Please Cooperate: I would like to read your opinion!

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Would you join us?

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Greetings My Dear IllMusicians,

How's it going? What's good?

This thread is very very important to me personally, so please vote & share your opinion\thoughts!

My bosom friend (and quest-colleague) Alex and I have been developing our vision for quite a few years now... We're getting closer and closer to the ultimate goal: Leading and Guiding our very own 'commune-community'. Essentially, we'd like to assemble a group of unique human beings - people who search for that 'extra meaning to life', people who examine the core instead of the surface, people who probe the deepest layers of life and existence.

There are already quite a few groups which (basically) offer the same thing (to some extent). Yet, we DO have a very distinctive vision: WE BASE OUR QUEST ON THE MAGIC OF SOUND & MUSIC. We have experienced the depths and dimensions music carries to, we have felt its wonderful healing effects and entered into indescribable states of being and consciousness through it. Music is a higher vibrational transmission beyond words. It enables to touch people's heart and soul; the deepest layers of their inner-self. At first, music always sounds like a 'wall of noise', but once your ears get used to it, you realize that there is a living entity within each sound and tone. You can't help but to connect...

We shall offer a revolutionary way of living (a lifestyle that's beyond the materialistic reality of our woeful state of being); a deep, loving & respectful connection to mother nature, harmony, profound love and tranquility, focus on music & arts of various kinds, meditations (aural, dance, dialogue), healthy way of life & therapy, and many many other ideas & concepts (education, solitude, nutrition, sex and so forth...).

I realize that most of you won't be able to join (leastways, at the beginning) because you live far far away. With that being said, I love you all and your outlooks are of great interest and importance to me! So, please don't sleep! I'd like to ask you to:

1. Explain whether you'd consider joining such a community.
2. Express your candid opinion on this vision of ours.
3. Vote in the poll!
4. Add anything else you'd like to say...

Thank You,

The Divine Concept Of Music:
I think the main thing a musician would like to do is give a picture to the listener of the many wonderful things that he knows of and senses in the universe. . . That’s what I would like to do. I think that’s one of the greatest things you can do in life and we all try to do it in some way. My individual path is through SOUND.
My music is the spiritual expression of what I am — my faith, my knowledge, my being … When you begin to see the possibilities of music, you desire to do something really good for people, to help humanity free itself from its hangups … I want to speak to their souls.
Making money ain’t nothing exciting to me. You might be able to buy a little better booze than the wino on the corner. But you get sick just like the next cat and when you die you’re just as graveyard dead as he is.
My creed for art in general is that it should enrich the soul; it should teach spirituality by showing a person a portion of himself that he would not discover otherwise . . . a part of yourself you never knew existed.
What is music to you? What would you be without music? Music is everything. Nature is music (cicadas in the tropical night). The sea is music, the wind is music. The rain drumming on the roof and the storm raging in the sky are music. Music is the oldest entity. The scope of music is immense and infinite. It is the ‘esperanto’ of the world!
My life is music, and in some vague, mysterious and subconscious way, I have always been driven by a taut inner spring which has propelled me to almost compulsively reach for perfection in music, often—in fact, mostly—at the expense of everything else in my life.

"There is never any end. There are always new sounds to imagine, new feelings to get at. And always, there is the need to keep purifying these feelings and sounds so that we can really see what we’ve discovered in its pure state. So that we can see more and more clearly what we are. In that way, we can give to those who listen the essence, the best of what we are. But to do that at each stage, we have to keep on cleaning the mirror." (John Coltrane)


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
I would seriously consider joining, I would have to ask many questions and learn more about it before i commit to it tho.

To me.. Music is an expression of self. I am going to change the way many people think with my music. The ideas I have are ideas many others may have but cant put into words. "I may not change the world, but i will be the spark the flame that does" - tupac.

Also, I wouldnt want to be limited on the kind of music I make. I always make music with a message in it, always. But even so, I wouldnt want to be repromanded for making a "club track" or a snap ya fingaz type song. any type of limitation on my music would make me feel constricted and not in control.

Without music, I probably wouldn't be as strong as i am to day, and able to handle the everyday pressures of society and emotional torment from inside. Music is a door into enlightenment for me, and everytime i walk through that door theres a new feeling joy, thus, i never get tired of it or build up an "immunity", persay.

I agree completely on ur definaition of what music is. However, is music a living entitiy? or is it a vital organ that lives inside of us? without us, music may not survive, but without music, we surely wont.

I think your idea is great, and i see it as an elite conglomerate of talented individuals with a VISION.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3

Sanova said:
I would seriously consider joining, I would have to ask many questions and learn more about it before i commit to it tho.
Excellent, thank you :thumb:

Sanova said:
Also, I wouldnt want to be limited on the kind of music I make.

Sanova said:
Music is a door into enlightenment
Exactly my friend, that's the very heart of our concept!

Sanova said:
However, is music a living entitiy?
Metaphorically, we think it is. It can 'speak to you', 'control you' and 'play with your emotions'... Plus, figuratively, it has a will of its own ;)

Sanova said:
I think your idea is great, and i see it as an elite conglomerate of talented individuals with a VISION.
Many thanks, it means a lot. ONE LOVE!

'When you are in a state of ecstasy and bliss, there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen!'


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
I like your vision Wings. And would be really interested in exploring it further.

My music is a way of trying to connect with whom ever is listening. I try to have my music be a door to my soul and that my feelings and emotions.
Music is about connecting on that plane where words are redundant. THe essence of communicating so to speak. In the best scenario I must add. Many musicians don't convey anything at all. But it would be a nice thing to explore and delve upon.

Respect Wings.. Much respect on your vision quest


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
"My life is music, and in some vague, mysterious and subconscious way, I have always been driven by a taut inner spring which has propelled me to almost compulsively reach for perfection in music, often--infact mostly--at the expense of everything else in my life."

Applies to me all day long (or all life for that matter).
All death long too, named our company RIP for short for a couple of reasons one being that even after death Ill be reppin the music even with the cheapie headstone!

Im intrigued, Sanova summed it up for me ...

There have been times where I literally had nothing but lyrics a drum machine and a Bible..
Both have always provided (Bible and music) for me when there was nothing else and no one else.
Which looking back was partly my fault for being SO commited to the music! lol
I been doin this hiphop since before it was "Cool" and took ALOT of misery from people who hated it prior to it being shoved down everyones throat now adays.
As long as your not restricted on what you make Im with it..
Oh and if it starts to morph into a cult Im gone!!! LOL

I like Arteests , consider myself one, strange and talented...
Fitting into and helping a community of them thrive should not be a hardship

DJ Xsinna

The Big Bang-BINO
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 43
Sounds good Wings. I would like to be a part of this if you don't mind. Music for me is my voice. I speak much better with my hands (writing lyrics and creating music) than to just speak in front of people. I also believe that music is a living entity (of sorts).


ill o.g.
"My creed for art in general is that it should enrich the soul; it should teach spirituality by showing a person a portion of himself that he would not discover otherwise . . . a part of yourself you never knew existed."

Very eloquently put.
I quite honestly couldn't agree more with this view, and I would be really thankful if was to become a part of this comunity/project/whatever. I've always been interested and intrigued by music's ability to emphasise and manipulate mood emotion - after all, that's the purpose of making any form of art: to express your feelings/visions/ideas (or even those of others) through a certain medium - ultimately to make people feel a certain way and evoke certain images & moods.
Everything you experience, learn or feel is filtered through you, and all these seemingly indirect influences help shape your art (be it in any form), which end up showing you and others far more [about you] than could ever be conveyed in words.

...As Sanova brilliantly summed up, ("I think your idea is great, and i see it as an elite conglomerate of talented individuals with a VISION.")

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
its very difficult for me to explain my vote right now. Wings is one of my favorite people here and I wouldnt want to offend.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
I am feeling the vibe and intention of your idea, Wings. Too be honest, a commune type community would be a large change to my life but it may be something that my spirit may need to experience before my journey on earth is over. It's a cool idea but I would have to research this concept closely.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
dj360_iNfInItE1 said:
I am feeling the vibe and intention of your idea, Wings. Too be honest, a commune type community would be a large change to my life but it may be something that my spirit may need to experience before my journey on earth is over. It's a cool idea but I would have to research this concept closely.

indeed. well-put.

The Bastard

i agree , it sounds like a boarderline cult.but it if u called it a b boy crew instead of a commune community id prolly join
ill o.g.
I also like wings a lot, that doesnt mean i shouldnt be honest with him... especially since he asked for our opinions etc.

As nice an ideology as communism is its been proven time and time again that it simply doesnt work. I know your intention isnt a communistic ideology, but living in a commune is usually a communistic society. Therefore I wouldnt want to live on a commune.

As far as your ideas about a group of people coming together to share their love of music and produce things together, great, id love to do that in my free time. Living in a commune might put food on my table but it sure wont fill my pockets. I just started school again (going to get my bachelors in IT) and I'd like to make a good living when im done with this. Yes, Ill admit, i want dozens of crates of records and a dope studio all to myself.

I dont think it is necessary to live on a commune to realize your musical dreams and ideals, although it does raise the interesting question of wether or not it might make for more interesting results.

And yeah, I do hate the 'system', and little house on the prairie/commune does seem to be a way to avoid dealing with 'the system', i guess its a personal matter, you have to look at yourself and be honest and ask yourself if you are social and selfless enough to be able to contribute to a commune. Im pretty sure it wont be all fun and games all the time.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
My deepest blessings to each and every one of you!

Thank you for the extensive support fellas! One Love!

Big Tone said:
its very difficult for me to explain my vote right now. Wings is one of my favorite people here and I wouldnt want to offend.
Don't worry man, you ain't offending me :)
It's all good, keep it real :thumb:

The Bastard said:
i agree , it sounds like a boarderline cult.but it if u called it a b boy crew instead of a commune community id prolly join
HELL NO! Borderline-cult? No way, we're completely against cults\sects of all kinds! It's all about self-realization through music & sound... "Commune community" is just a generic reference. Our ideology clearly proclaims: "You've got to look back at the old things and see them in a new light".

dj360_iNfInItE1 said:
I am feeling the vibe and intention of your idea, Wings. Too be honest, a commune type community would be a large change to my life but it may be something that my spirit may need to experience before my journey on earth is over. It's a cool idea but I would have to research this concept closely.
100%, that's the spirit :p

MarkN said:
yea me 2 i dnt want to offend anyone that is going to do this but its not something i agree with at all !
Too bad, but I can't front. It's your life to live, your choice. We understand that this idea is not for everybody. We keep 'THE LIGHT' for the chosen and shall continue doing so!

Dysphuncktional said:
I also like wings a lot...
Word, love & light buddy! I understand your viewpoint and have nothing else to do but to wish you the best of luck & send you my best regards. Keep up the good work!

My dear friends, ya'll have to realize that this is a virginal-utopian-idea... It will take us at least 2-3 years to start fulfilling it... Unfortunately, most of you would not be able to be with us @ the very beginning (distance & the fact that you come from other countries), but no matter what - I shall always remember you and keep you in my heart & soul. What i'm doing here on IllMuzik is an integral part of this wide vision. I declare it out loud: I FLY ON MUCH HIGHER SPHERES THAN THIS VERY PLANET, AND THAT'S WHAT I'M TRYING TO PASS ON.

'When you are in a state of ecstasy and bliss, there are no rules, people can fly, anything can happen!'


ill o.g.
Dysphuncktional said:
As far as your ideas about a group of people coming together to share their love of music and produce things together, great, id love to do that in my free time. Living in a commune might put food on my table but it sure wont fill my pockets. I just started school again (going to get my bachelors in IT) and I'd like to make a good living when im done with this. Yes, Ill admit, i want dozens of crates of records and a dope studio all to myself.

I dont think it is necessary to live on a commune to realize your musical dreams and ideals, although it does raise the interesting question of wether or not it might make for more interesting results.

I personally thought of it more as an online thing, again, as Sanova put it, ("I think your idea is great, and i see it as an elite conglomerate of talented individuals with a VISION.")simply a sort of collective of people who have some similar vision/principles etc, but obvioulsy each with their own personal views and opinions.
ill o.g.
an island full of hot commune hiphop producin females?

where do i sign up... lol