Is This Trade Worth It

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New Dynasty

ill o.g.
I've been kind of down lately, mainly cause ppl saying this will never lead to anything beneficial or this wont help me in life. So do yall think that producing is a legitimate field to be in?


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Yea its worth it, and it is a legitimate field.. whether or not you have the drive, skills, and contacts is a completely different thing... and friends with such "encouraging" words as "this will never lead to anything beneficial" isn't a key variable in the equation of success...

Also, continue producing.. Everyone here has a backup just in case we all dont end up multi million dollar producers.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Wow thats some shit to hear from your so called friends... sanova explained it flat out i work at a good job and am constantly taking more training in that field of work while at the same time i plan to become succesfull in music so i know that if shit dont happen with the music i can allways fall back to what im doing now. But follow your dreams and dont let people tell you whats a good choice and whats a bad choice you can decide that on your own.



ill o.g.
It may not take you to the big time,But you can go in so many directions.
Many people make a good living making demos for people.
You have Computer game,TV,Radio.Film.
Some people go software market.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
My job is just what I do while Im thinking about muzik..
I only have Illmuzik friends so ....wait a minute...thats not a good thing...

If its in you you'll never stop blow up or not..
I so disillusioned (huh?) with this industry right now..I just keep doin the thing you know?

open mind

well.truth hurts.
i prefer friends that be real instead of wrong ones u know.
the market is too big this shit leads to nothing.internet downloading and shit like that u get the picture.

go to school get a "normal" job and if it happens it happens if not life goes on.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
open mind said:
well.truth hurts.
i prefer friends that be real instead of wrong ones u know.
the market is too big this shit leads to nothing.internet downloading and shit like that u get the picture.

go to school get a "normal" job and if it happens it happens if not life goes on.

That Is Stupid.

People telling you that you will never accomplish something is the TRUTH???


Its only the truth if you believe it is, which you apparently do... so you aint goin NOWHERE wit that attitude fam...

if that were the truth we would have NO successfull producers or artists in this world.. since its "such a big market that it leads to nothing" as you say. I imagine people told just blaze, eminem, dre, and others that they wouldn't make it... the time they've invested would amount to nothing.. but did that stop them? no... now look where they are.

I said have a BACKUP.. have a good job, you might not make it.. so if u dont, you didnt waste your life.. but thats no excuse to give up on ur dream, thats pure idiocy in my book.

even if you dont become a rap producer, theres Tv, commercials, movies, etc. as someone breal stated.

Bottom Line is..

Hater's will hate, so LET THEM, thats they job.. If someone hatin on you, you should be proud that someone wants to block your success cuz they see you on the rise.. "If you got 20 niggas hatin on you, you better figure out a way to get to 30 by the summer" (katt williams)

And if there are any haters here that aint got no one to hate on... Feel Free, to hate on me.

I'm convinced i'm goin somewhere wit this music.. Radio Play in the UK and Maryland?? Places i didnt submit to, or have even been to??? Thats a sign... All the times i was facing death, I'm here for a fuckin reason.


The Bastard

dont b a fuckin faggot man,im sure mad people told niel armstrong,micael jordan,kanye west,andc ountless others that they wernt ever gunna be shit, it aint just u, theres negative people in everones life, u should try to keep them people as far away from u as possible,i understand it can be hard cuz even family can be that way and whut they say mind sound like truth after a while, but u gotta believe that if u put 100% into something u love every single day ,then youll eventually get recognized someday.and if u dont make it its no1s fault but yurs


ill o.g.
Yo I live In a fucked up country, have no profit from making beats. Doing it for love and I don't think of quiting yet. I had multiple hits and still no cash. That shit don't bring me down. Ofcourse, I would like to get recognition thru money but thats not the most important thing, atleast mot for me dog. Hell I'm even thinking of getting a loan to buy myself an MPC. Fanatic about hip hop, definetly:) Sheeeit, who knows, beats dont speak in particular language so I hope to sell my shit outside of my homeland. Hope is my drive....


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
The Bastard said:
dont b a fuckin faggot man,

Damn that was fucking Blunt..

Anyways, you can only accomplish what you set as a goal. if people are telling you that its a waste of your time it just means that they got to much freetime to criticize, dont give up thats giving in to there incompetence.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
Is it worth it? Thats for you to work out. Only thing that can hold you back is yourself. Theres no limits to what you are capable of, provided you stick it out and keep grinding.


ill o.g.
yeah people tell me this all the time, and probably most everybody who wanted to do something big for themselves got this when they first started... it dont matter though, everytime i hear it i just use it for motivation... feel me?.... in my opinion its worth it because i try hard to make it and all, but if i don't its still okay... i have a back up, plus i'll still keep doing it just because i love to do it... besides theres alot of ways to make at least a sizable side income of it if you really think about it


Ear Manipulator
ill o.g.
New Dynasty said:
I've been kind of down lately, mainly cause ppl saying this will never lead to anything beneficial or this wont help me in life. So do yall think that producing is a legitimate field to be in?

See I see nothing wrong with your friends making that statement.

First of all... It's healthy to have people playing devil's advocate now and then... People who are practical and tell you what will or won't work most of the time. Sometimes it's good just to hear it, to be dissuaded for a minute. Besides, how would you go at it full speed in a virtually impossible industry when there's no one to prove wrong?

Secondly, remember that the people who are giving you this advice either don't know shit about the industry, don't know what you're capable of, had BAD experience in the industry, or are just equating the work you can do with becoming "P. Diddy Famous", which is a far stretch, but COULD happen.

Now, consider yourself lucky to be able to hear it from both (or all) sides. It is up to YOU to deduce whether it's for you. It's up to YOU to make a decision whether you want to go at this full speed, maybe spring some bucks on an education, maybe just pick up a little here and there, maybe network with as many people as you can and be as professional as you can be, or maybe just play around and have as much fun as you can without taking it too seriously.

What I can offer you is a little advice from my side...

In terms of making this a career, the majority of the business comes from corporate accounts; mostly commercials, jingles, radio ads, voiceovers, etc. Then, post production, like "mix to pix", foley editing, ADR, etc. THEN, there's a LITTLE bit of business in music. Starting with music production for TV and ads, THEN music that actually plays on the radio.

So if you were to continue a career in this industry, you can decide whether you want to take your chances on whichever level you think you might fit in. Music is HARD to make a career out of. In the end, it's more of who you know than your actual skills or experience in ANY field. So if you're making music at home and want to be on the radio, I'll say good luck and mean it, as it's pretty much like playing the lottery. But if you're out there, getting your feet wet in many different ponds, then you're much more likely to end up in the ocean. If you could make music, can work with people very well, know a little something about tech work (soldering, making cables, fixing gear), know something about timecode, and how to "clock a room" for picture, know microphone placement and can be innovative enough to create your "own sound" but can do it by the book when needed, attend a variety of parties where successful musicians, actors, engineers, producers and directors hang out, if you're on the phone with at least two people every day nurturing your network, and if you can balance all this with a regular job and still not pull all your hair out from frustration, then YOU CAN MAKE THIS A CAREER!!!

Don't let anyone's advice get you down, including mine. For all I know, you're the next Howard Shore and you'll make movie scores all your life, and live on a boat in the Bahamas.

With all that garbage said, this is the best advice that I've ever taken: Do what feels right, and pull the ropes closest to you. If you take a practical approach to something that seems impossible to everyone else, then you can swing your way to success. The only reason not everyone is successful in this field is because they see a goal that they want and the steps are too far away. Look at what's close to you and you'll eventually get to that step.

Hope this helps.


slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
never quit your day job while pursuin this... make solid connections and stay humble... go to shows and clubs u might not feel like goin to... always keep beat cds on you... follow these to the letter and things will happen... people that dont believe something can happen are the brainwashed mainstream people... they have no idea whats really goin on except for what they see and read on tv and the papers. i went to an Immortal Technique show at BBKINGS in NYC and it was like a mini Micheal Jackson concert up in there... the crowd was goin crazy for him... a few of my friends opened up for him and they sold outta EVERY CD they brought there $10 a pop!!! and im not talkin cds you bring in ur pocket, im talkin bout the boxes of 30 that be shipped to you after u send out the original for mastering and packaging. but when i go to work, i ask people, "yo, do u know Immortal Technique?" they have no idea who tha fukk im talkin bout. yet he's sold 80,000+ albums... do it cuz u love it and u wont have a problem whether u make money of not. but NEVER listen to the ones that dont know anything else but mainstream music. but always remain humble, be friends with everyone, even if they wack. theyre sometimes the ones that get u put

da relic


ill o.g.
Absolutely nothing's a waste of time. But in this industry which is changing very quickly, and with album sales slowing down, you'll have to be the best to make money the way some producers have in the past. If it's your goal to be in this, you gotta do it 100%. It will be very hard, and chances of failure are high, but if you have talent and you put everything into it, you have a good chance. Remember, in America, the guy who won't give up always gets his chance in the end.

slik da relic said:
never quit your day job while pursuin this... make solid connections and stay humble... go to shows and clubs u might not feel like goin to... always keep beat cds on you... follow these to the letter and things will happen... people that dont believe something can happen are the brainwashed mainstream people... they have no idea whats really goin on except for what they see and read on tv and the papers. i went to an Immortal Technique show at BBKINGS in NYC and it was like a mini Micheal Jackson concert up in there... the crowd was goin crazy for him... a few of my friends opened up for him and they sold outta EVERY CD they brought there $10 a pop!!! and im not talkin cds you bring in ur pocket, im talkin bout the boxes of 30 that be shipped to you after u send out the original for mastering and packaging. but when i go to work, i ask people, "yo, do u know Immortal Technique?" they have no idea who tha fukk im talkin bout. yet he's sold 80,000+ albums... do it cuz u love it and u wont have a problem whether u make money of not. but NEVER listen to the ones that dont know anything else but mainstream music. but always remain humble, be friends with everyone, even if they wack. theyre sometimes the ones that get u put

da relic

exactly. There's some artists who sell out the back of their trunk making mad money. Mad fuckin money. Think outside of the box. Whether or not money is your goal, there's a lot of people out there just waiting for great music. You'll reach them eventually, don't worry about what's popular at the moment.


ill o.g.
u need to come from a place where even if there is no money to be made u'd still make muisc, even if there is no fame and praise u need to still have the love and drive to do music.

most of the top producers would still make music even if they were not getting paid.