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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
I was wondering what everyone on this forum thinks of Fruityloops? I am new to producing and have just got it and think it's good but i would like to see what other hip hop producers think of it.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
It's a good program for drums and samples, but the rest of it sucks. It's aimed mainly at techno and dance beats and the sounds that come with it are terrible.

I only use it to sequence my drums, that's it. You can use it which ever way you want, but just beware - it's a cheesy program. Do you have a sequencing program also?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Cheers for the reply, thats really how I feel about Fruityloops too, I have only been using it for a couple of weeks and already find it quite limited, I do think it is good though cause i got it for free and it has started me off in producing. I don't have a sequencing program, what would you recommend?


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Good to more peoples posting :)

For sequencing.. there's many programs, the best thing is just try them all out until you find one you really like.

There's Steinberg's Cubase 5.X, Sonar, Reason.. the list goes on. but those are pretty popular. I myself use Cubase, it's not the easiest thing to learn, but it does alot.

Hope this helps.


ill o.g.
If you just need a programm to sequenz your drums, then I'd recommend Tuareg. T#S mainly the same and it doesn't look so f**ked up.
Use hardware annyway...


ill o.g.
fruityloops is dope for building loops providing u import ur own samples into it cause the majority of the sounds that are pre-loaded r booty.
However if ur starting off in music production it is definately a good incduction program but u need to find a sequencer package to go with it, the next step up would be Reason.

J Cro

ill o.g.
i stand 100% behind fruity loops. i sample from alot of funk and soul and also do many original compisitions. when people hear my beats and i tell them its fruity loops the one question i always get is "how?" they dont beleive its from that program. and ill tell you guys the same thing i tell them. shit goes in shit comes out.

i mean people use korg keyboards all across the board from ricky martin tunes to nine inch nails.

yet all have very different sound and style.
its all about who is behind the boards(or keyboard :nanner: )

ive tried reason. its decent.but ive found fruity loops to be easier and more efficent to work with.


ill o.g.
I use fruity loops for pretty much every drum loop, in every beat I make. definately use your own samples. I used it to start me out in beat making too. its sooo easy and quick to use. then Ill export the loops and import'em to Protools where Ill lay the rest of the sounds with my synths. If Iwas u Id not use any of the effects in furity loops. for just straight drums I wouldnt recomend anything else

J Cro

ill o.g.
my only gripe with flp is you cant use multisamples. but if you just plug in a vst such as halion then you solve that problem. its not a matter of the program its who uses it. and whenever i see this arguement i laugh because since when did the program make the music? its the person behind the keyboard who makes the music.

if you put me in front of a triton and protools i cant do shit. gimme a laptop with headphones and fruity and access to my samples and i can tear it up. my advice to anyone is try it out. take the time to learn it. and find out for yourself. trial and error is a tried and tested route.


^^ He hit the nail on the head... I have yet to make one beat on my EPS that I could not recreate in fruityloops. The swing kind of sucks, but you can move each note individually, so that's not much of an excuse. All fruityloops is is a dressed up step sequencer, plain and simple. If you're a visual person, you would probably like being able to see the sequence etc.
Now that they have added VST capabilities, I open up NI Battery inside for sampling and sequence with the step sequencer. Even if you're a software hater, its pretty fresh for a scratchpad. I've freaked some beats from my laptop that have made my hardware head homies recognise... In the end, it's all about the user!

ps- I was crazy shocked to find out the SP was secretly running fruity loops.. crazy world
pps- If they called it anything but "FRUITY" loops, noone would front..

J Cro

ill o.g.
i go back on nmy previous statement about multisamples

u can use layers and have it multisample i wont go intot he detaisl tho. i dig it


By layers do you mean multiple samples triggered by the same note, or velocity (or other) sensetive layers like on a keyboard?
Also- Is there any decent FL knowledge base on the net?


J Cro

ill o.g.
u can do that or have multisamples like c5,b5,d#5 etc and u assign them to a key. so u take your sample horns-c5.wav or whateva and assign it to c5 on the keyboard. then once you assign all the wavs to there respective keys you create a layer then highlight all the samples you are using and add them to that layer now when you use the piano roll on the layer it will use all those samples the same way a multisampler does like halion.
or the sampler in reason. read the help in the new version of flp it explains it better and with pictures

throwed rappa


i barely downloaded fruit loops 3 full ver

and i can't seem to get a beat going

how do u get a lilrhymthm going

cuz i been trying to figure it out

on how to record and at least get a lil rhymthm going on:booty:


ill o.g.