Layered Vocals


ill o.g.
Wassup Illmuzik peeps! Just wondering if you guys layer your artist main vocals as you do drums and snares for example. I find that it add a bit more depth. Any thoughts?



IllMuzik Staff
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

Yes. I will sometimes have the singer repeat a performance 2, 3, or sometimes 6 times, then mix them all together in Cool Edit before dropping the mixed version back into Cubase.

Or, I'll run a single performance through the pitch shifter on my DSP Factory soundcard to emulate 3 extra voices. It's not perfect, but I like the way it sounds.

Take care,


Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
theres an article in rolling stone i read bout eminem...he does one take normal, one take "whisper" and one take "angry" thgen layers them over each other and adds lilttle ad libs...thats why his voice sounds so weird sometimes..shits hot


ill o.g.
oh yah, i dont think that theres too many artists out there who have an album where the producer didnt get them to layer their vocals. (if anyone knows if any id be interested to know).

but me personally, when im recording vocals i will usually focus on one lead track, which cometimes turns out to be a comp track. then ill record backing tracks. which somtimes will be the intire lead performed in a different way, or maybe do it up with some crazy eqing (take out all the lows or his or somthin). this all depend on the "space" i feel is there in the track. somtimes the lead vocals with only a touch of emphisis on a few phrases is all it needs.
regardless of how much backups i do, i will usually eq them. probably britghten the leads with a boost round 4-6 khz and then take some of the lows from the backups at round 200hz, to avoid any muddyness.

Equality 7-2521

^^^^Labtekwon and I-Self usually only layer vocals for hooks^

I think that thing about eminem doing a whisper and a normal and an angry is a little sus. I think MCs should be rapping their songs with the expression that the lyrics produce within them. Thats not to say that layering cant be dope.


Different songs or tracks call for different vocal arrangements. It depends on the feel. I normally just stress certain phrases when I double. On hooks I double the whole thing sometimes to make it sound full.


It depends on the artist and song...

Ususally with me, if i'm working wit a rapper I usually have him/she do it in twice with whatever emotion they come with,then abliv.When i'm wit a singer,I usually have em do it over 5 or 6 times to make their vocals powerful.But the way that ya'll said eminem does it, sometimes the artist I work with do that too.It makes them sound edgy and crazy like,so I guess that works too.


DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50


Layering As A Crutch

Layering from what I've come to learn is actually called doubling, but their is a problem that exists when artists use this form of vocal enhancement. The studio cut of the track sounds Phat but get that same artist in public and he has one or sometimes three back ups doing his overdubs. That's kind of fake to me. Maybe the lyrics were weak from the beginning and needed that extra lift. I tend to see lyrics like people some are strong and some are just weak. Peace


ill o.g.
Thats a good point millenium and im sure lots of bad lyrics or lyrical performances were made listenable by the use of studio techniques. but if you get a great performance, and then enhance that with some emphasis on certian parts it can turn into majic.

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