Is This Trade Worth It


open mind

JPeg said:
most of the top producers would still make music even if they were not getting paid.
and exactly this guys come with heat u know.


Its worth it alright - take a look around the World, at all the crap thats going on in every country.... and what is one of the only things that everyone shares? Love of music.

If you can keep progressing in a field relating to music, it's a wide world out there.

Also, regarding friends or associates who constantly have negative things to say, ignore them - thats often all people like that can bring to any idea, creative thought, or dream. "You can't do that", "Thats too hard to even try", "It won't work", "No one makes money doing that"..... etc etc

It can be a good idea to surround yourself with other like minded inspired individuals, who actually want to further themselves, and follow their dreams, rather than stagnate in a deadend job which they hate - living only to complain and gripe about everything around them.

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