I'm Sorry


ill o.g.
I wanted to apologize for my "disruptive" behavior this past week. I strongly beleive that the Hip Hop community needs more dialog regarding race/politics/religion and many other pressing issues that effect our communities.

Politics/Race played a huge role in the decision to rule against Biz Markie regarding sample usage.

Religion specifically the "Supreme Wisdom", highly influences the same rappers that recieve high regards by every member of this site.

I know Illmuzik is full of intelligent and productive individuals that can garner change. As Hip Hop heads our responsibilities travel beyond the scope of music and into our communities. To ignore this responsibility is to turn your back on Hip Hop.

I've never discounted what Fade has provided us here. I realize by calling him out on the lounge for all to say was a bad way of handling it.

I think highly of the membership of this site. And contrary to somes belief, although there is a lot of avenues to discuss race/politics/religion, there is not many if any that involves the Hip Hop community. I think this site above all others would be mature enough to handle it.

Once again I think not allowing discussions under the aforementioned umbrella is a disservice. I'm dissapointed that the attitude towards my dissent has garnered nothing more than "If you don't like it leave" comments from some very respectable people.

I respect what Fade has provided us. Regardless, it's still the best website online.
What I've learned from this site has truly been invaluable. I've had plenty of opportunities to work with some awesome people. I'm recording an album that features production from some of this sites members.

I had some great discussions that have helped me grow as a person.

I don't wish to leave this site. I've never tried to be disrespectful. My intentions aren't to get banned. I think some members who talked of people getting "banned" was irresponsible. I understand this is Fade's site, I know feel uneasy about knowing if I a disagree with something and express that opinion "banishment" so quickly surfaces into peoples heads.

I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers. I understand my post did, and I'm apologizing.

I don't think ill of anyone on this site. I respect Fade's wishes.

I should also take this time to thank him, because in reality he does let discussions of race/politics/ and religion happen here. I've taken part in many of them, he simply shuts them down before they get out of hand. I admit I lost sight of that.

I apologize. I'm sorry. And thank you Fade.

P.S. If I were ever banned from Illmuzik I think my life would go to ruins. That's a testament to this site and all who are a part of it.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Very well put, apology accepted.

The main thing is that this site started because I simply couldn't find any sites out there dedicated solely to hiphop production. Whenever I did find a forum about hiphop production, it would contain a lot of disrespectful members and no moderating whatsoever, with wild discussions all over the place. So that plays a big role in why I try to keep this site so clean, plus the fact that I hate to see all this hard work get thrown away over a few members that don't agree with the rules.

Whether any member here likes the rules or not, all I ask is that you respect and follow them. Sure, I and the other moderators might make mistakes once in a while, but at least we're trying to accomplish something with this site and make it better for everyone. Maybe one day those topics might be allowed here once again, but I highly doubt it since they always end in a bad way, and I'm just trying to make sure everyone here gets along and continues to make beats!

That reminds me, I gotta get back to the lab....... :)


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
ManDAmyth said:
I don't wish to leave this site. I've never tried to be disrespectful. My intentions aren't to get banned.

Wordup, I think that's why these topics are watched carefully. All of us are strong willed and most of us will fight for what we believe in and certain threads unintentually bring out the animal in us whereas in the begining it was all love with no disrespect intended. Much props to MandAmyth for showing us that you will be a valuable member to our community. I've seen a lot of people come here recently and i'm personally surprised how much they are respecting our community considering their surfing in from the web and most sites are slummy with joking disrespect. I believe this is achieved because we do love and expect a dope level of professionalism, to some of us this is our only mental refuge to support the art that keeps us alive and positive.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
HOW COULD YOU MYTH!!!!! lol,,naw man,,we all got to vent. Besides, some of these newbs come here just to post in the lounge. Remember the good ol' days of "The Spot". Ahhhhh, no G-Unit, minimal Kanye threads(also, he's growin on me since) and no I love Dr. Dre's left nut,,,yada,yada,,,,shit makes me upset too.