Guitar Center

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ill o.g.
i mean for real, everythime i go. im just checkin up on gear thats out. and i get hounded,,,, like yo! you need beats, i do this i do that.. its just plain harrasment... i usually be like no i dont fuk with music, i just like to waste my money to look cool. but for real your shit is hot.. then me and my friends laugh, and then they get the point and leave me alone.........


ill o.g.
my favorite is when they offer you a price over the phone, then when you get there thay cant give that price! yeah its pretty bad when the dude doesnt know how to work the sequencer, or arm tracks.


Godson of the Clapper
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 19
I kinda know a dude that works at Guitar Center. He told me he loves working there, an that its the first job hes had that doesn't actually feel like "work". He had been working there about a month and a half, and it still wasn't boring. The dude told me I should apply, and I probably will next summer.


ill o.g.
I had considered working for GC back when I was working in MI sales. I didn't go because you're paid against a set amount of profit. Basically, you don't see a dime of commission unless you turn a profit for the store every month. I can't remember what the exact figure was, but it was pretty high.

At the time, the company I worked for gave me a commission off of EVERY sale I made depending on the markup. If I could pop someone at 100% of retail, I got 6.5%. 90% was 6%, 85% 5.5% and on down to 70%. 70% was usually off limits, especially for certain products (Akai and Yamaha we bought at 70% of retail). Drums have an insane markup; I could go down to 60% depending on the brand and still make a few bucks. This all meant that every two weeks I was guaranteed commission, even during the slow season (January to march).