Kanye , You Suck

i heard the new K.West album called Ye , the only good track on it was Yikes , when I listened to it i realized the First and the Last verses Suck , but the second verse is Dope . 2 days later i heard the news : Drake was co-producer on Yikes . That was when my brain told me Drake wrote the second verse and Ye wrote the first-last .

I Love Kanye , seriously i know All of his lyrics and beats , even the skits , but His music Sucks now .


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 152
It's yeah well kayne is famous alrready you know he is spoiled in other words. No disrespect but every rapper that made hits was way better back in the days than currently. No disrespect but like eminem his first albums he had something to proof but nowadays its not that dope anymore. It's with allot of artist these days
What makes me bang my head to the wall is the fact that Eminem Can be Dope but he isn't trying to , did you hear Chloraseptic ? Framed ? Heat ?

and the thing with Kanye is He doesn't know difference between Shitty music and good music , i mean he is talented as Fuck , he made hits when 50 cent , scott storch , dre , jay z and Alot more were making hits , but he should start being a human again .


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 152
What makes me bang my head to the wall is the fact that Eminem Can be Dope but he isn't trying to , did you hear Chloraseptic ? Framed ? Heat ?

and the thing with Kanye is He doesn't know difference between Shitty music and good music , i mean he is talented as Fuck , he made hits when 50 cent , scott storch , dre , jay z and Alot more were making hits , but he should start being a human again .

Yeah man he did good when he begun making hits like : Way i am. Slim shady and stuff but you know artist tend to cool down once they are famous.. I mean when they are famous money is gonna flow in his pocket either way. But when you are making your first album you really want to make it perfect and show and proof you have skills. It's with every music band also rappers first albums tend to be the best albums..


Big Clit Energy
@ArvinArmani everyone has opinions but you're giving Ye publicity he doesn't need.
What makes me bang my head to the wall is the fact that Eminem Can be Dope but he isn't trying to , did you hear Chloraseptic ? Framed ? Heat ?

and the thing with Kanye is He doesn't know difference between Shitty music and good music , i mean he is talented as Fuck , he made hits when 50 cent , scott storch , dre , jay z and Alot more were making hits , but he should start being a human again .

I know this topic relates to Kanye West but when you mentioned Eminem I couldn't refrain myself from adding my two cents. For me it was a mistake that Eminem recorded "Revival". There was no use to do that. He should have ended his career after "The Marshall Mathers LP2" because that album was really good and I think Eminem presented himself from various sides there. Of course I realise the fact that Eminem hasn't retired yet but he won't impress anybody by anything. He did everything he could do and achieved a lot of great things and I think it's good to know when to stop something. My personal opinion is that this stop should be made after "The Marshall Mathers LP2". Just my two cents ;)


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 152
I know this topic relates to Kanye West but when you mentioned Eminem I couldn't refrain myself from adding my two cents. For me it was a mistake that Eminem recorded "Revival". There was no use to do that. He should have ended his career after "The Marshall Mathers LP2" because that album was really good and I think Eminem presented himself from various sides there. Of course I realise the fact that Eminem hasn't retired yet but he won't impress anybody by anything. He did everything he could do and achieved a lot of great things and I think it's good to know when to stop something. My personal opinion is that this stop should be made after "The Marshall Mathers LP2". Just my two cents ;)

From eminem i respect him seen 8 mile to get a idea where he is coming from. But i really don't like his newer shit. Like afther eminem show everything went downhill fast for me atleast. I only really liked his new clip with royce Cattepillar. That one gives me the oldskool vibe... not totally but comes close. Doesn't mean it isn't a good album though don't get me wrong but it's not better than his older raps. But as for kayne... I respect him but i just think he is a bit spoiled..

Personally i listen to rap that has some more to it and somehow their lyrics are honest and real.. Bleuprint said it on a album from easop rock Skelethon (2012) BMX feat. bleuprint & robsonic ( bonustrack) :"debating with myself wether raps real, cuz broke motherfuckers are the only ones who have skills". And to be fair i know where he is coming from. There is a diference making hiphop for hiphop or making hiphop for money.. Here in holland all the hiphop artists who make hiphop for the money ussually have no skills(lyrics are dumbed down to have no story at all just bitches,money,drugs voila money hiphop) Not that it should be banned i think there is just a bit more to rap than the same old ingredients.. One famous female rapper here in the netherlands was invited to give some shows for kings day... She did a track with autotune but.. There was no autotune live on that show she fucked up seriously..

Be blessed if you have producer ears and you can depict wether something sounds good or false... Not everybody has that gift use it wisely...
From eminem i respect him seen 8 mile to get a idea where he is coming from. But i really don't like his newer shit. Like afther eminem show everything went downhill fast for me atleast. I only really liked his new clip with royce Cattepillar. That one gives me the oldskool vibe... not totally but comes close. Doesn't mean it isn't a good album though don't get me wrong but it's not better than his older raps. But as for kayne... I respect him but i just think he is a bit spoiled..

Personally i listen to rap that has some more to it and somehow their lyrics are honest and real.. Bleuprint said it on a album from easop rock Skelethon (2012) BMX feat. bleuprint & robsonic ( bonustrack) :"debating with myself wether raps real, cuz broke motherfuckers are the only ones who have skills". And to be fair i know where he is coming from. There is a diference making hiphop for hiphop or making hiphop for money.. Here in holland all the hiphop artists who make hiphop for the money ussually have no skills(lyrics are dumbed down to have no story at all just bitches,money,drugs voila money hiphop) Not that it should be banned i think there is just a bit more to rap than the same old ingredients.. One famous female rapper here in the netherlands was invited to give some shows for kings day... She did a track with autotune but.. There was no autotune live on that show she fucked up seriously..

Be blessed if you have producer ears and you can depict wether something sounds good or false... Not everybody has that gift use it wisely...

Actually it's a common thing when somebody with skill is underrated and the one with no skill is glorified but I came to a conclusion that if someone wants to make real money has to break himself somehow. I mean psychologically or at least he must have enough confidence to create some interesting figure out of nothing. Besides, people as an audience in general don't like to think and analyse music and art in general and what's more they don't have time to do this. Look at the songs on the radio. They are based on the same progressions with similar, easily comprehendable lyrics and so on and so far. At least most of them. And that's good. Surprise! Here comes the deal, there's no point in reinventing the wheel. If it works, it works. I've been through it a lot of times. I tried to be different and all this stuff but in some musical genres there is no use to introduce new things. And some artists will never have to do this. Of course I'm not saying I don't like different/indie music because I listen to varied stuff but in pop culture everything has to be clean and pretty even if it means being fake. Maybe it will sound harsh but for me there is no such thing as reality in showbusiness. There is a huge mismatch between these two words. I got angry many times when I saw artists with no apparent talent becoming famous and rich but there is no point in doing that. When I got older (jesus I'm writing as if I was 70 years old hahahahah) and I started experiencing life of an adult person I changed. I changed my opinions and my approach to some things. And music is one of these things. For example now besides making beats I want to play at the weddings. Something I would have NEVER considered doing when I was for example 20, 21. Funny thing is the fact that in the past rap as a genre was something inferior to me. Of course my approach was affected by lack of knowledge about this genre and short-sightedness but it makes me laugh when I look at it. And of course I'd like to thank you for your advice. I'm trying to do my best to use my "blessing" :D hahahaahah (producer ear) to make my dreams come true one day. So to make music my main source of income. :)


Big Clit Energy
@Memento Beats the key to understanding the music business is to accept that people like familiar to the point of not wanting different and most people don't think about music the way we do. You may not want to say there is no such thing as reality as the harsh reality is very few people are wealthy from music and this the era where the dream of tools to help those who make music is what's selling more than living the dream of making music.
@Memento Beats the key to understanding the music business is to accept that people like familiar to the point of not wanting different and most people don't think about music the way we do. You may not want to say there is no such thing as reality as the harsh reality is very few people are wealthy from music and this the era where the dream of tools to help those who make music is what's selling more than living the dream of making music.
Well said. But the main reason why the people don't think about music the way we do is the fact that firstly,they don't have proper knowledge and secondly, they don't have time to focus so hard on music. Or maybe they don't want. Not everybody has to be musician right? :D But honestly speaking you can say the same thing about each area of life. People who go to the gym would say "people don't think about taking care of their body, the way we do"; people who are mechanics would say "people don't love cars, the way we do". I know these are funny examples but the list goes on and on. :D But according to the second part of your post, yes, it is indeed harsh truth to accept that there is a lot of talented people out there who don't earn much money from making music and art. This forum is an evidences for that. I know there are some people right here, who earn good money but also a lot of them who has ordinary just like me. I really loved to read the topic "What's your 9 to 5". I don't know who created it but it was one of the best off-topics here. And yes, I agree that there is a lot of money in providing tools for musicians. Especially plugins and libraries. Because sadly, real instruments are being replaced by synths...
the main way to be succesful in music is being a musician , but you can reach it in other ways too

"The only thing that stands between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself of why you can't have it" - Jordan Belfort

That's really Nice one


I was disappointed in Ye also. There is some great stuff overall though on the slew of 7 track albums he did, Daytona especially.