It Almost Happened Again


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Tbh,everytime I drive by an old shut down complex,anything from an old government building to an old motel, I think of basically the same thing...
A community strictly for beatmakers with a bad ass central studio and dozens of little smaller studios and MAD SECURITY
First off cause we all look out for each other and second cause we got blood thirsty canecorsos roamin around with wireless video cameras strapped to they jaws....

Side note, DC has this apartment complex where you have to be a musician to rent. Havent been yet though.

Above all, stay safe bro. Let me assure you that it is a good thing. We living in a time where people take kindness for weakness, weakness for weakness, and strength for weakness. (..)

Too true

Real talk, I appreciate you^^^ guys...that goes for ALL of you that contribute to our community.

S'all love fam


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I'm so pro-life that I don't even want to die of old age BUT everybody doesn't share my passion to live. I've been on the other side of a gun barrel, twice! Now that I think about it...the sad thing is - at that moment, I was in a bad place in life and didn't have hope or even gave a fuk. I didn't know there would be better times or that things could change. A lot of people don't get a second chance, one flash and it's over. They will never know what could have happened the next day.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

I've always had the "him or me" mentality. I've seen a lot of things go bad during confrontations....I'm glad that the situation didn't escalate, because you'd be straight George Zimmerman......

I doubt they'd return, because they know they took your shit...and they know you would be more "careful" than last time.... Why risk that? Unless dude is a true crackhead.... I would've just pointed my gun at dude......if he started reaching, I'd just empty the clip - center mass.

Unfortunately, these days, in order for people to respect you, an example has to be set...if would be thieves found out that last dude was shot trying to rob a resident in your neighborhood.......they'd think twice about coming back, because if you're packing, who else is packing?