I hate cops...

Steel Side

ill o.g.
I remember somebody talkin bout suspended licenses like a week ago. Check this out...

I'm on my way home from work, right. I see some flares up ahead of me, and don't really think much of 'em. Well, it just happened to be 2 dudes broke down just before a light. ok. Normally I wouldn't give a fuck, but I ended up pullin up right next to them at a red light. His passenger window was down, so I asked if they needed a phone.

They said naw kid, we need a jump. I got cables in the trunk, and I know how it is to need a jump. So I got soft and decided to be a good samaritan and help out.

Long story short, I give 'em a jump, they pull off, I'm sittin' at the light ready to make a left turn. Light turns green. I start to turn. Outta nowhere comes jake. They would have been sittin across the road facin me goin straight. I make my left and lights, lights, fuckin blinding lights.

Here's the thick. My license is suspended, baby-momma drama,I have no insurance, and as a result, my tags are dead. I call my girl and I'm like, "I'm goin to jail. Hit the stash and come bail me out."

Yo comes up to the car, da da da... "Good thing is you're not going to jail. You're gonna get 3 tickets for failure to yeild at a GREEN light, and driving on a suspended license." They took my keys, and waited for my ride.

I still gotta go to court and pay fines, so I don't think I'll be coppin that tascam fw-1884 I talk about so much as soon as I thought.

I knew they would get me sooner or later, but I wasn't expectin that.

Fuck bein nice. If you stranded on the side of the road, from now on, FUCK YOU. Wait for jake.

The bible says when you bring joy to others, the lord blesses you. Well tonight, the lord definetly worked in a mysterious way.

And yes, I'm sure the kids I helped weren't undercover.

Hey fade, how about a 2000XL for bein good and gettin fucked. lol


ill o.g.
YOu never know Yo when I look back at shit now and ask why did God do this too me and that too me I think everything happen for a Reason .

Basically I'm a Hardcore Drinker I Often use to Drive Drunk alot One day I crashed into a Tree . The thing is I had my Licsense Exam booked in the Next 2 days .

I only had my Learners Permit but my Moms Trusted me too Drive

For all I know I woulda got my Licsense and ended up Drivin Drunk and Crashin , Killing myself and ruining my Fam's life .

So Just look at it Like Everything happens for a Reason and you'll come to Grips with it , Thats the only Way I can look at it if not i'd be Real bitter and pissed off

Sorry if Im Rambling or Not Makin Much Sense but It's The day after my B-day and IM real Crunk So Bare wit me .

Steel Side

ill o.g.
Oh, it's all good baby. I know everything happens for a reason.

Coach Carter-(which was a mad inspirational movie)

"Part of being grown is making your own decisions, and living with them."


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
That sucks! You try to help someone and look what happens. 2000? Nah sorry if I could get my hands on one I'd be keeping it for myself.... :drooling:


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
are you taking responsibility for your license and tags and shit. How long were they out? if it was 2 days then i understand but if it's been out for a month then it wouldna happened sooner or later. it's important to make sure you place blame correctly, or you go around never correcting yourself


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
i was arrested for the first time on saturday night on suspicion of criminal damage, i didn't do shit, but i still had to spend a night in a fucking cell... i got off, but everybody said from the start that i didn't do shit, i was in the fucking cell for like 8 hours or sum shit, i had to get a mugshot, mouth swab, finger prints etc. it was a fucking bitch i tell thee... i walk out the fucking police station and it turns out i'm in fucking reigate (miles from my house)

i never really had any beef with police apart from when they stop me just because of what i'm wearing or whatever, but after this night... fuck the police...

The Bastard

Dood I Hate Cops Too,i Cant Pinpoint A Time In My Life When A Cop Has Ever Helped Me Or Anybody I Know


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
the first day i turned 18 i was arrested for assult with a deadly weapon for some bullshit over a beebee gun. 20 hours earlier and i woulda been ok. that why i speak of responsibility.. since then i'm conscious of my actions and their consequences. peace
there are some cool cops though, it's getting better. a decade ago they were basically the enemie.


Monster Music
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
yeah, what pisses me off is that i didn't even get an apology, i really did do nothing and they kept me in a cell for 8/9 hours

Steel Side

ill o.g.
Sorry to hear that Berserk. What's up with that swab shit though. They take your DNA. I don't know if I would be with that. Not without being on trial. That's a definite invasion of rights.


ill o.g.
Steel Side said:
Sorry to hear that Berserk. What's up with that swab shit though. They take your DNA. I don't know if I would be with that. Not without being on trial. That's a definite invasion of rights.

werd man they got ya dna thats bad bizness. they can put you in a "dna Lineup" without u even knowing it.. and if u just so happened to spit in a spot that a couple hours later some 1 got raped in you could be blamed for it. its a stretch i know but stranger things have happened.

damn cops always fucking with people. long story short 1 nite me and 2 my boys infront 1 of they house. (out side his gate) drinking some beers (in bags) D T's roll up.. fine they had a rite to give us a ticket but they wasnt interested in that they just wanted to fuck wit us.. so me and my boy know we clean no warrants nothin on us ( but a small knife my boy had dat was legal and the cop gave back to him) we give em our id they run em praying for warrants.. nope nothin try again buddy. lol.. then my other boy just chillin front the gate,, he never had a beer in his hand they had no reason or legal right to even look @ him let alone search him. but they went over and searched him. digiing in his pockets and stuff. guess what?.. clean.. hahaha i told em : im a city employee just like you and my taxes pay your salary . pulled out my board of ed. employee id. and i dont appreciate you harrasing me and my friends.and basically told em you see me in the street leave me the f alone. . fuck a cop.. i tell em every time they stop me and run my id.. " look you wasting your time and mine you not gone find no warrants and i got better things to do.. " fucking lames..

oh wait and who da fuck are they to tell you where u have a right to be?. i live in queens now but my id still has a brooklyn adress. they tryna tell me " what u doing in queens , go back to broolyn where i live" fuck u


ill o.g.
Similar thing happened to a friend of mine. He got his license suspended and out here in Colorado, Denver has the highest ratio of cars to people, you're f$cked without a car. There is almost no public trasportation offered outside the heart of the city. My boy needs to drive for his job.

Anyways, he's driving home from work and pulls over to help a lady that ran out of gas, he's always got a container of gas in his truckbed for work. A cop pulls up then gets out and asks what's going on. After explaining the cop just smiles and gets back in his car. After my friend gives the lady some gas he starts to drive off when the cop flashes his lights and has him pull back over then takes him to jail.

The city of Aurora right outside Denver is having problems with its police.

A Black dude got tased by police in a restaurant infront of his kids because he had been accused of not paying for a salad.

The police raided a the wrong house and proceeded to kill the Hispanic owner of the house when he defended his home with his rifle. During the whole shootout the police never announced themselves, the family insided really thought their house was being ambushed by thugz.

A mentally challenged Black boy (police were aware the boy was mentally challenged) was shot 5 times in the stomach for brandishing a butter knife at a cop 30 feet away.

A mentally challenged Black woman was shot dead by police for attacking an officer with a candlestick infront of the woman's entire family.

Recently a Black couple were shot outside a Blockbuster by a white male in an apparent argument over a scratch on their car. The police refuse to press charges against the white male citing the shooting was in self-defense. Which is fine because according to witnesses the Black man who was killed did start punching the white guy and struck him over the head with something a "pipe" like item. The problem is that the wife of the black man was shot in the chest multiple times as she sat in the car calling 911, the attack on her was unprovoked according to witnesses.

All of this has happened in light of the police having a white convicted rapist turn himself in and confess to multiple killings and rapes only to be released by the police because they couldn't believe they guy could harm a fly. The man went on to rape 3 other women and killing one other.

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