females got too much power.

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ill o.g.

who thinks they gota get back in their place cuz with all this extra power and freedom their gettin in our lives, they abuse the shit. they cant control themselves yakno? "frailty thy name is woman" - hamlet.
their too weak. too emotional, unstable, too easily influenced and manipulated to do shit.
they gota be kept at home takin care of kids and not tryina do anything more, mebe go shopping. their leashes gota be shortened. u feel me?? lol. mann.. i duno, bitches think theyre pretty smart and shit, but i duno, education vs intellect? bitches have no street smarts, its pretty fuckin amazing how their so BRAindead. cant THINK straight yakno?
their logic is messed up, some wires r crossed in their brain. my bad. i just gota MADDddd vent.

i duno. my experience. not tryna be cocky or some shit cuz u duno who the fuck i am in reality, but dont u find, u can force a bitch to do like almost anything, just some time, and u gota kno how to act and how to play with their fuckin minds. bitches get confused and r like, "o shiT!" lol. man.

dont get sucked into a bitch's grasp, cuz when their in power, they fuck up. i duno. im still 17, im still learning. lollll. excuse me if u figured this out a while ago. i had this shit in my mind couple years ago, sorta changed it. but nawwwwwwww. this is the truth. at least to me. and w/e this is still subjective.
anyway peace

EDIT: lol i kno theres gona be some lady producers flipping out on me, but ill take the heat. just ignore the "bitch"'s. this IS exageratted (i cant spell -_-) but ill leave it up for entertainment


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
My penis wont allow me to comment..


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
woah.. hey 1st off I think we got just as many, or more, dumbass muthafuckas (men) that think they know what the fuck is going on and in reality don't know shit as we got women somewhat like you described. Secondly, that mantality about calling women bitches makes no sense. Do you love your mom? or sister? If you don't then it's not because it's right.. it's like crabs in a pot, when one reaches the top, the bottom pulls out and they all fall down like bloodclot// If men would stop playin women an show them some respect then there would be more intelligent and emotionally stable minds out there for people like me to meet. It's men that fuck of women on this Player-Steez that are fucking up the whole dating pool. I'm not sayin women are better than men or men are better than women.. I'm sayin their different; both have positives an negatives... People getting their little feeling's hurt becasue they should been smarter before entering a relationship with someone who was immature, is no basis's for saying all women/men are bitches.
Plus i know for a fact women have a better arguement about men then you just made about women. it's cool though.. just learn these things before you grow up an fuck every relationship you ever have up.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
krysolite said:
lol.. like fuckin usually.. IM SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNIN SHIT. but she fucks some next guy? how does that happen? its like.. this is sooo fuckin shocking to me rite now. if anything it shuda been me. w/e not gettin into all that oOoOo shit. u been there lol.

Yep i know what u talkin about. I dunno what dudes talkin bout they dont understand women. wtf is that? they aint some alien species... they just sometimes dont have they ideas worked out completley before they act. same with men tho. Humans are easy to understand just so long as they use their brain..but we can expect that they wont..thus understanding eachother. point blank.

yea. i think imma leave that there. good point nova.


Soul Slinger
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Let it out Krys, all men been there! Listen to Scholar and get a women. Dem hoodrat chickenheads are nothing but trouble. I got mad respect for bitches...I mean women but don't let your woman start wearin the man pants cause then it's over. Someone said to me one time "Women are devils...or the devil is a woman" or some shit like that, it's kinda hazy cause I was mad high at the time, but I always remembered that shit and sometimes I think it's true. Mad respect though to all the ladies up here on the Ill.

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
dude, i gotta tell ya that you're sounding pretty ignorant right now. there is no evidence that says women are "logically retarded." on the contrary, women usually out perform men on intellectually based tests. all those standardized tests you've taken, women usually do better on them.

i'm not sayin that there aren't dumb women out there and i'm not sayin that there aren't girls out there who will fuck you over 12 ways from sunday, but you can't go making general statements like that about women because then you just look stupid. i understand if you need to vent, but make sure you're getting pissed at the right people and don't just straight up say that all women are retarded cuz that shit probably isn't gonna help you in the future.


ill o.g.
1) my bad for using "bitch".. had to vent. (and i have no sister. ahaa. so thats like.. a weaker argument on me cuz im not that attached to my mom as most guys wud be growing up. w/e that doesnt count). dam im at a disadvantage talkin to like.. mid 20 yr olds or somtn.. lol.

ahh chrono demolished me, i thought i was a strong debater. this happened at the heat of the moment. AND yo.. im like 18 in summer, means im almost.. ALMOST.. like you guys, lol this isnt some schoolboy crush puppy love shit. so dont even comment on that.

anyway, thanks to chrono for preaching to me his wisdom.. loll. still not changin my general views for a while, im stubborn. yes.


ill o.g.
tricky spinz said:
dude, i gotta tell ya that you're sounding pretty ignorant right now. there is no evidence that says women are "logically retarded." on the contrary, women usually out perform men on intellectually based tests. all those standardized tests you've taken, women usually do better on them.

i'm not sayin that there aren't dumb women out there and i'm not sayin that there aren't girls out there who will fuck you over 12 ways from sunday, but you can't go making general statements like that about women because then you just look stupid. i understand if you need to vent, but make sure you're getting pissed at the right people and don't just straight up say that all women are retarded cuz that shit probably isn't gonna help you in the future.

i duno from some mags ive read, english their stronger, when it comes to logic (math sciences, u kno. problem solving.. involving logic) they perform alot weaker. mebe those american standardized tests females do better cuz those r like.. pure vocab and i duno wut u guys have down there. alot of english stuff..


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
krysolite said:
ahh chrono demolished me, i thought i was a strong debater. this happened at the heat of the moment. AND yo.. im like 18 in summer, means im almost.. ALMOST.. like you guys, lol this isnt some schoolboy crush puppy love shit. so dont even comment on that.

anyway, thanks to chrono for preaching to me his wisdom.. loll. still not changin my general views for a while, im stubborn. yes.

like tricky said, make sure when you vent that you vent about the right people.. remember that from everything that fucks you up.. there is a lot to learn from it. It's when you get fucked up and get so involved in being pissed an don't learn shit that causes society to get dumb as fuck. peace man an good luck wit things

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
that's fucked up to call women bitches. I know you already took it back but its almost like a white person sayin the n word an then sayin they were sorry about it but had to vent. you STILL know what they be thinkin.

you disprove your own arguement in a way though. You say that women are illogical and not the brightest or think they know everything. Look at yourself, you're your own arguement on the flip. You think you "know" how shit is with woman and that you got it figured out. This is illogical as fuck if you really REALLY think about it. I'm defending this cuz i've known a few really down to earth honeys around my way. Not a hoodrat "bitch" in any sense, so i'm doin this for them becuase they deserve to be stood up for.

Just sayin man, its obvious you had to vent for whatever reasons but you really let your immaturity show.


Pussy Monster
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 13
krysolite said:

who thinks they gota get back in their place cuz with all this extra power and freedom their gettin in our lives, they abuse the shit. they cant control themselves yakno? "frailty thy name is woman" - hamlet.
their too weak. too emotional, unstable, too easily influenced and manipulated to do shit.
they gota be kept at home takin care of kids and not tryina do anything more, mebe go shopping. their leashes gota be shortened. u feel me?? lol. mann.. i duno, bitches think theyre pretty smart and shit, but i duno, education vs intellect? bitches have no street smarts, its pretty fuckin amazing how their so BRAindead. cant THINK straight yakno?
their logic is messed up, some wires r crossed in their brain. my bad. i just gota MADDddd vent.

i duno. my experience. not tryna be cocky or some shit cuz u duno who the fuck i am in reality, but dont u find, u can force a bitch to do like almost anything, just some time, and u gota kno how to act and how to play with their fuckin minds. bitches get confused and r like, "o shiT!" lol. man.

dont get sucked into a bitch's grasp, cuz when their in power, they fuck up. i duno. im still 17, im still learning. lollll. excuse me if u figured this out a while ago. i had this shit in my mind couple years ago, sorta changed it. but nawwwwwwww. this is the truth. at least to me. and w/e this is still subjective.
anyway peace

EDIT: lol i kno theres gona be some lady producers flipping out on me, but ill take the heat. just ignore the "bitch"'s. this IS exageratted (i cant spell -_-) but ill leave it up for entertainment

Yo, you need to grow up. You're still an adolescent. Women are the finest living thing on the planet. Fat, skinny, ugly, beautiful women... I love them all!


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
lol at this post.....I can't believe this motherfucker called out about 3 billion people....at least if you're gonna attack a group, attack a group that is smaller. I'd rather fuck with a pack of 10 grasshoppers than 3 billion fuckin ants lol (dont mind my silly analogy, its 4:30am, just got back from the studio, tired as shit)

If you're gonna attack a group, attack a group less powerful, like the gays, or the jews....lol We all know they're too pussy to do shit!! haha....I'm just playing, I'm like a quarter jewish anyways, and I'm tolerant of the gays...

hopefully my stupidity in this post will be a lesson to Krysolite to stop attacking these dumb bitches...ahem, I mean young ladies....

Fuck, did this post make any sense?! I'm tired. Sleep time. Session tomorrow morning...


ill o.g.
nah for real...... thats how pussyless niggas act..lol... he was getting some.. he wouldnt be so pissed off..... lol

Dantson said:
Oh my goodness.

Damn... You guys felt that over there?

Here's an icepack, homie. You might need that.


tricky spinz said:
dude, i gotta tell ya that you're sounding pretty ignorant right now. there is no evidence that says women are "logically retarded." on the contrary, women usually out perform men on intellectually based tests. all those standardized tests you've taken, women usually do better on them.

i'm not sayin that there aren't dumb women out there and i'm not sayin that there aren't girls out there who will fuck you over 12 ways from sunday, but you can't go making general statements like that about women because then you just look stupid. i understand if you need to vent, but make sure you're getting pissed at the right people and don't just straight up say that all women are retarded cuz that shit probably isn't gonna help you in the future.



Eurydice said:
nah for real...... thats how pussyless niggas act..lol... he was getting some.. he wouldnt be so pissed off..... lol

Damn, im double cosignin' this shit. rofl!

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
djswivel said:
lol at this post.....I can't believe this motherfucker called out about 3 billion people....at least if you're gonna attack a group, attack a group that is smaller. I'd rather fuck with a pack of 10 grasshoppers than 3 billion fuckin ants lol (dont mind my silly analogy, its 4:30am, just got back from the studio, tired as shit)

If you're gonna attack a group, attack a group less powerful, like the gays, or the jews....lol We all know they're too pussy to do shit!! haha....I'm just playing, I'm like a quarter jewish anyways, and I'm tolerant of the gays...

hopefully my stupidity in this post will be a lesson to Krysolite to stop attacking these dumb bitches...ahem, I mean young ladies....

Fuck, did this post make any sense?! I'm tired. Sleep time. Session tomorrow morning...

oh you're tolerant of gays? is that why you can make that joke? or is it because you're fruitier than Ernie and Bert? come on man, who do you think you're foolin. we all know. it's cool with us....

hahaha, i'm just bustin on you.

... just like that other guy did last night. he busted ALL OVER you.

ok, i'm done.
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