Sticky *** OFFICIAL *** Classic Hip Hop videos

Are you an artist trying to go viral? , you have been singing for a long time but you music /track doesn’t get enough listeners or attention or are you new to the music industry and you want to get you song/track to be listened by thousands of people all over the world. We are perfectly positioned to help you on spotify music promotion. Through detailed research and analysis we are able to target the right and active audience that will increase your play counts and more. We are helping brands and individuals get a fresh perspective with our exceptionally efficient services.
You dont have to go around spamming the same thing all over the place
I hate them on Souncloud, atleast ILL has someone watching out for BS like that :D
its fucking annoying, like why spam the same fucking thing repeatedly in the same place. Is business that fucking great that thats how you get people interested. Not the sort of promo company I would deal with.


Big Clit Energy
You re sure right on that one. I was just very fanboy-ish at that time growing up with WTC, Pac and so on, guess we all grow up. :D
I was never really big on Pac, always thought he was a commercial rapper when he was alive, and then suddenly he was made some rap god after he died. I liked California Love, but cos Dre.