Question to My Fellow Producers. Would something like this be helpful?


ill o.g.
So my homie and I had an idea and were wondering if it would be helpful to any producers out there. We are thinking about creating a website for all amateur and experienced producers alike to be able to...

- Create a complete portfolio of all their productions.
- Sell projects based on single use licenses or can sell the song for fully contracted rights.
- Market their portfolio extremely easily. There will be tools to sync the portfolio with the producer's Twitter, FB, YouTube accounts

Now I know there are a few sites out there already (the ones I have found don't seem very good at all), but basically what will make ours different is that it will be more designed as a tool for producers to market their work.

Both me and my friend are experienced programmers and expert internet marketers so we would basically emphasize the marketing aspect of this site. Producers will be able to easily share their work with friends, fans, prospective clients, etc. with our viral tools.

I'll probably start working on this soon. Shouldn't take too long for me to put together (probably a week or two tops) but I want to be completely open to any and all comments and possible features everyone would like to see integrated. I'm a huge hip hop nerd (and computer geek) and I've always thought this would be something that could be helpful. Thanks everyone!


the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
frankly, i don't think it's really worth the effort. 10 years ago, this would have been dope, but now everybody has soundclouds and bandcamps. plus, if you're beats are really hot, they'll find their way to a record.
but maybe it'll work, just my 2 cents


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I feel ya but like dp and mono said, most people here are happy here (imo) and I know it doesn't mean you have to leave here but all that is available without going through signing up, uploading all your music somewhere else and so on... just too much trouble or I'm lazy as heyell. =)


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Why would you go elsewhere? Not that you would leave ill, but it gives you another opportunity to get your music out there..yes bandcamp and soundcloud/click are awesome...but the more you saturate yourself out there, the more likely you'd get something picked up...

I really don't promote myself online as much as I should, but if someone wants to promote it, why not have illmuzik and other sites to do it on.....the more the merrier, right?

If implemented well, can do pretty well, even now with all the free stuff... The thing have to offer something so spectacular in comparison to the other sites to make people want to jump on yours.....That's the ticket there....there's not much that hasn't already been done....But you need to have that appeal to someone who's going to take that time out and hop on your site (and stay active on it).


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I think what Sucio said is correct but until that day when producers are actually being picked up from internet sites, I think you just have to view it as just another spot. So I understand trying to get exposure but if it's all on the same block then it's nothing special.

I know cats that are on other websites that were created by big time producers but they aren't signing any deals. We have got to remember that the internet is a make believe world where SOME dreams come true but not enough to really count on it.

Knowing somebody that knows somebody in the industry is still the best chance you got and I guarantee you, you won't be in contact with them using the internet, you'll be on the phone and hitting the street with them. The REAL world!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
- Create a complete portfolio of all their productions.
- Sell projects based on single use licenses or can sell the song for fully contracted rights.
- Market their portfolio extremely easily. There will be tools to sync the portfolio with the producer's Twitter, FB, YouTube accounts

So basically its another reverbnation?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Right on PingPong, welcome to the site.
I'm more of a designer then a programmer but I can imagine a project of that scope has to be quite the job so I commend your hustle.

I think its a great idea personally because there's a lot of options out there right now but so far no ones really got it entirely right yet.

First, a couple questions:
1. Are you trying to create a service that costs money to take advantage of, or is this something thats entirely FREE?
2. Is the sites main goal to provide personalized tools for producers moreso, or is this supposed to be sort of a hybrid of something like SoundCloud, etc thats for musicians, bands, groups? (I gather its more specifically for "producers")

Second, a couple suggestions:
1. If you plan to generate money through this site you might consider alternatives to making people pay to access the heart of what makes your site successful, ie. create a full portfolio, upload as many photos, tracks as you like, a producer myself, this is an immediate turn off considering there's always something similar that offers the same thing at no cost.
2. Another thing to consider is if you are planning to charge for anything I would make that evident from the very beginning to your target audience, its never a good look to offer something free and then suddenly charge for the same service or a variant of it loose customers that way.
3. add onto what you've already mentioned in your introduction - I would take it one step further and try to solely focus on offering a simple-self explanatory environment to create more then just a portfolio but rather a specialized place to create an EPK that can essentially become that artists website or central hub to send interested parties to.
4. One of the major areas all these audio sites fall short typically is how they let you present your audio to your listeners. I would put a lot of R&D into audio player/presentation solutions and what could help set you apart from the rest.



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Take it from me - it's not worth it.

Not that you shouldn't at least TRY, but from my experience I don't think it would work for you. Right here on IllMuzik we offer that, just go to your Profile page and you can see:

I haven't pushed it as much as I'd like to because I've been caught up with other things lately, but the thing is - there's tons of site out there that have the same set up like you're thinking but the big difference is that they're already established and are also HUGE.

Hip Hop producers really don't care if they're on Bandcamp, Reverbnation or whatever, as long as their music gets out.

Honestly, the only way you would be able to pull it off is if you already had an established hip hop production community and for that, IllMuzik takes the cake!


ill o.g.
Woah didn't expect so many responses so quick! I didn't realize the Illmuzik's profile page works like that (pretty cool!)

I guess what I was trying to incorporate was a way for people to market easier through the internet easier. The plan isn't to make a site that's like the bunch that is already existent. Since I've spent the last few years doing nothing but online marketing, my idea was to have the site with features that would help a song or profile go viral.

My other buddy is obsessed with making this happen so I guess one way or another we will still make it (since it shouldn't take me longer than a week-ish to throw up something) and hopefully I can show how it will be helpful. Not trying to steal people away from Illmuzik because I actually like this forum and plan on staying. Just hoping to help other musicians with what I'm best at.


Is it worth It?

You can try it but you have to do something that separates you from the rest. The music industry is saturated. There are alot of people looking for help to become singer, rappers,etc. Do not listen to the critics just strive and be different, heck look at the differece between small social networks and large one. One dominates and then another knocks the king off the hill infinitely.

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