PLEASE quit with this whole "if you are a REAL hip hop producer, you HAVE to use an mpc and a turntable..." buisness. thats the biggest load of B.S ever. the use of the turntable itself was out of ingenuity and neccesity; "hip hop" defines itself, not what you USE to make it. thats rediculous. there is nothing wrong with using ANYTHING to make beats with. I personally cant stand to use software- i.e, fruityloops, etc. and for the most part what i have heard from most of these kids where i live it is just pathetic. it sounds very mechanical, with no 'soul' to it. the point is that these kids likey couldnt make good music with ANYTHING, so it essentially has nothing to do with the software. Dude from Little Brother showed us that! kanye west uses reason.... so as much as i cant stand the software i cant go and say that its not "real" simply because grandmaster flash didnt use it or because i am comfortable using something else. skills make themselves known, regardless of what you use. Hip hop itself is a mess as it is and when we begin to put parameters out on what should and shouldnt be, whats 'Real' and not 'Real' we limit ourselves, our craft, and in the end the artform itself. there is too much ignorance that abounds within hip hop.......(not calling you ignorant by the way.) just sayin it doesnt matter, so long as the outcome is good.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Ok I have fruity loops and cubase and sonar

i think you can produce with anything, but I think like someone else said if you have a midi controller you can do certain things but.......there is an edge involved if you're up against someone who really knows how to use the mpc and resample or that have a real keyboard and can play their own riffs or a guitar .....there are a lot of things you CAnnot and I repeat Cannot do with your computer and some software....or with any of that fake me out turntable synthesis.........would you be taken seriously if you just have a pc sitting there and no sp1200, or no Mpc2xxxx, or at least 1 quality keyboard and turntable in your studio????? well I don't know if there is a poll for that but it is sort of sickening that , yes times are changing but I think most people do prefer to have some outside piece of hardware either to trigger or formulate patterns or sample......I have access to and use both...fruity loops is amazing but there is something about cats who use reason or fruity and that is all they use.....the tracks most of the time have a certain flat or robotic feel to them and yes they win contests too.....


ill o.g.
i wanna check out the emu e-synth keys now -- just off of vitaminman's response -- lol

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