New Gadget:Akai MPD24


Miss C.C.
ill o.g.
Check this baby out. NICE!!!



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
was just gonna post this lol!

Key Features

16 MPC-style velocity and pressure sensitive pads
4 selectable pad banks for a total of 64 pads
6 assignable Faders for transmitting MIDI Control Change data
8 assignable 360 degree knobs
REW, FF, STOP PLAY and REC buttons that transmit MMC (MIDI Machine Control) messages to DAW/ Sequencing applications
Backlit, easy to read LCD display
MIDI and/or USB operation
USB powered (or powered via optional AC adaptor)
Included Editor Librarian software (Mac and PC)
Akai Sample library of classic drum machines (software included)
MPC 16 Levels and Full Level feature support

you know what, still no repeat button damnit


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
yea its getting there its a big improvement on the MPD16 but its still a few features away from being worthwhile for most ppl, a repeat button seems to be on everyones list, personally id like to see them turn it into a bigger control surface with maybe sum channel faders etc.


ill o.g.
Geez, I was waiting till the first for ZZsounds, and Americanmusic to get the MPD16 back in stock, And you've gotta show me new Gadget's?

Altho, Unless the price is VERY decent, I'll still probably go with the MPD16 for now.

Look's good tho.


ill o.g.
MarkN said:
yea its getting there its a big improvement on the MPD16 but its still a few features away from being worthwhile for most ppl, a repeat button seems to be on everyones list, personally id like to see them turn it into a bigger control surface with maybe sum channel faders etc.

You know I was thinking about the repeat note thing. I think it would take a lot more than we think to put it in there. I don't think its just something you can tack on.

Think about it. The MPD would need to get MIDI clock from the software, first and foremost. Then it would need to send out a MIDI message every 16th note (or 8th or 32nd) to do the repeat. that means it would have to have some sort of internal hardware sequencer. That's probably a lot more internal digital hardware, a lot more design, a lot more development, and a lot more expense.

Without the repeat though, its just a dumb MIDI controller. I think the padKontrol gets around this problem because of the fact that its drumrolls aren't locked to the MIDI clock. That means as long as it receives the two signals (1. the drum pad being held down, and 2. pressure on the x-y pad) it'll just fire off notes.

That's just my thinking though, I could be wrong.

I would like to see the finger pad controllers evolve a bit more though. Kinda like what Novation and CME did with their keyboard controllers.

I'm wondering if the MPD24 will integrate with Guru. That would be dope!


ill o.g.
I hate to get you guys all riled up, but I hear this thing DOES have Note Repeat on it. Guy from Guitar Center mentioned that the other day when I went in to cop that Behringer BCF2000. The MPD24 sports alot of features not mentioned in the ad, and maybe that is one of them. Of course having the Note Repeat would attract a bigger crowd, but who knows. I have the Pad Kontrol, and I love the drum Rolls i get off that thing, but If I can have Drum Rolls, 16 level feature, bank switching, *AND* them Akai Pads, then im sold on the MPD24!

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