Pro Tools XP


Equality 7-2521

digidesign wont be making a demo for xp any time soon. its possible there will be a demo for version 7 but i doubt it. buy it instead!


ill o.g.
There is a ProTools version for XP with a demo you can download. Its called Protools M-powered. Its compatable with M Audio hardware and its 300 US. Go to the digidesign website or do a search for M Powered Demo for XP. Its real memory hog But it is compatable with other PT versions, LE and HD (i think HD). and can save files that can be opened in windows or mac and opens other PT versions. worth checking out


stjoeben said:
There is a ProTools version for XP with a demo you can download. Its called Protools M-powered. Its compatable with M Audio hardware and its 300 US. Go to the digidesign website or do a search for M Powered Demo for XP. Its real memory hog But it is compatable with other PT versions, LE and HD (i think HD). and can save files that can be opened in windows or mac and opens other PT versions. worth checking out

You can use protools m-powered if you have an m-audio card. Audiofile 2496 or Delta 44/66 etc. I use protools 6.9 w/ a digi002 mixer that i bought off of ebay, honestly, I wish I never bought it. I like sonar 4 so much better and sonar is so much more stable in windows xp. if you're really looking to try protools, just go to guitar center and buy an mbox, try it for 30 days, and return it. They have a really good 30 day satisfaction guarantee policy. it really isn't that great of software right now. 7.0 may be good when it comes out, but the current version of 6.9 sucks compared to sonar. i've used both extensively. unless you go the protools hd route, I'd definetly go with sonar for recording, editing, mixing, midi, etc. way more options in sonar 4.

Steel Side

ill o.g.
Yeah, I did dl the Sonar 4 demo, and I like the interface, if I could just get the midi going, I'll be good. I want to use my mpc1000 to trigger midi events in sonar, or FL, or anything. lol Any suggestions? I've been trying for about a week now, ever since I bought the m-audio usb midi 1X1, but no dice. Any help guys?