settle this for me please


ill o.g.
last week me and one of my homies were discussing mics, pre's and signal chains. He's a little on the " I saw somebody do it this way at such & such studios" so it's got to be right type dudes. He thinks if you run a mic through a mixer, to a pre amp, then to the'll get a better sound than ( my way>> ) bypassing the mixer and going straight to the preamp and then to the multitrack.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Id run it thru the preamp 1st, unless he means a mixer w/ phantom power.

Doc Henny

ill o.g.
i agree; i'd run it thru the preamp 1st, but it seems redundant to use a mixer and a multitrack...also, the mixer prob has a preamp built in as well, although it may not be that great


ill o.g.
It's just my home pre-production set up mainly. The mixer is a Yamaha MG16/4. the only reason I got the mixer was to hook up all my MIDI gear and Stanton T50x. I send the outs from the mixer to the AW16 (only 6 1/4 inch inputs) for tracking purposes. I'm going to start putting together demos for people who buy beats from me and don't have the bread to go to the studio. I do have a Bheringer MIC2200 tube pre that I've hooked up to the AUX sends and returns just to get a warmer sound before going into the multitrack. I just didn't see the need in running the mic through the mixer, when the Ultragain tube preamp has 48v power.

thanks for the input fellas......

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
The only thing I could see a mixer being used in your friends way is to use one of the mixers effects if it has any. Possibly compression, mic modeling or EQ. This wouldnt be a good idea though cuz everything would be recorded that way and undooable.


ill o.g.
konceptG said:
generally speaking, most larger recording houses will go mic>preamp>mixer with compression/limiting patched as an insert on the mixer channel. Something like this - - is usually seen in bigger studios, but for a project studio something like this - - is just fine.

Thanx for the info CUZ

Actually I have two Bheringer( just something to start out with ) tube pre's and a Samson SCOM already. It's just that one of my homies disagreed with the way I by passed the mixer and ran my mic through the pre and SCOM straight to the multitrack....

5th Sequence said:
The only thing I could see a mixer being used in your friends way is to use one of the mixers effects if it has any. Possibly compression, mic modeling or EQ. This wouldnt be a good idea though cuz everything would be recorded that way and undooable.

Exactly, chalk one up for your boy.......The MG16/4 has eq, but no effects...I'll use the effects either from my rack and insert them into the multitrack, or use the effects that are already in the multitrack...... I guess you can say I'm only using the mixer as a bus to get all my MIDI gear out puts into the multitrack. I'll be moving up to a 32 channel mixer soon....cuz tracking is a BEAOCH right now. I have to either plug and unplug all the outs from each piece of gear, or track each joint one at a time.....

Good Lookin'out

Doc Henny said:
i agree; i'd run it thru the preamp 1st, but it seems redundant to use a mixer and a multitrack...also, the mixer prob has a preamp built in as well, although it may not be that great

I got the mixer to hook up my midi gear and turntable......the multitrack doesn't have enough inputs for everything. It's an AW16g it only has 8 inputs, 6 1/4" 2 XLR.


ill o.g.
misscc803 said:
Why not use your Yamaha AW16 as your mixer? You can connect everything to it. Thats what I do with my Roland VS-2000.

I was doing that, but I ended up getting more gear....the AW16g ( the model before the AW16000 ) only has 8 inputs: 2 xlr, and 6 1/4...and I like to run stereo outs. DO you run stereo outs or LMONO??????

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