musicians playing over your beats


ill o.g.
what up everyone..just wanted to know how everyone handled musicians playing keyboards, bass, etc on your you pay them up front..or promise something if the tracks does something? are they entitled any credit from a BMI or ASCAP point of view? I have an awesome keyboard player that's gonna lay some piano stuff for my tracks..just wanted some feedback and advice before I started...God bless,beaglin


Akai Till I Die...
ill o.g.
Get you an old "whino" from downtown that's nice with some instruments that will work for a "six pack". (LOL) Naw, just playing, it's really up to the both of you. In most cases, they usually take upfront money. I don't see why they would get any publishing unless you gave them "co production" credit. But if all it says on the credits, "keyboards played by such and such", the publishing is yours as far as I know. (Correct me if i'm wrong) But i'm sincere about the whole "whino" thing. Those be some of the most talented musicians...Go to you local beach and stroll the boardwalk. You'll be sure to find one or two...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
good looking out ya'll...holla

Which ever direction you decide to go get things in black and white. If you drop a hit the snakes will come out of the grass! If it's cash do a receipt with what it was for somewhere on it. Any other way write up a contract explaining exactly what's what. I got a gang of contracts for such things if you need an outline to go by. ONE! Good Luck.


ill o.g.
I'd appreciate looking at those contracts if it's cool...holla back and thanks for replying fam