Extended trip


ill o.g.
Sup evry1

Before I get started I just wanna apologize for the absence,I was evaluating some comitments (Don't ask)

Anyway I just wanna tell u guys,that theres a posibility I might be gone for awhile.

Me n my family might be goin to vancover,canada for 6 Months and I don't know if I can get a wireless connection (I use a laptop by the way)

But I'm not sure so all I'm saying iz that if yall don't here from me in a while that means I'm in still tryna find a wireless network.

On a different note:I've never been to vancover but I heard they only except euros there and not us dollars.Iz this true?and if so iz there someplace I could go to convert my dough into euros?


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Of course the accept U.S. currency, and you can just exchange it to the "wonderful" Canadian dollar at any exchange place. :)

Have fun in BC, watch out for nice weather!

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