

Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Hell yea! that shit is crazy as hell... Just proves that people will believe whatever the media tells us. I would've have no idea about that possibility without seeing shit like that.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Those are some tight facts, surprised ?! Not really since there's no public control on government activities. They can do whatever they like by giving the nation what they want, times 100. Brainwashed, naieve or indifferent call it what you like, but this US system will probably come to a drasticly co-ordinated situation where you really need to wake up from these conservative primates. 1100 people got busted for being in the " wrong " place, at the " wrong " time. Freedom of speech, home of the brave... land of the free ? This is dictatorship on the highest level, I'd almost think the hawk's have been preparing " Das Neue dritte Reich ", much different of course since this is not about race. But look at this Bush campaign, like we're back in the '50s again so retarded like this government can succeed by assuming people are stupid and can indoctrinate them by acting mr. simpleton. That's like lesson 1 in psychology.

I heard Bush say that he's gonna promise a better world ? It just sounded so out of place...

But yeah, that was some interesting movie ish, there are probably more scams around the corner.

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
wow, that bugged me out

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21

Somebody at work recieved this as an e-mail from someone else. It just got around the office pretty fast.

Then I got this link from someone else too.

The funny thing about this to me...not that there is really anything funny about I never even second guessed what happened at the Pentagon. I ain't really built to ask questions. I guess I just accept most of what is given too me. I know that with today's technology, anything can be skewed to be seen a certain way, but some of the points these websites and presentations are giving making seem to make some strong sense.


ill o.g.
First of all let me say that I don't like (dick-tator)Bush, and that I am voting for Kerry, But I'm not sure that I buy into this.At the same time I would'nt be suprised if what happened is differnt from what was reported. Really I'm not sure what to believe.

Here is a site that disputes the theory that it wasnt a 757



The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
All these videos and stuff could be made by the government and released to confuse you, lol.

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