I hate to say it, but why do people want it so easy!?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
This is in regaurds to Musical Knowledge and the Sources of which we draw from as "Sample Artists" to make a new song thats "Original".

Ive seen it time and time again....

Cats wanna just sample some other beatmakers drums just cuz that snare is tight or whatever.....to me thats shameless......I cant even believe its come to that, where now people dont even dig, they just bite the newest popular shit thats out on the radio now...Shit! - Thats the whole point of digging and respecting the source of which you took the sample in the first place. People dont really do that anymore. (Im just stating what i notice these days) Alota people dont even know what it is they sample, they just do it and call it theirs. Thats shit when u think of it. I mean, wheres the repsect??? At least enjoy that record that gave u that incredible sample and respect where it came from first and what it took to create that piece in the first place. Maybe even learn a little about it and understand why the artist made that music the way he/she did in the 1st place. lol...And i kno cats are frownin right now, saying "ahhhh fuck this cat!".....But thats sorry dog if thats the case, not cuz yer offending me homie, but because your diminishing the artist that helped make your joint hot - cuz we all know that without that sample yer shit just would never be the same. I dunno, i just hope that the artform doesnt completly bite the dust and mutate into something wrong cuz i see from time to time and its lookin like its already got dirt kicked on it. :(


Equality 7-2521


i must admit i almost wet my pants with laughter every time i see that ad at the top "just blaze kicks" "neptunes snares" etc haha. fuckin rediculous. but i understand its there not just because people buy into that shit but also as a business move on illmuzik's part....so im not sayin it shouldnt be there.

but yeah its fuckin wack how people just bite. you cant really do anything about it though steez. i reckon it must be because they dont actually like music in general, they just wanna make a hot loop and get their props etc. they dont really give a shit about the fact that the music they make is merely a variation of what has already been done for years and years prior. in the end they can do what they want. but it just goes to show the depth to which the are actually interested in music as a whole.

ps did you get my messages about the drums n shit?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
I understand what you cats are saying and I sample sounds I like from everywhere. And I will admit I have sampled a kick and snare from a beat Kanye made but, I do dig as well. I just know that hip-hop started of manipulating already recorded music in the beginning. Ya know, making the funky break in that one song longer so the b-boys could get nuts with it. So, sampling, in a way, has always been the backbone of hip-hop. So, IMO, where you sample it from is trivial. The beat maker sampled it in the first place so, what difference does it make? Just because he dug and found it, if he is sampling, then he will be a subject of sampling as well. What goes around, comes around. Besides, sampling is a form of flattery anyway and I don't see that any harm has been done. Peace!


ill o.g.
DueceMade Ent. said:
This is in regaurds to Musical Knowledge and the Sources of which we draw from as "Sample Artists" to make a new song thats "Original".

Ive seen it time and time again....

Cats wanna just sample some other beatmakers drums just cuz that snare is tight or whatever.....to me thats shameless......I cant even believe its come to that, where now people dont even dig, they just bite the newest popular shit thats out on the radio now...Shit! - Thats the whole point of digging and respecting the source of which you took the sample in the first place. People dont really do that anymore. (Im just stating what i notice these days) Alota people dont even know what it is they sample, they just do it and call it theirs. Thats shit when u think of it. I mean, wheres the repsect??? At least enjoy that record that gave u that incredible sample and respect where it came from first and what it took to create that piece in the first place. Maybe even learn a little about it and understand why the artist made that music the way he/she did in the 1st place. lol...And i kno cats are frownin right now, saying "ahhhh fuck this cat!".....But thats sorry dog if thats the case, not cuz yer offending me homie, but because your diminishing the artist that helped make your joint hot - cuz we all know that without that sample yer shit just would never be the same. I dunno, i just hope that the artform doesnt completly bite the dust and mutate into something wrong cuz i see from time to time and its lookin like its already got dirt kicked on it. :(


Why is it so shameless to sample something that is tight? If you like it and think it will do your beat justice, then use it. You are saying a beat without the sample used in it wouldn't be tight. Duh. That's why you used the sample in the first place because you knew that you could make a tight beat around it. That's like saying the Bulls wouldn't have been good without Jordan and Pippen or the Laker's wouldn't have been good without Shaq and Kobe. That's obvious.
I don't think samplin is about respecting the original artist. To me, it's about flipping it in a way the original artist never thought possible. Believe or not, if it is hot, you will have to respect the artist just to clear the sample by paying them.
I just think people look to deep into sampling. You make music because it is fun. You pick and choose different elements because you like them and it's hot. If you wanna sit back, respect the artist, and do a bio on them before you sample their music, than you might as well not sample it. You might as well just stay a fan and leave it at that.

Equality 7-2521

dude you completely misunderstood steez (i believe). hes not saying you shouldnt sample. hes just saying that the beat digging culture is more than jacking a sample and looping it. most diggers who actually love digging are not just interested in finding samples ya see.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Its wack to sample something just cuz its tight. Nigga if you aint find it yaself, then fuck it. Id be mad as hell if i found out some lazy "producer" sampled a kick or snare that i found and eq'ed myself just cuz he liked it. Naaaaaaaah man.


ill o.g.
cleverwon said:
Its wack to sample something just cuz its tight. Nigga if you aint find it yaself, then fuck it. Id be mad as hell if i found out some lazy "producer" sampled a kick or snare that i found and eq'ed myself just cuz he liked it. Naaaaaaaah man.

What you just said doesn't make any sense. You are saying that it is ok to sample someone else's music, but it is not ok to sample your stuff because you took the time to eq it. WHAT??? Someone took the time to eq and master the stuff that you are samplin.
If you feel that way then you need to purchase a drum set, play and record a kick, and then eq it.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
jclay12345 said:
What you just said doesn't make any sense. You are saying that it is ok to sample someone else's music, but it is not ok to sample your stuff because you took the time to eq it. WHAT??? Someone took the time to eq and master the stuff that you are samplin.
If you feel that way then you need to purchase a drum set, play and record a kick, and then eq it.
Dog, if youre sampling something original its one thing. Sampling something that another producer already tweaked and eq'ed for their own is completely different. Glad i could clear that up for you.


ill o.g.
cleverwon said:
Dog, if youre sampling something original its one thing. Sampling something that another producer already tweaked and eq'ed for their own is completely different. Glad i could clear that up for you.

You are not understanding what I am saying. If you are sampling, NOTHING IS ORIGINAL. It is all something that at some point a producer tweaked for his or her own enjoyment.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
jclay12345 said:
You are not understanding what I am saying. If you are sampling, NOTHING IS ORIGINAL. It is all something that at some point a producer tweaked for his or her own enjoyment.
I feel your point, BUT hip hop was created via sampling cuz niggas couldnt play instruments. Soooooooooo, my point is if youre gonna be a producer and your gonna sample then at least create youre own library. Dont be a lazy ass and use whatever another producer did already. If thats how you feel, then dont bother producing and just listen to other producer's beats. Then you wont have to change anything of theirs, you can just pop in their cd. Im not lazy when it comes to producing but i guess, actually i KNOW people who claim to be producers and steal primo's drums, or dre's snares straight off of an album and shit like that. To each his own i guess.


ill o.g.
cleverwon said:
I feel your point, BUT hip hop was created via sampling cuz niggas couldnt play instruments. Soooooooooo, my point is if youre gonna be a producer and your gonna sample then at least create youre own library. Dont be a lazy ass and use whatever another producer did already. If thats how you feel, then dont bother producing and just listen to other producer's beats. Then you wont have to change anything of theirs, you can just pop in their cd. Im not lazy when it comes to producing but i guess, actually i KNOW people who claim to be producers and steal primo's drums, or dre's snares straight off of an album and shit like that. To each his own i guess.

I feel what you are saying too, but to an extent. Just like how you said people sampled because they could not play instruments, people take other people's drums because they don't know how to eq their own. It's not because they are lazy. I have drums from everywhere. I don't like sticking to the same 5 or 10 drums sounds. That's what makes producers sound the same to me. Like if you hear a Dre beat, you know it is a Dre beat because of how the drums sound. I want to be different. I don't want people to know it is a JClay beat until they read it in the credits or my name is mentioned. I have drum sounds from everywhere. Some from different keyboards, some from other producers. When I make a beat, I have in my head how I want each drum sound to hit. If that particular song calls for a Dre clap, then I will use a Dre clap. My point is, you can't down people for samplin period because like you said, hip hop was created via sampling. Everyone just has their own methods.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
jclay12345 said:
I feel what you are saying too, but to an extent. Just like how you said people sampled because they could not play instruments, people take other people's drums because they don't know how to eq their own. It's not because they are lazy. I have drums from everywhere. I don't like sticking to the same 5 or 10 drums sounds. That's what makes producers sound the same to me. Like if you hear a Dre beat, you know it is a Dre beat because of how the drums sound. I want to be different. I don't want people to know it is a JClay beat until they read it in the credits or my name is mentioned. I have drum sounds from everywhere. Some from different keyboards, some from other producers. When I make a beat, I have in my head how I want each drum sound to hit. If that particular song calls for a Dre clap, then I will use a Dre clap. My point is, you can't down people for samplin period because like you said, hip hop was created via sampling. Everyone just has their own methods.
Yea but come on, how hard is to eq? Really. If you cant figure that out, then i think you got bigger issues. I wasnt downing people about sampling. I was saying it about people who take something that another producer has done because they like it or are too lazy to create their own.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
this touches on a bigger issue

U have touched on a bigger issue

95% of cats out there have no talent, so they will countiue to follow trends and imatate something else instead of being orginal. These cats will countine by neptune and Dre drum kits and try to imate other peoples styles. These are the same cats who are to lazy to create their own music, they jack a 4 bar loop and call it theirs.


ill o.g.
cleverwon said:
Yea but come on, how hard is to eq? Really. If you cant figure that out, then i think you got bigger issues. I wasnt downing people about sampling. I was saying it about people who take something that another producer has done because they like it or are too lazy to create their own.

I feel you but everyone is different. Honestly, I barely eq drums. Usually I can find the sound that is matched in my head out of the drums that I already stolen from various places. Also what is easy for you, may not be easy for others.


ill o.g.
classic said:
U have touched on a bigger issue

95% of cats out there have no talent, so they will countiue to follow trends and imatate something else instead of being orginal. These cats will countine by neptune and Dre drum kits and try to imate other peoples styles. These are the same cats who are to lazy to create their own music, they jack a 4 bar loop and call it theirs.

On this I disagree too. People follow trends because it is a proven formula. If someone comes to me and says JClay, I want a beat that is like Lil Jon's. I will pay you $1000 to do it. Guess what I'm going to do. I'm going to make a beat like Lil Jon. That wouldn't make me any less talented. You are saying that 95% of cats are talentless, but who is the judge? There is stuff even on here that I am not feeling, but a lot of other people are. That doesn't make the musician less talented because I don't feel the music. That just means that I don't like it. It's even producers in the game that I am not feeling, but they have platinum hits. Again that does not mean that they are talentless. Music is a form of creative expression. If you are used to jammin Lil Jon style beats in your car, why not see if you can make one. It is what you like. I agree it is wrong to try a just constantly bite other people's style, but you gotta start from somewhere. I don't think that is being lazy and I don't think that is being talentless.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
there is a differnce between using other peoples styles and adding your own flava and blantenly biteing somebody

My main influences are orginazed noise, you can here it in my beats. Thats fine casue even though my style borrows a little from theirs, i have my own flava.

If i sit there and just copy lil john beats all day for money(which i could do if i wanted) that shit is wack and shows a lack of creativity on my part.

And yes like it out not 95% of hip hop producers out their do not have talent.

What do
pete rock, kanye west, JD, just blaze, organized noise, DRE, hi-teck, madlib, DJ preimere, timberland and lil john all have in common.

Their own style


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
umm honestly cant this be applied to sampling as a whole? why is it any more disrespectful to "steal" the drum hit from producer x after he put all that time into searching for it, eq'in it, shapin it....then it was for producer x to sample the recording, engineering, compression, etc from the original recording?

dont get me wrong, i understand the argument at hand, but realistically... its like mc's who bite other mc's lines- but what about all the interpolations of old songs and phrases from sources outside of hip hop that get thrown into hip hop songs..... why is one more wrong then the other?

i mean.... hey i guess i can be in this category, cause i just took a kick and snare off of a cappadonna cd, the "milk this cow" drums from rza.... now i am sure he got them from somewhere himself.... so i took something that he likely took from somebody else, right? so if it was cool for him to take it, why isnt it coolk for me to take what he took from someone else? why do i need to spend a lot of time to learn about the guy who i got it from? why do i need to learn why he made the record to begin with? what does it change? how does that change/effect the way that i plan on using it? i doubt if the rza did that.. i'd bet money he found some sweet drums and thought... "these are nice, i'm takin these", and thought nothing of it, same as i did...

i dont by the whole "if it werent for that sample, your song would be missing something"

well, isnt that also applicable to sampling as a whole? if it werent for the people who: wrote the music, played the music, recorded the music, engineered the music, and pressed it up..... the rza would have never made that beat that i took the drum hits from.... right?


ill o.g.
classic said:
there is a differnce between using other peoples styles and adding your own flava and blantenly biteing somebody

My main influences are orginazed noise, you can here it in my beats. Thats fine casue even though my style borrows a little from theirs, i have my own flava.

If i sit there and just copy lil john beats all day for money(which i could do if i wanted) that shit is wack and shows a lack of creativity on my part.

And yes like it out not 95% of hip hop producers out their do not have talent.

What do
pete rock, kanye west, JD, just blaze, organized noise, DRE, hi-teck, madlib, DJ preimere, timberland and lil john all have in common.

Their own style


I see that we just see things differently. Because I think it shows creativity. For you to make a beat just like somebody else but they didn't make it. That's tight to me. For someone to be able to make any style beat possible, they are talented in my eyes. Also I don't think you can make a Lil Jon beat. CHALLEENNNNGEEE!!!

Also what does Jazze Phe and HiTek have in common? They don't have a style, but a lot of industry people pay good money for their production.

And also, I agree with Cold Truth.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
jclay12345 said:
Also what does Jazze Phe and HiTek have in common? They don't have a style, but a lot of industry people pay good money for their production.
If you mean that you cant tell they produced a beat, then i have to disagree. Is that what you mean?