NBA Finals

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Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Great series...Love to see an NBA finals, or any playoff game, go the distance, makes for great basketball...

Lake show did their thing tonight....I anticipated a game 7 win for the Lakers...with each team winning only one game on the far so good...


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
I dnt know if boston can do it without perkns

I agree, but you never know which team is going to show up, thats been the case this entire series. One thing I do know, the Celtics will play game 7 very physical almost dirty to a point, so the Lakers better get tough.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I think primarily, the Celtics are gonna go after Gasol, and Artest (foul them, beat them up and try to get them out of their game...) early and hope Kobe (mainly) and Fisher don't go berserk on them.

If Kobe comes out with a mediocre game, all they need to do is keep him in check and they got a chance. Just keep Artest to a minimum.

Heres the thing though...this is game 7 and the Lakers are gonna rely on Kobe to pull them through, he's their star player, he's NEVER been in a game 7 so this WILL be the biggest game of his career. Kobe HAS to be on! If game 7 were in Boston it would be a wrap but since its in LA, they have got the edge and the numbers on their side.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
last nights game was a set up...bullshit...matterfact it seems like the whole series has been set up.

What about it seems set up? Did you see Perkins land after that jump and the amount of pressure that he placed on his knee?? That is real.. and the pain looked real too.


Formally Finnigan
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
last nights game was a set up...bullshit...matterfact it seems like the whole series has been set up.

i'm a laker fan, been one since i knew what basketball was, and i think that it's setup! i work with a boston fan, and we've been going back and forth about this whole thing. i told him once we knew the teams that were going to be in the finals that it was going 7. when boston went up 3-2, he came in smiling saying that it was over in 6. i calmly told him that the "new" NBA is all about drama and that it was going 7.

now for the fan/critic in me to speak:

if the lakers stick to fundamental ball (no cross court passes, flopping to draw fouls, artest taking ill advised ass shots, and kobe passing the ball when he's triple teamed) they win. if they come out with a "kobe has to do it all" attitude, they definitely lose. rondo will be the key in game 7. they are going to have to put the cuffs on him. and if fischer takes one more shot where he's flailing his arms and nobody's touched him, i'm going to LA and it's gon be troubles.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Come on....

It's the FINALS...

So the Orlando Magic sweep against Houston in the finals back in the day was rigged too?

Yeah..cut off the ratings/money in 4 games.... Come on people!

Home teams usually win their games....that's for any decent team in the NBA...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
hahaha, EVERYTHING IS ABOUT MONEY! Especially when it's as hard to come by as it is in these days. Yeah its setup! Here's an example for you to think about. What's the only thing that's really changed from the very first NBA Championship to this one? ding ding ding! If you said "the money!"

Inflation can make a teams like the Celtics and the Lakers go 7 games. Do you know how much money this game will generate? A LOT! This 7th game is so important for so many reasons both on the court and around the world that its ridiculous. Just look at the scenario...The Celtics are a stronger team than the Lakers, they have more talent than the Lakers, what better place to finish it all off than in LA? Billions of dollars will exchange hands at the outcome of this game...BILLIONS!


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
So if its fixed who's throwing the games the players, coaches, refs? I dont see any of the players purpossly missing shots, or taking plays off. Or any of the coaches throwing games with bad play calling. Now the refs, their a different story, if it setup (and I dont think it is) they would be the culprits.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Yeah it's the Refs, Im a Lakers fan and I saw that they were getting away with murder last A call here and there can change the outcome of the game UNLESS its an obvious blowout but most coaches actually try to be in the game in the last 5 mins. If it's 10 points or less difference in the last 5 mins. both teams have a shot and thats when the Refs do their


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Its fishy. It could be nerves but they're both champ teams.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
A lot of people are screaming fixed. I wasn't gonna go that far but I did see some funny things.

Kobe got blocked by Tony Allen and then immediately stripped and they called a foul. Allen falls down with his head on the ball because he can't believe it. It was a clean ass block and a clean strip.

They called a tech on Kobe, which was weird because he has deserved a tech in every game since the finals started. It was strange when they called one on him. But then they immediately turned around and called a ticky tack foul on him almost to apologize for calling the tech on him. It was a strange sequence.

The only reason why I won't call it staged was because Boston did suck in the first half as an LA fan pointed out to me. Rondo was pretty much getting dared to shoot and he wouldn't. He also made a lot of super dumb flip passes.

Also, Fisher was in foul trouble the who game. That never seems to happen.

To me it just seemed like Boston was really relaxed and thought they could play as a unit and win. They didn't seem to understand that LA was going to come out so hard.

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50