Reason 4 Has Went To The Presses!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
**********THERE IS NO DOUBT NOW THAT IT'LL WILL BE OUT IN 30 TO 45 DAYS****************

VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVtaken from an email sent to me because I was a beta testerVVVVVVVVVVVVV

Good news about Reason!

The Golden Master has been shipped to the pressing plant! Actually, Leo took a flight down to Austria and delivered the disc personally to the pressing plant. We wanted to make extra sure that Reason 4 arrived in style and comfort since it's been so hard to let it go. (Yeah, two years, we know.)

Anyways, after we released the three Release Candidates we basically sat here at the office, testing, holding our thumbs and watching the board to see if anyone had found the Mother of all bugs. That didn't happen and boy is that a relief for all of us.

We think that beta testing went very good. There are some mightily clever people out there who think in ways different from ours and without your feedback, Reason would have been like a bugridden old dog. Instead, Reason is one lean, mean music machine. This we owe in part, to you: The Patient and Clever Tester. Thank you so very much for helping us!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
If they really want to show there thanks the can let me get that shit for the "free" or at least one hell of a discount!

open mind

i checked their homepage 4 mo info and i cant believe it, their update "reason v4" will still NOT support vsts and audio recording they gotta be fuckin kiddin'


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Glad to see you back Open Mind! I've never been a fan of vst's and there are two many better programs for recording audio so I got not gripes with Reason as far as not having that. I like it just the way it is and its still getting better every time they launch a new prg. Rewire solves the audio recording side of it in my opinion anyway. If they put too much in the programs it'll be a system hog and they don't want to be known for that.

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Glad to see you back Open Mind! I've never been a fan of vst's and there are two many better programs for recording audio so I got not gripes with Reason as far as not having that. I like it just the way it is and its still getting better every time they launch a new prg. Rewire solves the audio recording side of it in my opinion anyway. If they put too much in the programs it'll be a system hog and they don't want to be known for that.

True, and i think reason 4 is going to be a very ill program, and while I can't wait to upgrade

I wish they let you use vsts and record atleast a minute worth of audio in it

they could have the vsts load up looking like a regular device rack, (example: Kore by NI) and the ability to sample straight into reason would have made it the ultimate imo, you could use it soley to make beats with no other applications which would in turn save a lot of time imo.

reasons sounds and refills are dope, but the ability to use trilogy in reason and have it self contained inside of one app seems like it would make things soo much easier to me. and if your concerned about the app being more power hungry....well....just don't use vsts or record audio....i dont think the actual implementing of a vst host would use power, rather than the vsts themselves, same with audio.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I personally love it just the way it is and is going to be when 4 comes out. It really doesn't take me that much time to lay out my samples that I want to use and rewire or load them up in Reason. We can't get too lazy as producers and have every single little thing right there! For me that would get boring real fast. My idea of the ultimate set up is having what you use communicate with one another. That's basically how I have my production system set up. Dudes are slippin' when it comes to Rewire. Open your programs in the right order and everythings sync'd up. I can open Acid Pro 6 for vocals then bring up Reason hit play an everything is moving in sync. I can have damn near unlimited tracks just for vocals which makes it easier in my opinion to just export music and vocals seperately for remixes and shit like that. I think the important thing is to learn your hardware/software inside and out and to make sure you only purchase what works hand in hand with your basic set up. Rewire man....don't sleep on it!

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I personally love it just the way it is and is going to be when 4 comes out. It really doesn't take me that much time to lay out my samples that I want to use and rewire or load them up in Reason. We can't get too lazy as producers and have every single little thing right there! For me that would get boring real fast. My idea of the ultimate set up is having what you use communicate with one another. That's basically how I have my production system set up. Dudes are slippin' when it comes to Rewire. Open your programs in the right order and everythings sync'd up. I can open Acid Pro 6 for vocals then bring up Reason hit play an everything is moving in sync. I can have damn near unlimited tracks just for vocals which makes it easier in my opinion to just export music and vocals seperately for remixes and shit like that. I think the important thing is to learn your hardware/software inside and out and to make sure you only purchase what works hand in hand with your basic set up. Rewire man....don't sleep on it!

If you like it thats all cool and fine.. but a lot of reason users including myself would love these additions, and i believe propeller head should take notice, like i stated earlier how would vsts and audio support make the app more power hungry if you dont use them? if its to much for you just don't use it....simple

if you use any other daw, its only going to really start hogging your system if your doing a lot track heavy work....that is if you have a pc built for music and atleast a gig, which is pretty standard at this point in using computer in the studio.

and its not a thing about being lazy its about improving the work flow, your still working if you find the sample, you still have to listen, and chop it up....your just saving time and keeping what you use contained in one program, if i need to use another app thats fine, but i'd love if i could just keep it all in reason because its such a comfortable program, and i work doesn't make a producer lazy if you just want to get your idea down as fast and as comfortable as you can. for vocals yeah a d.a.w like pro tools or cubase ect would work better but i was just proposing one minute of audio sampling in reason

for most cats sampling a minute is over kill

also a lot of producers like myself really like reason's sequencer so thats another advantage to being able to use vsts directly in reason.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
You can export individual tracks! You've always been able to do that. No, you can't hit export and the tracks export to single wave files automatically but you can do it by muting all the tracks and then unmuting the tracks one at a time and then hitting export.

4.0 won't export individual wave files unless you mute tracks and export them one at a time. This doesn't take alot of time so I don't see it slowing you down much.