help: soundforge & MPC drum problems!!!

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I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
i edit drums sounds in soundforge and save them to zip disk to load in my MPC. WHen i load the wav in my MPC 2000XL it sounds VERY differnt. THe pitch is way off and the sound is atleast 8 octives higher. So if i edit a good solid kick in soundfoundry i end up with a freakin congo sound in my MPC .

What funny is that things work fine the other way around, if i save a wav(kick or snar) on my MPC and load it in soundfoundry it sounds normal. Its when i try to transfer from soundfondry to MPC is when i have the problems

Whats going on?? Is it the bitrate?? am i doing something wrong?? please help



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
keep your sample rates 16 bit 44kHz, if you take 22khz for instance it will sound twice as fast to make it 44khz. Other issues are formats, keep your disks at fat32 instead of ntfs ( if working on XP ).

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i use soundforge too but i sample them out of there into my mpc or sp after that.... its a little more time but they end up sounding better


The Ripper
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
like formant said most likely its your sample rate. why don`t you just sample the kick straight in to the mpc instead of saving it to disk in soundforge then loading it into the mpc?