Interface>Advice Please

mad flows

ill o.g.
wassup ya'll, i'm looking to buy a soundcard. I don't need a lot of imputs, just something to plug an external mic pre amp into (avalon vt737sp) and a key board. I want very good quality but i'm not trying to pay more than 350.


Yo man you got an Avalon ?????

Its tha bomb!!!!!!!! Thats wut i wanted to buy, but i got a focusrite voicemaster pro instead and a neumann mic instead.

And you wanna pay 350$??????? To connect an Avalon on it??????

Man you needa buy something nice if you don't want to waste 3000$ worth of Avalon power.

Get a Digidesign 002 : You'll make superb recordings along with your avalon.

And wut about the mic? I hope it is good cuz if not you'll waste both your pre-amp and your soundcard.

Holla me back


I dont know about that e-mu card. Maybe it's great. But here dont forget your giving that advice to a guy who owns an avalon vt737. Do you know guys how sound that beast??? Man i think i would buy apogee converters if i would have that.

But i do know that pro tool is a dam good system. Algorithms are greats. Work is precise and converters are excellent. So its an excellent choice to go with is avalon.

It worth every penny it cost. Pro tool is the standard of the industry, and there's a reason why. Problably cuz it's good.

One thing is sure : the first thing important is the talent, and the second, having the good tools. You GOT wut you PAY for. The day something will cost a fraction of another and be even better is not come. No no. Especially not in pro audio. Just to mention it again, i think here i said pro.

Dont reply me back with somethin like ''Yo pro is pro tool hd accel cards and stuff''. Yeah. But i mean pro mid range prices.

mad flows

ill o.g.
well i'm getting the hook up on the avalon brand new. It's a long story but basicly i'm bout to move and theres a guitar center like 5 mins away form my new spot. i go in to the pro audio section and me and the sells guy is talkin about gear and stuff and he let me listen to some he's done, cause he record rap too. so like 5 mins later my cousin who live by the spot i'm movin to comes in, and him and the sells clerk is like, wasupp man and all that. so i'm like ya'll know each other, and my cousin said that the sells clerk and him is best freinds and been knowing each other since 8. so then the sells clerk is like " all shit, we family you bout to get the superduper discount" so he said that when i come up next time with my money i can get the avalon new for 1 thousand, and then reason, recycle and sonar for 650. we didn't get to talk about the rest of the gear, but i gave him my budget (3,000) and he said that he's gonna work everything into it, and make sure i'm straight. I'm happy as fuck, i told my family, and they told me that they all knew him since my cousin and him was little.


yo man thats great.

So ask him wut he thinks about digi 002.

Or wut he would offer you to go with an avalon beast. Motu do hell good interfaces. Dont look for semi-pro stuff man. M-audio do great products as well as many others.

But for an avalon buy great converters.

Digi 002 man

mad flows

ill o.g.
yo man thats great.

So ask him wut he thinks about digi 002.

Or wut he would offer you to go with an avalon beast. Motu do hell good interfaces. Dont look for semi-pro stuff man. M-audio do great products as well as many others.

But for an avalon buy great converters.

Digi 002 man

i asked about the 002 rack, and he said that he loved using it and pro tools was tight but I shouldn't get it if i don't have a mac because of the dual proccesors or somthing . he knows alot about recording but i still find that hard to belive, that the 002 wouldn't work good on a custom sooped up amd 64 system. He told me that he's having hella problems with pro tools on his dell, but i was thinking it was probally cause he was running it on a dell. If the 002 rack can work fast and smoothly on a custom pc then i'll want to get it, i know i can get a big ass discount because, he runs the whole pro audio section and we like family.

By the way what would be a good mic to use in my setup. like i said i know i can get discounts but my budget is still 3 geez, and even though he's runnin his area i know theres only so much he can do.


mad flows said:
i asked about the 002 rack, and he said that he loved using it and pro tools was tight but I shouldn't get it if i don't have a mac because of the dual proccesors or somthing . he knows alot about recording but i still find that hard to belive, that the 002 wouldn't work good on a custom sooped up amd 64 system. He told me that he's having hella problems with pro tools on his dell, but i was thinking it was probally cause he was running it on a dell. If the 002 rack can work fast and smoothly on a custom pc then i'll want to get it, i know i can get a big ass discount because, he runs the whole pro audio section and we like family.

By the way what would be a good mic to use in my setup. like i said i know i can get discounts but my budget is still 3 geez, and even though he's runnin his area i know theres only so much he can do.

The problem is principaly with duron processors.

Many cards and interfaces have problems with duron processors. But with Athlons and Pentiums it's excellent.

A good mic could be the rode NT1000. I don't know exactly wut you want to achieve, cuz every mic sounds different, and some are better for some jobs, some better for men, some for women, some for singing, some for talking, etc...

But the Rode NT-1000 is an excellent all around mic, very clear and low-noise, excellent for both man and woman, or to record live instruments such as a guitar.

another good one is the rode ntk or k2 if you can. These are tube mics, wich give a ''natural'' kinda little compression, makin the voice sound rich and phat. Many poeple choose tube mics to record hip-hop.

I prefer pure mics, such as neumann 103,149 or 87 or akg 414, cuz i like vocals to be in your face and clean.


Holmzini said:
well he said 350.... find me a digi 002 for that price and youve got the topic won.. me i dont give a shit bout pro tools, pro whatver, or whatver gear anybody uses... he said 350 ..and thats the best choice

If he's to use a little card with a big player processor, he should then sell his avalon to buy a little pre amp like m-audio tempa or a little presonus box and spend the balance same average monitors, mic and equipment.

It's like havin this rush comin from the mountains and then you put a dam so small you just got drops comin out the other side.

mad flows

ill o.g.
Yo ace I'm really lookin at the rode Nt1000 or the ntk for my mic, they look pretty nice. I want the 002 but i want to know do i really need it to get the most out my avalon. I'm just going to be making beats and laying vocals on them. Do you think I could get a pro quality with an M- box and the avalon or should i just save up for the 002 rack. Thanks for all your help


A good interface will cost approximately 800$. And a software copy (say Cubase or else) will cost approximately 300$. The digi 002 detail at 1295$ US I think. With the rebate you can have you could get it for cheap. It would worth it for years, cuz you got an interface great converters, extra in and outs and 4 Focurite Pre-Amp, plus a great software to work with. So you'll not go from a software to another, you,ll get this and stick to it for years!

If you're realy short on money then you could buy the MBox. It's still a wepaon of choice.

OR you could try to find a used Digi 001. I think you can get it for 400$. It's between MBox or Digi 002.

You should ask first to your friend how he would sell it to you, or gimme back the cash you could put for an interface i could tell you other alternatives.

mad flows

ill o.g.
Ace, If I get the Avalon for exactly 1 thousand then i can spend 500 to 1000 on the interface. My last grand will go to buy my mic reason and some monitors.


Great man you have some shit hot prices.

If you dont go for Digidesign products, you could look over M-Audio Delta 1010, Motu 824, or Echo Layla. All 3 simple interfaces, they all got a few in and out and expandable capacities, all 24/96 compatible, and, great lookin and practical rackmount format.
(Personnaly I looooooove rackmount format, so clean in a studio, I hate little boxes always movin around lol!!!)

Believin you got some nice price like that, then you could buy some good monitors like Mackie Hr624. Check the price he can make you. Or the other monitors you can look for are the BX8 From M-Audio. Great product. Yamaha MSP5 too or MSP10 if you can afford, excellent monitors.

Like I said Rode Nt-1000, AKG C414, C12, Neumanns, there's a lot of great mics out there.

mad flows

ill o.g.
But ace if i did get the m box first do you think the avalon would have the same sound quality as it would with the 002


"Only God Can Judge Me"
ill o.g.
Man dont get the m-box if thats your price range your better getting the emu 1820 it has the same converters as digidesign products plus you get way more ins and outs. Cant go wrong there is a nice soundcard , for the price it cant be beat.

As for monitors i would look into the Krk Rp5's or Event Tr5's. A good affordable mic is also the rhode nt1.


a rode nt-1??? to go with an avalon??it's waste.

Digi 002 + Rode NT-1000 or Neumann tlm103 or AKG 414 = Clarity and punch

Digi 002 + Rode NTK or K2 = Phat recordings


"Only God Can Judge Me"
ill o.g.
I was just saying if he was on a budget , but if money is not an issue then i would suggest the first set up you told him.


Yeah i agree that rode nt-1 is a great mic for the price!!

It would definitely be on my list if i was on budget.

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