How to hook up Oxygen 8 in FL 3, or 4.


ill o.g.
Whaddup ya'll,
I been desperate to use for my keyboard for about 2 weeks now. I tried to hook it up to Acid Pro 4.0, no luck. ( If anyone can help with Acid that'll be cool. ) I did not try in FL yet, I just need some step intructions before I do it because I do not want vst ( unless really required. ) *All I want to do is take a bassline wav. file and just play that bass tone out into a bassline in FL 3, or 4. Thats all I want to do. I don't need no synths or anything. I just want to play wav. files out. Drums, kicks, hihats, bassline etc. Please help me out ya'll. * Thanks. - Hy


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
go into settings->control_panel->Sounds & Audio devices and click on the audio tab. At the very bottom you can select your keyboard to activate it.

If you already did that then use fl until your get more familiar with how it works. Open Fl and go into settings and select the midi keyboard.

Is your computer recogonizing it in the audio/control panel?


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
What it is, is that the keyboard is actually a controller that plays soundfonts and wavs from the sounds/soundfonts that comes with FL or ones that you have downloaded yourself. So you won't have to import them, just make sure you go into settings (within FL) and select the Oxygen Midi Keyboard. Jus mess around with it and become more familiar with it. That technique combined with sample'ing (time stretching) and making great percussions equal to vast possibilities.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
you still have to send the midi messages, even thru usb. in the settings make sure the channel in your fruity is the same as the one on the keyboard. you may have to edit the midi messages. you may even be able to download templates for fruity at the keyboard website.