New on the forum!

Johan Brodd

Battle Points: 1
What's up everybody! Johan Brodd is my name, I'm 42 and I've been producing beats since 1998, if not earlier than that. I'm here to give constructive criticism on beats that people produce, give my insight into production and give some hints & tricks, as well as showcase my own creations. If no one don't mind that.

Some background history for y'all:

I was born 1972 with dual handicaps (visually impaired and asbergers syndrome), this gave me a really good ear for sounds. As a kid I had no instruments, so I jammed on light posts, gates, manhole covers, what ever I could find. :)

I started to play piano in 1976, started to learn about synthesizer programming in 1983, got my first synthesizer in 1986, and I learned about sampling in 1991.

So how did I start producing beats? I started to listen to hiphop back in 1995 when I went at a public college where some people listened to hiphop a lot. It hit me quite hard.

In 1998 Petter released his album "Mitt sjätte sinne" (my sixth sense) that really brougt me up to speed in learning hiphop production. But the lack in computer power I suffered made my beats severely whack to say the very best about them. :)

It wasn't until 2001 that I started to take beats production seriously with a new computer and the freeware program Buzz I started, now 13 years later I'm trying to produce at least 100 beats per year. Beats that I mostly give away for free to talented upcoming rappers.

So I hope you get some insight in what kind of a madman I am. :) Nah I'm pretty much a joker, and want nothing more than giving people a good laughter or five.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Welcome to IllMuzik!

That's crazy to hear about the handicaps yet you're still able to dive into music production like that. Stick around, there's other geeks on here too!