New Gadget:Akai MPD24


ill o.g.
konartis said:
here is a video of this thing:

go down to the yellow area below the picture. click on whatever you want (real player or windows media). if you click on the 2x, the video will be bigger.

the mpd24 sure looks solid...

Yeah everyone has seen the video. AKAI couldn't even pay someone to actually use it...

Korg paid someone to show off everything about their pad controller on the other hand though still if MPD24 turns out to be good then I'll sell my padKONTROL for it because it was my original decision but what are you supposed to do when you want it now and that now is 2 months before August. Now it's a bit closer to August so one could wait but at the time, who would want to wait when there's others that will suffice without any wait.

So that played a huge role in my decision.


ill o.g.
DigitalTechnic said:
Yeah everyone has seen the video. AKAI couldn't even pay someone to actually use it...

Korg paid someone to show off everything about their pad controller on the other hand though still if MPD24 turns out to be good then I'll sell my padKONTROL for it because it was my original decision but what are you supposed to do when you want it now and that now is 2 months before August. Now it's a bit closer to August so one could wait but at the time, who would want to wait when there's others that will suffice without any wait.

So that played a huge role in my decision.

Heh, who you tellin?!? The ONLY reason I wanted the padKONTROL was for the ease of rolling and what not. I rarely use the other functions on the device. Now im interested in 16 level, and Full level feature, as well as the pads. I need more than a damned roll button! Now if they do happen to update the firmware, and add the Tap Tempo/Note Repeat button, then im DEFINATELY sold on that thing.

Cuz of right now, it looks like the Korg and the Akai will be rocked side by side. One for rolls (I know, pitiful that I have to have a completely seperate controller for drums aint it?), and one for everything else.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Do you people actually rely that much on a note repeat button? I mean come on now, when I had my MPC I only remember using this option once and it was for a hi hat pattern just to experiment. But cant yall actually try to play the stuff out live? The truth is that the MPD24 looks very dope and they definitely stepped up their game from the 16. Only thing I would have changed is the screen. I would have made the screen flip up like it did on the XL.


I'm new to this midi stuff, but I just grab one of these works far
still trying to figure things out though