

ill o.g.
This aint about no damn Kanye,

I posted a question concerining a disk and it got erased or something WTF, but you ask what Kanyes farts smells like and it a 3 page thread,

Anyway, straight up I have a zip disk for my mpc with some good stuff on it that wont load up, I think that little metal spinner thing is loose cause it rattles more than other DISK. IS THERE ANYWAY TO RECOVER THE DATA ON THE DISK



As far as I know- there's no recovery unless you try sending it to Iomega (zip disc makers) to see if they can do something. IT MIGHT COST YOU A LEFT NUTT, but music is music, right? Right. Just out of curiousity, because it IS a common mistake, did you place the disc on or by a speaker? Magnetic fields of any type -at least from what I understand- can jack it up...for good. They're kinda sensitive, you know?


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Yep, not to forget the "tick" of death. A tick/click noise which "indicates" your zip has commited suicide, God knows why ( no not you! ).


ill o.g.
Naw, what I think happen is that it was in my MPC suitacase and the weight of the MPC may have put too much pressure on it.

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