Jay-Z pays out for sample


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Was reading the other day about how on his "Versus" track, the sample is from Bruno Spoerri, and it was never paid for. The weird thing is that Bruno said he has no problem letting people sample him, just so long as they ask first. But if someone samples him without asking and makes a boatload of cash (Jay-Z), he'll sue. So he did.

Now I think they said that he gets 50% of the royalties from that song, much more than what Jay-Z had of paid if he just did it the right way.

Anyway, the sample is just a loop, it's laughable:

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 170
Only Timbo and Swizz can take a loop, just loop it, no chops or anything, change the pitch a lil, and make it a masterful piece of work practically unrecognizable to the original. That's why they get the big bucks. How did Bruno figure this one out?
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 170
You're joking, right? That's so easy to recognize!
I am...come on brotha. U off ur game.

My thing is we got millions of creative sample based cats killin it , who these upper echelon cats won't use on thier releases... life changing opportunities that could do wonders for the actual betterment of the art and culture... but instead choose to go with the big name producers, who do nothing more than loop a sample.... and then don't even pay for it. I don't understand artist who are well off....AND BRAG ABOUT HOW WELL OFF THEY ARE not paying for stuff.

Nothing wrong with just looping tho if it works....Roc Marciano and Ka are experts at it.



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
No doubt, sampling and looping it is okay, like you said.

I thought you were serious, man! The thing that shows you how messed up things are is that here you have a virtually unknown artist that nobody cared about until JayZ got hit with a lawsuit. Jay uses the same music and the fans are all "OMG THIS IS THE BEST BEAT EVER", whereas the original track no one gives a shit about. SMH.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 170
No doubt, sampling and looping it is okay, like you said.

I thought you were serious, man! The thing that shows you how messed up things are is that here you have a virtually unknown artist that nobody cared about until JayZ got hit with a lawsuit. Jay uses the same music and the fans are all "OMG THIS IS THE BEST BEAT EVER", whereas the original track no one gives a shit about. SMH.
exactly.....if Drake were to hop on an Andrei Claudiu beat, then every other rapper would also.....it's a copycat business we are in.

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