no more beats for me!!!


Musical Wizardry
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
I dont know what the fuck to do!!! My computer has a virus I think!!! I'm pretty sure I've lost my whole sound library and all my drums, all my samples, all my beats, everything!!!!

Everytime I try to start my computer it starts loading the intro screen that says compaq and then it just shuts down again and goes back to loading that intro compaq page. It wont take me to windows it just keeps restarting and restarting over again. I'm begging someone to let me know what I can do to save all of my precious music. THIS IS MY LIFE!!! I dont want to stop makin beats!!!! I had such a nice sound library and computer!!!

Please somebody tell me its not over!!!


Vinyl Addict
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
first of all looking at that porn will get you those viruses, haha, joking. anyway do you have a best buy near you, i had a virus on my last computer and i took it in there to the geek squad and they found the virus, save my hard drive all for like 50 bucks, it is well worth it, if you dont have a best buy then shit i dont know homie?????


Miss C.C.
ill o.g.
Have u tried accessing the Safe Mode(F8 i believe) if i were u i'd take it to get fix right now cause havin it turn on and off will only make it worser. IT will prolly screw da hard drive worser than it already is. But um i hope everything turns out right. Cause shit my laptop did dat to me i havent gotten it fixed yet so i jus use my PC i had everything on CD-RWs and on this PC. So i really didnt loose as much as u did. But hope u get it right fam.


ill o.g.
same thing happened to me and i couldnt figure out what was wrong i fucked with my hardrives and shit and it still wouldn't work, put in a new power supply, etc. it turned out my fucking like power button was fucked up, i doubt thats your problem tho, try booting your computer from the windows CD if you haven't already, press F8 right when the comp starts and boot from the CD drive, that's all I can think of


Vinyl Addict
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
trebeatz said:
same thing happened to me and i couldnt figure out what was wrong i fucked with my hardrives and shit and it still wouldn't work, put in a new power supply, etc. it turned out my fucking like power button was fucked up, i doubt thats your problem tho, try booting your computer from the windows CD if you haven't already, press F8 right when the comp starts and boot from the CD drive, that's all I can think of

if he does that, it will install a new operating system which will delete all of his shit, def. dont want to do that unless you dont want anything on your computer, i'm tellin you take it to the professionals, you got $50 bucks that it to geek squad, they fixed my shit real nice


ill o.g.
Elementree said:
I dont know what the fuck to do!!! My computer has a virus I think!!! I'm pretty sure I've lost my whole sound library and all my drums, all my samples, all my beats, everything!!!!

Everytime I try to start my computer it starts loading the intro screen that says compaq and then it just shuts down again and goes back to loading that intro compaq page. It wont take me to windows it just keeps restarting and restarting over again. I'm begging someone to let me know what I can do to save all of my precious music. THIS IS MY LIFE!!! I dont want to stop makin beats!!!! I had such a nice sound library and computer!!!

Please somebody tell me its not over!!!

Hopefully, you have a spare hard drive laying around. If you do, install the spare drive as the master and reconfigure your old drive as the slave drive. Grab your copy of Windows (XP or 2000 will do fine), install Windows onto the spare drive (MAKE ABSOLUTE CERTAIN YOU'RE INSTALLING IT ON THE SPARE!!!). Once you're done installing windows, you will be able to read your old drive (it'll be your "D:" drive). Copy your essential files over to the spare drive and you'll be back in business once you reformat your original drive and reinstall everything.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I agree with KonceptG, try that if you can, or the other option like it was mentioned is to bring it in to get looked at by some geeks. The last thing you want to do is just throw the towel in start from scratch!


Musical Wizardry
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
konceptG said:
Hopefully, you have a spare hard drive laying around. If you do, install the spare drive as the master and reconfigure your old drive as the slave drive. Grab your copy of Windows (XP or 2000 will do fine), install Windows onto the spare drive (MAKE ABSOLUTE CERTAIN YOU'RE INSTALLING IT ON THE SPARE!!!). Once you're done installing windows, you will be able to read your old drive (it'll be your "D:" drive). Copy your essential files over to the spare drive and you'll be back in business once you reformat your original drive and reinstall everything.

how do i install a new hard drive if i cant even get into windows?? I cant get past the compaq load-up screen. I'm gonna try and take it to best buy this weekend and see whats up w/ the geeks. EVERYONE!!! BACK YOUR SHIT UP!!!! EVERYTHING!!!! DONT PUT IT OFF TILL LATER!!!!! IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU TOO!!!


misscc803 said:
Have u tried accessing the Safe Mode(F8 i believe) if i were u i'd take it to get fix right now cause havin it turn on and off will only make it worser. IT will prolly screw da hard drive worser than it already is. But um i hope everything turns out right. Cause shit my laptop did dat to me i havent gotten it fixed yet so i jus use my PC i had everything on CD-RWs and on this PC. So i really didnt loose as much as u did. But hope u get it right fam.

Damn you! LOL.. I was just about to tell him to press F8.

But, what I would do is:

Reboot your computer wait till the compaq screen comes up(or a lil bit right before it), then steadly tap F8. Once you're in Safe Mode, go to Start > Run > type in "msconfig"
Once you're in there look for anything that isn't Compaq releated. After that,
Go into you're Control Panel, then look for Systems Managment and look for the Activity Tab. Then if it's not doing anything abnormal, then go into your Windows Explorer, and then go to Windows then System32. And usually, the virus will have either a "spam" name as in "1-888" or somthing within that catagory, or it'll have Illegal Characters(IE: ‹,ø, í, ). I took classes on Computer Systems Managment, Computer Repair, and Networking Admin. So if it comes down to it, I'll throw you my number and we'll see what we can do.
Let me know.



i make beatz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 99
I'd take the suggestions of some of these guys if i were you, but if you aint computer savvy take it to the geeks. But for future ref back yo shit up on the regular yo.


needs more fartnoise
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Completely take out the old hard drive. Put a big ol' sticker that says FRIED HARD DRIVE on it so you don't mix them up. Install Win XP on a DIFFERENT hard drive. Label that one NEW HARD DRIVE. put NEW HARD DRIVE as your Master and FRIED HARD DRIVE as your slave. That's what KonceptG was advising.

BTW Hope you get your stuff back. When all our computers were confiscated by the police, they took my computer and external hard drive with like 30 really nice tracks on it (plus god knows how many hours of vocals and my drums and samples and stuff)

I DID backup... onto the external drive they took. Nice eh?

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
Elementree. I just recovered from this EXACT same shit minus the compaq part. theres hope man, i thought i was fucked but you'll be fine. What everyones said is correct. you have to get a NEW hard drive and put that shit in as your primary hard drive and then slave your old hard drive to it than you can read it. Make sure that when you get your new hard drive and windows running that you download avast antivirus or somesort of antivurs and have that shit up before you connect to the internet or attach your second hard drive. I did this and then scanned my slave hard drive and deleted the viruses. the hard drive is still fucked and wont boot as the primary drive but it works and reads and saves totally fine as its slaved. Just scrap up as much money as you can and buy a shitty hard drive if you have to but you have to get a new hard drive and install windows on that.

Hope this helps, PM me if you have questions man.

It's rough but there is light at the end of the tunnel.



ill o.g.
I would hate for it to be a problem with the registry or drivers. If not, it's probably a virus or the HD.

Lazy Eyes

The Beat Konduktah
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
Damnz elemetree..

I had that same thing a few months ago everything was vanished and i couldn't even see my HD anmymore...

But affortunately i had this wizz kid friend who hooked it up to this thing and retrieved all the info even info i had deleted months ago...

so it's possible to get your shit back even after having a virus on man...

Thing is, u might have to spend some cash, but looking at the situation that might be an option...

Good luck,



ill o.g.
this happened to me cuz my cpu was heating up too much above its operating threshold, my advice clean your fans, take of any clocking you have on, check the heatseals, even take of the side of the comp and blast a real fan onto the cpu, i would wager it isnt the hard drive unless you have a virus, but fo shure clean your fans, all of em, gunna be at least 4.....

or it may be a corrupted file in windows, in which case if you install the same version from the same cd it should just repair it, you may need to access safe mode to do this....

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