Obama wiretapping, in nearly the same vein as the Bush administration.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
I find this really troubling.

January 8, 2008:
cnet.com said:
For one thing, under an Obama presidency, Americans will be able to leave behind the era of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and "wiretaps without warrants," he said. (He was referring to the lingering legal fallout over reports that the National Security Agency scooped up Americans' phone and Internet activities without court orders, ostensibly to monitor terrorist plots, in the years after the September 11 attacks.)

It's hardly a new stance for Obama, who has made similar statements in previous campaign speeches, but mention of the issue in a stump speech, alongside more frequently discussed topics like Iraq and education, may give some clue to his priorities.

^ Obama: No warrantless wiretaps if you elect me | News Blog - CNET News

Let's see how Obama flip-flops just over a year later, when he's in office...

April 7th, 2009:
eff.org said:
Friday evening, in a motion to dismiss Jewel v. NSA, EFF's litigation against the National Security Agency for the warrantless wiretapping of countless Americans, the Obama Administration's made two deeply troubling arguments.

First, they argued, exactly as the Bush Administration did on countless occasions, that the state secrets privilege requires the court to dismiss the issue out of hand. They argue that simply allowing the case to continue "would cause exceptionally grave harm to national security." As in the past, this is a blatant ploy to dismiss the litigation without allowing the courts to consider the evidence.

It's an especially disappointing argument to hear from the Obama Administration. As a candidate, Senator Obama lamented that the Bush Administration "invoked a legal tool known as the 'state secrets' privilege more than any other previous administration to get cases thrown out of civil court." He was right then, and we're dismayed that he and his team seem to have forgotten.

Sad as that is, it's the Department Of Justice's second argument that is the most pernicious. The DOJ claims that the U.S. Government is completely immune from litigation for illegal spying — that the Government can never be sued for surveillance that violates federal privacy statutes.

^ In Warrantless Wiretapping Case, Obama DOJ's New Arguments Are Worse Than Bush's | Electronic Frontier Foundation

eff.org said:
Again, the gulf between Candidate Obama and President Obama is striking. As a candidate, Obama ran promising a new era of government transparency and accountability, an end to the Bush DOJ's radical theories of executive power, and reform of the PATRIOT Act. But, this week, Obama's own Department Of Justice has argued that, under the PATRIOT Act, the government shall be entirely unaccountable for surveilling Americans in violation of its own laws.

This isn't change we can believe in. This is change for the worse.

Discuss... :(


Posted Up
ill o.g.
Blogs shouldn't be referenced as fact and the President doesn't control all governmental decisions. Let's see what happens when this bill comes up for renewal this year.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
Blogs shouldn't be referenced as fact and the President doesn't control all governmental decisions. Let's see what happens when this bill comes up for renewal this year.
Neither CNET nor EFF are blogs... AFAIK CNET is a legitimate news source and EFF is a legitimate organization which has gone about filing lawsuits against an overly oppressive American government in the last 20+ years.


irregardless of the fact that he doesn't control all governmental decisions, one of the things he ran on was the abolishment of "warrantless wiretapping", and here we have the obama administration taking action in stark contrast of that.

Pretty sickening, I'm rather upset that my American brothers are about to eat the same shit sandwich for the next four years that they have been eating for the past 8 years.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
I know what EFF is. This seems like sensationalization of an issue to me. I don't think we can expect an immediate and complete change in Federal policy, but I do believe this administration will help to fix some issues in the long run. I don't support eavesdropping, but I'm also not involved in activities that could draw attention to myself. I'm more scared of a lawsuit for being politically incorrect than I am of being monitored.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Seriously tho, give the dude a chance first. Obama's only been in office for 3 1/2 months and mad people are already quick to judge and say they got him figured out. Just give the dude a chance at least before u bash his credibility is all im saying.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Seriously tho, give the dude a chance first. Obama's only been in office for 3 1/2 months and mad people are already quick to judge and say they got him figured out. Just give the dude a chance at least before u bash his credibility is all im saying.
THANK YOU...If anything, hopefully he will use that against those that came up with the idea of wiretapping the innocent anyway...that would be a good idea to me.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I still got his back, your never gonna get a perfect president.

In fact he didnt go gray until he started getting those CIA reports prior to being sworn in.
There is some serious shit out there, and I think he looks out for us with more common sense than we have seen in decades.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
I still got his back, your never gonna get a perfect president.

In fact he didnt go gray until he started getting those CIA reports prior to being sworn in.
There is some serious shit out there, and I think he looks out for us with more common sense than we have seen in decades.


Natioanl security ain't a political issue, it's an American issue. We need to protect ourselves from whoever wants to harm us.

There's some serious shit out there that we don't know about. We gotta understand that shit.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9

the government isn't even ran by the government. this is all entertainment.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
This is funny. I think people who stand behind presidents really need to sit down and think about it. So what Obama is doing things that people dont like. Bush did the same thing and so on and so on and so on... If anything.. the American people regardless of beliefs on who is right or wrong should really question themself.. We have lost control of this country... Politics and money are what run this place not the people. If you want to debate about whos right and whos wrong just remember that you will never be right as long as the country is not being ran by the people. Enjoy your debate!


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Give the Pres a chance for chrissakes, its gonna take 20 years to fix the crap Bush broke.

And it may take longer than that to pay for the "stimulus" package..

But I do agree...Give him a chance......I"m not liking the way things are going but I have grown patient enough to see the end result...


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Kontents is soooooooo retarted...

You cant trust those types with a K in there name.

Obama IS the supreme leader, all should accept, all should obey..

Give the Pres a chance for chrissakes, its gonna take 20 years to fix the crap Bush broke.

You are a zombie... :eek:) never knew crap could break.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
you can wait and see what he does. We all will. I'm sure he meant everything he said when he was on the campaign trail. Once he won,,,the real people in charge briefed him and now he's doing what every other president is doing,,,what their told. Regardless, we just have to sit it out. Lets be honest the next pres will be no different situation wise. I'm supporting him,,,,,for now. It's only April.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.
Yo, y'all don't know what the fuck a President knows, man. The world is gangsta. You have to be tough as nails to take on terrorists and whoever else the fuck is tryna screw us. You entire countries n' shit tryna knock us down.

Obama knows what the fuck is going on. I hope he doesn't take shit from anyone and tries to be the best leader he can be. Support the President.