frustration (aka girls girls girls)


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
yo guys,
this is some serious shit :)

wtf is wrong with me?! sometimes i get those hot chicks, to dance with me, to go out with me, to get wild in the club nah mean, to call me. till that point its ok.
but,when i meet those girls later on, i feel like.,no i dont feel em anymore. thats the point. they talkin like blaaaablaablaaa ...:headbang:
and all my creativity gets lost, i come totaly down when i hear them bubblin.
damn,i dont even wanna talk to them anymore, and then i start thinking like; "ok baby, nice topic, but wheres the exit ? "
and, u know, thats realy frustrating, 'cos, im a man and those situations often get ugly in the end. shes waiting for me to come up with some body language, but i ve lost her completely.
do i dig for the wrong kind of woman ???
are there those princesses out there - nice,sexy,heartful and smooth homegirls with more than themselfs between their ears ???
or are those girls naturally raised, to behave like the center of the universe (in some sense) ? ? ? ? ? ?

fuck it, anybody feeling me on that point ?!

i know this is a producing community, but since my work will reflect my mindstate, ima end up doing wack r'n'b and disco beats for those kind of women, and sell out, because they ow me some money. haha
do you want that ? give me some feedback, maybe some veteran protocol from the vietnam of feminin world would do it. ;)

hahahahahahahahaha :confused:



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yo Mik...sounds to me like you fuckin with tha wrong chicks man...

In my humble opinion tho, Its hard to meet a good girl that aint all those things you listed above...And pickin em up @ tha club really aint tha best place to meet tha kinds of chick yer really tryin to dig on ya know?

Im not sayin go to tha library...But if you meet a respectable female at tha club than its a miracle, cuz most of them chicks are down for tha same cause as tha fellas goin to those joints - Lookin for some ASS....


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
If she's cramping your style then get your wee wee wet and jet. (Hey that rhymes!).

But yeah, don't mess with those club chicks, especially if she's fuckin up your beat making. Let me ask you this: Does she say stuff like, "OMG, I like TOTALLY want that skirt, that's SO me"?


Nice thread, proves I'm not the only one...

I've reached a point where finding a girlfriend isn't even on any priority list, but just getting some ass and bouncing is. Not because I don't want a girlfriend to share my ups and downs with, but just because the ones I've met have been fine and all, but they personality, interests etc were so boring and irritating, that I just wanted to get the hell away from them.

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
Originally posted by Copenhagen
Nice thread, proves I'm not the only one...

I've reached a point where finding a girlfriend isn't even on any priority list, but just getting some ass and bouncing is. Not because I don't want a girlfriend to share my ups and downs with, but just because the ones I've met have been fine and all, but they personality, interests etc were so boring and irritating, that I just wanted to get the hell away from them.

co to the sizziiinnnee!!! i could not agree more..

lmao@fade - wet and jet .... a great tactic :D


ill o.g.
you guys are wild. but most of them fine girls be on some other ish n e way...i was at the club the other day..talking to this chick..and shes gonna lean thinking she gonna say some importantant..and she reaches up and checks the tag in my shirt to see who it was made by...i was like wtf? gold diggin huh?....i dont every worry about phuckin these chicks either...they can keep the p*ssy...almost n e one can cut...give me head and your money

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
yo, word to all of you. for real, chicks can be totally whack. and i would def. not recomend the club as a place to find a decent and most of all INTERESTING girl. if you want interesting, maybe go to a Salsa Dance joint or something. if they can dance salsa, then they probably have got some kinda personality.

but hell yea man, wet and jet sounds good to me, just make sure your little guy wears a rain coat if he's splashing in puddles cuz you never know when the puddles got gonorrhea. fucking STD ridden puddles.

good luck with them chickies man. make em yell.


ill o.g.
yo dis work fo me but i odnt kno bout nobody else. kno da gurl. first an foremost get in dey befo u get in dey bed. make her wanna kno u. when thru sellin yoself dey she be sellin deyself to u. its a lotta ways to go about dis. so jus do u. but dats da basic idea to catchin anygurl. dis been my steez befo puberty an it neva failed me. one


Wax Mangler
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
LOL funny shit. ay, buy em a cheeseburger at least, sorry i'm fadedddd lol


ill o.g.
i hear you man. i just recently dipped outta a 3 year relationship with wifey now shes goin out wit some piece of shit dopehead .

some girls think too much wit what their heart tells em, so to them its all "does he respect me?! i feel this, i feel that , ahHH ahhH!"

where we boyz think wit our brains, sometimes our i think maybe in ur case u thinking "damn....chick was easy..dome was nice..i wonder if the next dude who hollers at her will be this easy....BOUNCE!'





some broads are like dollar bills...if u accidentally drop one u shouldn't cry over aint no thing...

but when u start finding the down for whatever chics...thats when u need to put it on em...


ill o.g.
Damn skippy, but lucky aint even the word, kid. I have had my frustrations too, to the point where pum pum doesn't seem worth it. There are women out there that are just demeaning and awful, and I am glad my race is over and I can step out of the game. I feel you mik p and everything you said, but it gon' be one rocky road til you find that one, and the bad part of it you wont know til that person leaves you....
But as fade says, and i'll tanslate its a game both for men and women, just get that shit and go, cuz women will do the same to you in a heartbeat kid. But it doesn't make no sense stick if ya aint feeling her, no need to pretend or act a fool by pretending.
Probably dumb advices, but everyman's different in the game, just got to plant both feet on the ground, and be able to take a stab in the heart and move on.
Thats Just The Way It is


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
All i know is that, if you never wanna find tha right chick then you wont, cuz yer gonna be lookin in all tha wrong places...But, if your like me, where you jus lettem come to you instead and if they turn out to be fresh after you get to know em' then maybe later yall can commit and do tha long term thing...Its all about yer mind set ya know?
Like for me...It took mad long to find a woman who wasnt retarded...ya know how it goes: chicks gotta nice frame, but she's hella hollow upstairs...or chick happens to be a brainyack, but also happens to be a little more than thick, if ya feel me?...Tha list goes on, but basically you cant rush that shit, and you cant pick and choose, you basically gotta jus wait till tha right one comes along and then hold onto her cuz as soon as you let that dime go some dumass fool that doesnt know how to really treat a descent woman is gonna be tryin to put his crusty-funky-wack bullshit-mack down and it aint gonna be pretty....

Equality 7-2521

^^^^word to that.

i reckon we should blame all this on the media. that shit fucks chicks up these days. poor things.


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
yo boys. sometimes it needs a kick against the head from outside.
ive come to the conclusion, that the reason for confusion, is the fact that i fool myself and believe in illusion :)

ima stop expecting wonderwomen in these clubhos. shit, i knew that before, but i did not realize it.
being human is a bit complicated

plus i have to stop goin party every weekend, cos that way, i will not even see them fine ones.
so gear down,landscape skeme up ;),
and maybe one day its gonna be all cool...

...could it be that it was all so simple man.....

thaaaaaaaaaanx fellas, ive learned something


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