Reason Sound Engine..Thin??!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 51
Man, has anybody noticed that Reason's sound engine sounds Thined out? I notice it. I could load up a drumkit on Redrum, and load up the same drum kit on the Triton. And the triton knocks way harder. ( of course this is through pro tools ) BUT, When I track out straight from the instruments in Reason To an Audio Track On Pro Tools, It sounds Good!

So I dont know...when things are going through the mixer (Reason) it doesn't sound as good as opposed to just coming straight from a Reason Instrument, Or just when it gets recorded on a pro tools track it sounds Dope again. Im just curious. Because usually I do a beat in reason, Put it on an aux in Pro tools, Record bass/guitar/ etc. then bounce it just like that, it sounds thin in the car or wherever. But when I track out everything on audio tracks in Pro Tools from Reason, It sounds way better in a stereo, Car, etc.

just curious...



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 51
Custom setup? so yo mean you have to customize/tweak it, for it to sound Phat? I heard your stuff and it does sound nice. but dont you throw it in DP or Pro-tools from there?

I guess I have to play with the Compressors, etc. in Reason. But Either way I track it into Pro tools and do all of my mixing there...compression, Reverb, etc. (Waves). I guess the Pro tools Audio Engine just sounds better without customization and all that.

Peace out!


Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
^^ yea i have reason Mixing temps for the styles so when im making the track it sounds the way i need it to for whatever im doing etc blah

i dump into Dp to Finalize to tighten up a Mix thats bout it....I do all the hardwork in reaosn leave Dp for the Touching up


ill o.g.
I had The Same Complaints But Ole NnXT Told me Otherwise But Im still Interested IN tryna throw 1 of my beats into Pro Tools Or Cubase and See If ill Notice the Difference NOw if only I could get a Working Copy of either (without paying a G)

Equality 7-2521

i thikn the only difference in sound engines can be in the bit rate reduction that happens internally. if a sound engine has poor algorythms for the automatic dithering which occurs every time you do any form of digital editing, the result will be more of a gritty distorted sound (low in volume ofcourse). so dunno where the "thin" sound you speak of would come from.

ive used reason for a while now though and the sound from it sound fine to me.


ill o.g.
I rewire Reason synths to (cubase) or w/e and run battery for drums

comes out sexy each time.


The "Scream" always makes Drums Knock Hard.................
ill o.g.
Reason is dope regardless,like dude said you get what you put in plus while your "in" reason thats just the creation phase don't expect it to sound great before any "beefing up"...even if it's a triton or ES or what ever it's not gonna sound it's best until the post production phase,ie mixing,effects,proccessing,mastering etc.


when usin' reason i try tweakin the frequencies of every sounds, i think that's the key !!!
And i avoid clippin usin the limiter in version 3

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