Sample flipping blog


The Arkitekt

I had an idea. If I were to host a blog, in which everyday I put up a zip file with a sample and some drums samples available for download, yall think it would get traffic? would people be interested in like a daily flip? look fun?


ill o.g.
that is a good idea

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I think it would get hits. But you'd have to let a bunch of forums about it before it really took off. I'd say find the top 10 producer forums out there and then let them know you're doing this...

The Arkitekt

thanks for the input guys

Steez what you mean make them WAVs, you mean the drums samples or the songs? cuz the drum samples are already wavs

@ Ominous, yea good idea, I was thinking that but im gonna wait till I got shit on there for like a few weeks so it looks more official before I start posting it everywhere. Im trying to make a small income with ads from this, I hate the idea of a 9-5. Also gonna try to get a few other websites going. I got a friend whos a heavy sports better, so im gonna make a blog for him with sports picks, etc. I wanna have like different websites with multiples incomes after like a year. Learning some html now so I could make this happen


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I like the idea, specially if the samples are taken from wax....

And yeah, just make sure they a universal format that most peoples gear, etc excepts, ie. 16/44.1 WAV standard files would be ideal - for all samples. 24bits not really needed plus certain samplers dont except that format such as the 1000.

The main benefit of keeping the files uncompressed is that their going to end up compressed once again anyways when people post up the beats they made from the samples so the quality should be much better in end that way...

Hell, if your blog takes off you could even start selling sample packs once you have a large enough following.


ill o.g.
Yeah just make sure the samples are 16/44.1, not mp3s

i think they would have to be if hes uploading mad songs at a time..

honestly i think it would be dope if they were streaming songs..

The Arkitekt

yea I was thinking of getting some player up on there that streamed the songs before download. Anyone know where I can get a player like that? just a real simple player

and I cant get the shit straight off wax yet I dont have a TT. I know this woman that is gonna sell me like hundreds of records for a low price so once I get a TT ima hop on that


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Word, im just a wax junkie so thats what i would prefer but id still flip a cd sample too.
Ark - If you peep out my blog, i have a music player widget up from Reverbnation -
You could get one like that if u open an account there.
The only catch would be u would have to make people submit their sample flips to you first and then u would be in charge of uploading all of them to your player.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
The only thing I know you will have to watch out for eventually is copyright.

I guess Google, who owns Blogger, is starting to crack down on blogs that are infringing on copyright. So if you build your whole foundation on spreading old records and choppable material, there could come a day where you have to pay the piper.

That is why on my blog I just post about a bunch of things. So if they deleted my posts having to do with copyright material, I would still have a bunch of other published stuff up there. I also manually back up each post by saving a Text file version of the post. So if you had to ever rebuild your blog, you would still have each post and you would just have to copy and paste you posts.

It would be tedious but at least you wouldn't lose everything.

What I am doing... for those that are also trying to build their brand and online presence, is building my blog with Blogger, but then I am going to mirror it at Wordpress and then I will incorporate it to my site. I don't know if I am going to manually build my blog on my site with code or if I am going to just add it using the Wordpress option. If my Wordpress account is deleted then I am screwed so it is best I build it but I don't really want to invest that much time into reinventing the wheel when it already exists.

I haven't updated my actually website lately because I am working on copyright cleaning it. So if the day comes that someone blows the whistle on me for copyright infringement, I can delete my remixes and just keep all my original instrumentals up. That also means that all of my existing remixes will disappear because all of them use uncleared samples.

I wont give up sampling but I will be focusing a lot more on sample free beats and royalty free samples.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
hey how bout those illmuzik blogs??!!

The idea is tight, i just like to fully customize my spot and have the freedom to add what i want.

Its still a cool thing to have but its more useful just for communicating with people solely on we have the messaging system so i dunno?

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