Howd you get your first sampler

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ill o.g.
Howd you save up for one? Theyre all like 1k and I think that you need some extra shit like a 8/16 track recorder w/ em to save wht you make. Did you kill or rob someone or wht? I heard djin is a good way but ehh inno. A couple ppl i kno also said that makin beats and sellin them on myspace or whtvr with keyboards is also a nice way to get money for em. So yeah im jus wonderin cuz i want one by next year.


ill o.g.
lol yeah i have no prob gettin cracked software but recycle pisses me off cuz it lacks timestretch/shrink capabilities with samples.


ill o.g.
cracked version of acid 2.0 and soundforge


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
what? Recycle IS time compression/ expansion. Every other time bending software is based off of recycles slice concept.

yUP.. tis true!

My first sampler was... Reason lol i sold crack rocks all summer and saved every penny. and then coped it. Muanhahahaha

The Bastard

i used my financial aid refund from school to get my first mpc

Carpe Diem

Started on Fruity, moved onto Reason, saved a little from previous 12" releases and now got enough for my MPC 2000XL


ill o.g.
actually, y'all a witness to me saying: I just got my first hardware sampler today 22.03.2007!
AKAI MPC 500 is under my fingertips right now! Congrat me fam! For the question: I sold my DJ equipment, but before I did, I recorded every single record my dad and mom had in the house worth recording.


ill o.g.
got kicked outta 2 colleges and ended up working 7 days a week at my dads gas station. Saved up all that money and finally bought a korg ES1 mkII, then a SP808ex to use as a multitrack and then the 2000xl, Korg ESX, Sampletrak, Yamaha su700, sp 505, a busted ass RS7000, and the worst machinery ever made, the MV 8000.
ill o.g.
tell me if this is right or not this could have have been my first hardware sampler....I started with FL....anyways my boi had a roland sp808 and he bought it for 300 and was going to sell it to me for 250 it was cool because it was hardware but at the same time it only is 4 tracks soo thats kick,snare,hihat,bass soo I have a condenser mic that he wants its worth 200, soo I told him I would trade him the mic for the sp and he says naw i'll sell u the sp for 200 plus the mic...I said HELL!!!! NAW thats a rip off 4 track recorder vs a mic hecks naw....hes smokin wut u guys think but that would have been my first hardware sampler soo im not gettin off topic


ill o.g.
FL Studio 5.0.. Just saved up for a bit and went with the "Producer's Edition"... working on gettin my first hardware sample (MPC 2500) by the end of this summer. It's good to start with a cheap sampler to (a) make sure you have a passion for it and (b) if you can make something hot without needing the best equipment, you know you can make it...



ill o.g.
tell me if this is right or not this could have have been my first hardware sampler....I started with FL....anyways my boi had a roland sp808 and he bought it for 300 and was going to sell it to me for 250 it was cool because it was hardware but at the same time it only is 4 tracks soo thats kick,snare,hihat,bass soo I have a condenser mic that he wants its worth 200, soo I told him I would trade him the mic for the sp and he says naw i'll sell u the sp for 200 plus the mic...I said HELL!!!! NAW thats a rip off 4 track recorder vs a mic hecks naw....hes smokin wut u guys think but that would have been my first hardware sampler soo im not gettin off topic

yah, one of these was my second big music purchase...the four tracks thing is kind of limiting but you can bounce down to one track internally or resample four track stems back down to the pads so it's not as bad as it sounds.

I saved for awhile to get one of those back around 2000 when they were around $800 retail.
I worked at a deli (full time) and lived with some coke heads who wanted only $280/month rent with a friend so I only owed $140 a month.


One Word...job, Lol Sike Nah Just Save Up Man Or Do What I Did.. Layaway!!!