How many songs shoujld I put on a Beat CD Demo?


ill o.g.

How many songs? Im not just gonna put 4 of course like a regular edemo...

15? 20? 25? What yall think?
ill o.g.
Id say 10. 25 is a lot. And if somebody cant tell in 10 that they need you, they probly dont need you (i dont mean you in particular, im sayin you as in the demo maker). If you only put a couple they dont gotta pick through as many tracks, and there gonna like that.


ill o.g.
i have been told by people who have done this alot to only put in your tightest shit and less is more. You want to make sure if they only play one track (any one track) it will be tight.

Also if your sending it to tv station etc. places that will put in in their library make sure you put your details on the spine !! (gives you a much better chance of a listen)

hope this helps


ill o.g.
Thx guys, But i was really referring to sending it to a RECORD COMPANY... Like a independent company as a producers demo, not trying to actually sell beats to someone....

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
^^ if thats the case and ur trying to be there producer/ beat lackie then u need to show them how flexible you are so send them a good number

If ur not trying to sell ur services then why even submit?


ill o.g.
Nnxt said:
^^ if thats the case and ur trying to be there producer/ beat lackie then u need to show them how flexible you are so send them a good number

If ur not trying to sell ur services then why even submit?


Im just not sending it to a RAPPPER directly for him to buy...

sending a rapper some beats and sending something to a a&r are 2 different things...

I'd send 50 beats to a rapper, because they are the ones who are going to buy it, and they prob have a lil more time...

But an A&r doesent have that much time and just need to see if Im any good to forward the cd to the rapper

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
^^ ok welll i can tell you from experience if ur sending beats to an Anr he isnt going to be listening to them because he wont be making the Albums.. the Producer, the Artist will be the ones picking the beats .. thats on the Real tip..he may listen to a few things after that its hittin the producer bro.. and i've been in Meetings Playing 20 beats for Labels and only get 4 excepted ok.. im tellin you your going to need to send a GOOD BUNCH especially to a record Company/ Label because they want a good Selection...and Since you dont have any good portfolio on ALBUMS you gotta have alot to Show

U send in 10-15 beats coo.. they will hear em if they hear and go .. hmm ok thats all he has next.. remember ur not the only one sending shit in.. Now if u have relationship or a connection then yes i can send in 10 beats and be iight

no bullshit 1st impression is everything


ill o.g.
Nnxt said:
^^ ok welll i can tell you from experience if ur sending beats to an Anr he isnt going to be listening to them because he wont be making the Albums.. the Producer, the Artist will be the ones picking the beats .. thats on the Real tip..he may listen to a few things after that its hittin the producer bro.. and i've been in Meetings Playing 20 beats for Labels and only get 4 excepted ok.. im tellin you your going to need to send a GOOD BUNCH especially to a record Company/ Label because they want a good Selection...and Since you dont have any good portfolio on ALBUMS you gotta have alot to Show

U send in 10-15 beats coo.. they will hear em if they hear and go .. hmm ok thats all he has next.. remember ur not the only one sending shit in.. Now if u have relationship or a connection then yes i can send in 10 beats and be iight

no bullshit 1st impression is everything

I think I feel where you're coming from... Im gonna send like 20 - 22 you think thats cool?

And dawg do u have aim? JutTG316 hit me up fam

Equality 7-2521

you guys need to understand that if your going to send in a demo to a record lable, the a & r is going to throw your shit in the bin unless he hears something he likes straight away. the a & r aint got time to even fuck with listening to entire tracks.

take 15 second snippets of your 4 best/catchiest songs (generally the choruses) and cross fade them into each other to form a 1 minute track. this should be the first track on the cd.

track two should be the full version of your best song.

this is all you need to put on your initial demo. you must have other music in reserve that you can send to the a & r should they contact you asking for more of your work. feed them two full songs at a time untill your on board.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
You should put 5 beats if you're shopping it to labels. No intro, 8 bars of the beat then an 8 bar hook.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
DOnt waste ur time sending in your shit, sorry man it aint gonna happen,

A&R's and record companies dont listen to unsolicated material, i dont care how tight your shit is they wont touch it unless it directly from your lawyer or manager.

Also when u shop beats of any kind u shouldent put anymore then 10 beats on a cd. Anything more then that is overloading the listener



Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
classic said:
DOnt waste ur time sending in your shit, sorry man it aint gonna happen,

A&R's and record companies dont listen to unsolicated material, i dont care how tight your shit is they wont touch it unless it directly from your lawyer or manager.

Also when u shop beats of any kind u shouldent put anymore then 10 beats on a cd. Anything more then that is overloading the listener

Actually, alot of them do listen. Ive kept in touch with a couple that hit me up for beats now and then. You'd be suprised. But you gotta find the a&r directly, dont bother sending ya shit to the label's main office duke.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Quick Question out of Everyone that responded who besides me has actually has Actually had shit placed with a Label

Im just wanting to know who's going off experience here .. Equality's technique i dunno i've heard shit like that before but that can vary ..then again i aint never left a Cd with a labels my manager or sometimes my manager and i would walk into the label(s) have a Meeting and Push play for them

and yes dont send if there not expecting it.. gotta build the relationship 1st.

that kid

Keep Diggin'
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
i'd go wid 10 to 15 of your best shit make it like a beat Lp rather then a demo. start the cd wid a banger and end it wid a banger. people remember mostly the last thing they heard in detail. as the first track will make them listen to the rest of ya cd.....- that kid

Last Laugh Ent." LoL".


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Yo, if they actually pop ya cd in to listen to it, if you dont catch em in the first 15 seconds, then its wrap. Fuck the other 14 beats ya got on there, they wont even bother past the 1st one. And most a&r's dont have the time to listen to 15 beats even if they are feelin ya shit.


ill o.g.
Aight thx for the advice guys... Ill go back and redo the cd, maybe put 15 - 20 instead of 23

oh, and some labels DO LISTEN to shit.. I'll take what they say over what yall may THINK... Im not sending shit to no majors or nothin


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Jut said:
Aight thx for the advice guys... Ill go back and redo the cd, maybe put 15 - 20 instead of 23

oh, and some labels DO LISTEN to shit.. I'll take what they say over what yall may THINK... Im not sending shit to no majors or nothin

im not speaking from hear say , im speaking from experince i have sent my stuff to a number of lables(indie and major's) and have number of close friends in the busniess. Most of the times, lables will not take stuff unless its coming from a manager or someone in the industry. If they listen to your CD without proper representation that can make them liable for a number of things. I have experinced this first hand on numberious occsions, thats why my goal right now isent to shop beats( i have plenty). Its very dicculty to shop beats to serious lables or artists without a decent manager or some sort of respesentation. Also the fact that ur mailing stuff makes things a little harder since people tend to go on face to face interaction or word of mouth. Have u seen the amount of CD's even small indie labes get in the mail???

Again i cant speak for every situtaion casue i aint everywhere at once, im just giving my experince, which is what u asked for anyway.

Do you regardless...


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