shopping tracks without gettin bit

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
hey, whats the best way to shop a track that can be duplicated by a pro if heard? i got a few bomb ass tracks i been holding on to and i was gonna use them for my solo album but i may want to try and sell a few to get sum money.. im talking fairly good money like at least a g or more.... sum of them use fairly well known samples and a pro could prolly remake the may not be exactly the same but they could take my idea and remake it how i can i be sure when i send someone a track that they wont just bite it:confused:


ill o.g.
I'd advise to only show those treacks to serious artists and do it by setting up a listening session or something similar. I wouldn't be sending my best beats to peeps on a CD or putting them online or anything like that.

Also, try to get yourself to a pont where you are known as the hottest producer in your area so that peeps will be coming to you with that $$$.

just my opinion


ill o.g.
yo dats a good question. u mite wanna get a copyright wit ascaps or sumthin. but im in da same situation u in man. industry is shady nowadays.


ill o.g.
Their is no way, if you nice your beats will be stole and you will be bitten, just like you bite somebody yourself to get to the point you at now, the key is to be good enough to keep it coming, I was fucking with some dudes just like freestyling, and I cant really rap but Ijust like doing it, I said a hotline, then I go back later the dudes got my line in one of their songs, that was funny. Just build realationship and stay on you connects mind. Just build reltationships and hope most people you fuck with, keep it real, which most of them won't so, there is nothing you can really do.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
baically, i would just suggest you use them for yourself....

if heads like it and feel your tracks, they may hire you to do exclusives for them.......


dogg you can lay whats called a watermark on your beat, like a female voice saying your name and other cool stuff wid a cool effect on it so they at least cant record or sample it.


Creator of the Universe
ill o.g.

1. If you shop a track, you always risk the possibility of being plaigiarised. That is because you as a person with, I assume, an inconsequential legal expenditure can not fight against a larger entity that has more financial leverage than you. These people, producers or labels, can strongarm you in that sense.

2. If you shop a track, and even put a "watermark," it doesn't mean that the person can not simply remake the instrumental on their machines, and then lie and say that they never heard your music (unless you have some form of evidence showing otherwise.) You don't have the money to take the case to court, because it is too expensive. Or, they can change up your track and then make it "different" altogether.

3. If you don't shop tracks, nobody will ever know your work, and you will not get paid. So shopping tracks, and assessing the costs and the benefits of doing so is something you have to reason with. You want some income, so you have to shop tracks, right? But you don't want to be plagiarised? It's a calculated risk.

If somebody figured out a way for a person to safely shop tracks without having plagiarism occur, then most of us would already know the answer. Knowing that people on all tiers in the music business (from international to the local level) are rather devious in matters like these (either of necessity propagated by competition, or individual character) there is always that risk. It's comes with the territory.

*On the other hand, producers that have a little more clout, send their beat CDs to their connections within a label. A&R or another rep that likes your tracks will most likely make copies of the productions for others in their company, their artists. Then those connections, if they like your CD, will make copies for their friends and leak the production showcase CD out of the company itself to a larger web. This works as a good method of advertisement for the producer within a sphere of influence that is consequential to his/her career. With that said, it is still possible for people to plagiarise at that level, however, chances of it occurring seem less when you know the producer shopping the CD, or his friend in a personal fashion.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Keep your fire to yaself man...I mean use them as backdrops but not the naked instrumental especially if its hot you might use it possibly with a good artist for promo...but as a stand alone instrumental you take risks especially if say 4 instance you got that fire, and it does make to an A&R......well that A&R depending on the situation has some in house or for hire cats that are Starving for their next hit......suppose its a hot concept and song but there's some things about your arrangement or the concept that needs something changed.....I dunno if at that point they call you and ask can you make some changes or if the starving, very capable, been in the game for awhile cats that get paid from the label get the call and the concept with your beat and they take it and completely flip it.......thatz the oldest trick in the book.....I don't think I would open my hott shidd up to's on you but bottom line this is not a game if you are seriously shopping careful....I only keep the heat to myself to keep me warm if you know what I mean....


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
word uses the fire yourself, cause fact is your beats will only get better when you keep at it..

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
thnxs for the suggestionz fellas... ive come to a couple understandings.. correct me if im wrong..

1) unless i live like a hermit there is always a risk that i could get bit..

2) if there is a chance im gonna get paid i evntually have to leak out these tracks somehow .. and knock on wood i guess

3) hmm i should prolly just use the beats myself i think... that probably the best thign to do right now


ill o.g.
use them yourself to build a rep. you will not be getting $1000 plus for beats without a quite big rep
premiers beat on ready to die was only paid $3000 and he has monster rep


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
A good idea.. Try stamping your music with you name all over the track.. I do that, and most of my shit is copyrighted. But you can't really stop someone from bitting your shit... Unless you got serious money to hand out to lawyers.. Even copyright, don't help. They might scare people away from jacken your shit.. But most big industry heads, will jack it if they really want it. Cause they can afford top lawyers, and you probably can't, so in the long run you'll either settle out of court for peanuts, or go on a endless court battle that you probably wont be able to afford.. So you'll lose in the long run.. And most lawyers wont even take your case unless there's big money involved..

Rule #1
Don't leave your shit with anybody, no matter what they say.
If they wanna hear it again they should set up a meeting with you..
like a listening session..

Rule #2
Take your work serious.
When you hook up with people talk to them like a bussiness man, not a thug off the street.
They'll take you more seriously.

Rule #3
Just be smart.. If something seems shady don't fuck with em.

"aka" Jewel Avenue OX


ill o.g.
a friend of mine advised me to come up with 3 list of beats an A list, B list C list. C list beats are for those that you would give away for peeps to mess wit, or use for a demo, sum'n that you really wouldnt charge for yaknow. ya B list our your beats that you want charge some change for, these being the ones you would shop first, just in case u get burned on a track, you won't feel too much of a lose. you A list our the ones you don't let anyone here at all and our for the major cats who wants to get down wit you..and don't mind breaking some serious bread wit you. that's what was advised to me dawg. holla back. one.


ill o.g.
if you havent been told before, you should know it now. not everyone in the industry sets out to bite you, dont be too protective, why wouldnt someone wanna be associated from a HOT producer? but thats the nice part, the other side is that you gotta protect yourself as much as u can, self mail and registering/recording the delivery and not opening the envelope seal, or ascap, not putting them on free sites etc. BUT in can never 100% protect yourself. come on ...if you hot as you say you are then you would know that, you could hear just a riff or a string line from a beat, and recreate your own tune that'll sound completely different. all the biter used was ur riff as an "inspiration". you'd have to have a dream team of attorneys to proove that your beat got bit.

so in reality, you cant totally protect yourself, and it dont matter who you meet. it could be head of Sony himself, you could still get bit having taken all these precautions, im saying it cos i know peeps its happened to, and not by some small timers, but major record Company/industry Folk who did it cos they saw this noob as a threat to THEIR stay in the company.

so take all the precautions you can, and beleive in the Good Lord to guide you to the right people..cos there ARE. :) best wishes

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