How Do You guys feel about topics being Locked all the time?



Even when its not out of hand its just a debate the topic gets locked. I think the mods get lock happy. I can see some topics but debating is a part of life. Why are so many topics locked during a disagreement? It leaves things open and un finished. Even if there may be no end in site. Big deal. It doesnt clutter up the board. Just dont read it if you dont want to. This board should be more free of locking topics like the outkast one and several others that have been locked and people have not had a chance to respond.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
The reason that we lock certain threads are for different reasons. Some are because we can see that they WILL get out of hand, so locking them will prevent that. Others are simply stupid, so they get locked. And yes, it's very easy for the forum to get cluttered if there's no moderating. Even if people don't want to read the thread, it's still there and us mods have to go through everything which takes a long time.

Now stop bitching or I'll close this. LOL. ;)


Yeah Forums get cluttered with useless posts but posts with alot of replys means they are interested and should not be locked. Even if arguments have erupted inside.


IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Some of the posts, even though people may be interested in them, are nothing but clutter. Especially the 'which one is better' or 'what is your favorite thingy etc.'

They go ON and ON and ON for days, people forget about them for a while, then someone new comes in and replies to 15 them with "Yo, ima fellin u forrealz LOL holla" to get their posts up, and the whole cycle starts again.

I for one am glad that some of them get shut down, it becomes tiring having to dig through 50+ posts at night to only find that 3 or 4 of them actually have to do with HIP HOP PRODUCTION.

Take care,



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Exactly. Beatoff, what you have to realize is that if a topic has a lot of replies, most of the time a big percentage of those replies are actual clutter. Like Vitaminman just said, some people will reply to a topic just to get their posts up and don't actually contribute to the conversation.

Bottom line is, we don't just close a thread because we "feel like it". If we ever close something, it's for a good reason.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
this is a useless argument, u cant win, now we just wait for copenhagen to throw in his nickel and wait for his three pennies change back so he can close this "forrealz anybody feelin me son???"


LOL, I that bad?
Our only concern is really just to keep this site clean, clutter free and worth reading. Also, remember, we go through each and every post on here...and we do all this to prevent the site from turning into many of these other forums where the mods are on constant vacation...and the forums are filled with stupid threads, constant disses etc etc. Members might not enjoy all of the rules but our understanding is that in general they do, especially from the compliments we don't see that in many other forums.
In regards to e.g. the Outkast thread, it had gone on for ages and everything had really been said and no new contribution was really made.
Also, we feel the endless lists of "what's your favourite donut" and "how many wear wifebeaters?" are pointless, people just reply with short non-contributing responses or just write a list without giving any reasons as to why they have chosen as they did...we leave them because it seems that some people like them but when people start repeating choices etc, we close them...
Anyway, we want to please the general crowd of members in here, so if everybody has good arguements to what we could do better and why we shouldn't lock these's you chance.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
whats your favorite donut...thats classic
nah cope u know me the sarcastic bastard of illmuzik,but yeah u r that, your the illmuzik guilitine.haha u play yur part and i play mine, its a wonderfulworld.peace.


Muzik Militant
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
To that clutter thing and people trying to get their post up...I had 620 somthing post and all off a sudden I'm down to 600????Really no big deal to me with over 600 post you can take 2 or 300 away from me and I wouldn't care as long as I'm heard I'm fine..I know somtimes I post 4 or 5 word replies so it's no big deal to me just thinkin trough my fingers right's really not a problem


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
The reason why your posts went down is because everyone's posts went down. Every so often I clean out really old useless threads, so that's why.


hahaha its all good. Dont mean to stir nothing up here. Just wanted to ask. This is the best production forum i've been to with not too many people and alot of arguments. I used to post over at rapmusic dot com but that site is full of beef.

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