Fox Not Airing Obama Press Conference

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i love how Companies, Corporations, etc., always have excuses that sound legit to some, but we know the REAL deal... Fox has always been on BS, and this is just another example:

NEW YORK — "Fox became the first broadcast network to turn down a request by President Barack Obama for time, opting to show its drama "Lie to Me" on Wednesday instead of the president's prime-time news conference.

Fox will direct viewers interested in the news conference to Fox News Channel and the Fox Business Network, which will both carry it. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and CNBC are all carrying the 8 p.m. EDT event, on Obama's 100th day in office.

This will be Obama's third prime-time news conference as president, a schedule that has caused some private grumbling among network executives. Carrying a news conference costs the four broadcast networks an estimated $10 million-plus in lost advertising revenue.

Yet with an economy in distress, two wars and now a swine flu outbreak, the pressure on networks to agree to Obama's request as a public service is enormous.

Executives at Fox, owned by News Corp., would not comment on the decision Monday. It's not without precedent for the network; Fox didn't carry a prime-time speech by President George W. Bush in November 2001 despite a request from the White House.

"I can't imagine it was politically motivated," said Shelly Palmer, industry analyst and host of "MediaBytes," a daily show about technology and the media. "I'm assuming it was financially motivated."

The news conference comes at the start of a ratings "sweeps" months, where viewership is watched closely to set local advertising rates. Not only will Fox keep its advertising for the hour, it will offer the only broadcast entertainment program, potentially giving a boost to the new series "Lie to Me," about a crime-fighting expert who can spot liars. "American Idol" follows "Lie to Me" on the schedule.

The Fox broadcast network was the most likely to have made this decision. Unlike ABC, CBS and NBC, Fox does not have its own news division to analyze the event. Even though the broadcast network is in more homes, cable's Fox News Channel traditionally gets more viewers for its coverage of these events than the Fox network.

An executive at one of the three other broadcasters, who asked for anonymity because the conversations were private, said that network's executives had expressed concern to the White House about the frequency of prime-time news conferences and the financial sacrifice they were making in carrying the event. The executive said it was hoped the administration would show more flexibility in working with networks to find the best times to schedule the events."

da relic


ill o.g.
Hahaha...does anyone else think it's ironic that Faux (Fox), well known to be a Republican biased network, would rather televise a show entitled, "Lie to Me," instead of our Democratic president's press conference. "Lie to me" seems more like Fox's mission statement than the name of their new "sweep." This decision doesn't surprise me, coming from a station that is so firmly latched on to the teat of greed and personal agenda. Every time I watch Fox News, I cringe and laugh at the same time as I watch the android-like interviewers and journalists conducting their bullshit interview. If an interviewee is from the Democratic party or liberal in any fashion, they usually get cut off by the interviewer or even the network itself in some cases.

I wouldn't consider myself a liberal or a Republican, but I hate Fox News. Seinfeld was the only thing it got right. Of course their decision was coerced by money. So is almost every Presidential decision as well. And since basically the entire House is now Democratic, Fox has no reason to care. I guarantee if Senator McStain and Governor Fail-in had won the election, Fox reporters would be clawing at the gates of the White House as we speak.

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