New Software...?


ill o.g.
Does Anyone know SOme new Software where I coulD seperate the vocals from the instrumentAl of a sonG...or any thiNG that iz a good filterer. THANX

L. Soul

ill o.g.
Ok I'll answer you: no. There isn't really a way to take the vocals from an instrumental. You can eq them to try and cancel them out, but you'll be able to tell it's eq'd probably and you'll probably kill some other instruments/sounds as well.

J Cro

ill o.g.
The only way to do it is phase cancelation. If you have the song and the instrumental you can do it. However, I am going to make you search for the instructions.


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
J Cro said:
The only way to do it is phase cancelation. If you have the song and the instrumental you can do it. However, I am going to make you search for the instructions.

If you have the instrumental....then what's the point of doing that??

L. Soul

ill o.g.
Qwerty said:
If you have the instrumental....then what's the point of doing that??

If they just want the vocals. But if they just want the vocals and there's an instrumental floating around out there there's probably an acapella floating around too


Vinyl Addict
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
You can eliminate most of it but you will still be able to hear a little of the track. I think in the october or novemeber issue of scratch magazine goes into good detail about how to do this in pro tools. I was reading it one day, but couldnt try it, dont have that software.

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