

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Wow! Unbelievable...I signed the petition. Nothing has changed in America......racism is alive and growing stronger IMO. If this is a Democracy Iraq should keep fighting to not go down the road that this country is on. The shit leads to nowhere. Sad Sad Sad.


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Petition signed.
The net is definitely becoming more effective at telling people of events than the major media is. My guess is in two to three days you will see this story on national news, it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Okay after having now watched it I just forwarded the link and a letter to every major tv news network in the US.
IE: ABC (who may sue me according to their submission "note") NBC , CBS.
and I mean every show on those networks that cover news in any form.
Next : the cable networks... I encourage yall to do the same.

K foxnews , no surprise, sux cuz you have to know individuals email addresses to send them shit so as I have always believed FUCK THEM, theyll get it off the other guys..
Hope it helps...

Letter said:

This is about the Jena 6 , if you have not seen this then do so ..
The media went on and on about the Duke Lacross players for over a year and the AG lost his job ,license and maybe his freedom over it...
What has been done to help these poor kids?
Why isn't this being covered?
There is enough drama to make it a story since thats what seems to drive "news" nowadays.
I CANNOT believe in 2007 such an egregious
violation of civil rights can be occurring here in the US and there is no outrage from the press!
This is unbelievable....
BTW Im a 35 year old white male if that makes any difference to anyone , with strong ties to the African American community.
I think that its time that someone in the press picked up on this and made it known whats going on down there.
Do the right thing look into this and help these kids out by telling people what kind of Justice exists in the good ol USA.
Thank you for your time,Ill be watching to see you do the right thing,
Luca Brasi aka the Bastard
Boston MA
PS listen to Illmuzikradio on Illmuzik.com

nah I didnt put that last lines..lol


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
very nice Idea Relic, i believe it's action like yours that creates change. if one hundred people from around the world were too send the new media these letters then it might get attention and could save lives and create major change that could even effect presidential elections. This topic is not covered because of racist motives and a fear of broadcast supervisors have that they might lose their jobs. We all know that all of these Broadcast stations are owned by a handfull of white men that would become very nervous if the power-hungry "white" grip on America were lost. We are humanity

It's amazing how innocent everyone of us on the planet once was a a child and even more amazing how the innocence becomes mutated because of physical, worldly, addictive, and unattainable sensations or pleasures.

There is a universal pattern to all of this


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Thats true little kids dont really notice races and shit...Not to the point they give a crap..
That shit is taught.

This was on a related post on a related video:

We are flooding these official's phones with calls, please do the same to support these kids and their families Also contact Jena mayor Murphy McMillan as neither he nor the City Council of Jena has lifted a finger of protest against this travesty of justice that we are aware of:
Murphy McMillan, Mayor
To contact District Attorney Reed Walters directly:
Parish of LaSalle: District Attorney's Office


I say call em.

Oh yeah and check this vid out lol, I like this kid

open mind

fuck dat! when will the ignorance stop?

the dude on the vid is bringin some real talk!


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
fuck dat! when will the ignorance stop?

the dude on the vid is bringin some real talk!

Thats the only way white America will listen...if someone from there on race brings it to the light. I'm a 70's baby so I experienced plenty of racism. But I am also smart enough to know that racism is a "tool" used to fool all races. It fools white people into thinking they are ferior to all, when people of color (black, latino, oriental, arab, etc) are tricked into thinking they are inferior to whites. What we need to do to end racism is let the chidren play and dont bother um. Dont call them inside when their friends of color or their white friends come over to play and interact with them. The problem is that we as adults fuck our kids heads up with our views on different races of people, and most of the time we dont even have to say shit...they see it in our actions. We need to wake up and stop the hate and quit falling victum to the "Willie Lynch" syndrome that the "powers that be" set up in the days of slavery.

open mind

Thats the only way white America will listen...if someone from there on race brings it to the light. I'm a 70's baby so I experienced plenty of racism. But I am also smart enough to know that racism is a "tool" used to fool all races. It fools white people into thinking they are ferior to all, when people of color (black, latino, oriental, arab, etc) are tricked into thinking they are inferior to whites. What we need to do to end racism is let the chidren play and dont bother um. Dont call them inside when their friends of color or their white friends come over to play and interact with them. The problem is that we as adults fuck our kids heads up with our views on different races of people, and most of the time we dont even have to say shit...they see it in our actions. We need to wake up and stop the hate and quit falling victum to the "Willie Lynch" syndrome that the "powers that be" set up in the days of slavery.

thats some real talk homie.at the end of the day WE are the people! we have the power to change things and we should start on our self before blaming the others that was some of the realest shit i ever read in the interent respect skid!


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
thats some real talk homie.at the end of the day WE are the people! we have the power to change things and we should start on our self before blaming the others that was some of the realest shit i ever read in the interent respect skid!

Yeah dog, I def see through the bullshit. I teach my kids that there are "devils" in all races of people. You just have to be smart enough to recognize the "horns"and stay clear. The bad thing about it is that I been fighting ignorance all my life and beleive me...YOU CANT BEAT IT. The best thing you can do is change yourself and train yourself to only affiliate yourself around positive people. THATS WHY I'M HERE AT ILLMUZIK DADDY!

open mind

Yeah dog, I def see through the bullshit. I teach my kids that there are "devils" in all races of people. You just have to be smart enough to recognize the "horns"and stay clear. The bad thing about it is that I been fighting ignorance all my life and beleive me...YOU CANT BEAT IT. The best thing you can do is change yourself and train yourself to only affiliate yourself around positive people. THATS WHY I'M HERE AT ILLMUZIK DADDY!

i see.
u know what? even if its just one motherfuckin mind that can be enlightend its was worth the fight!!!!!!

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