Showcase - October 24-30, 2016

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Autism Dad, I Use FL Studio
Battle Points: 89
@DamskiDam i like this beat alot, its like i can already hear a flow to this joint already in my head while listening, your mixing skills are at a pro level, good job my friend this is a real dope beat...real agressive and yet kind of spooky/eery vibe to this beat, real dark yet fun to listen to good job
@NONONSENSEBEATS very smooth and surreal feel to this beat not sure if the beat title best describes the vibe i was about to hear...i like the drums in this beat, my only complaint really is lack of structure i couldnt tell really where a verse and hook was except for a few slight changes to the music and also your outro could possibly use some smoothing up...
@Chad i would say that this beat IS rappable meaning id be able to write bars to this if i wanted but thats the thing, the drums are very off putting in a sense that it takes away whatever beutiful sounds there are in the instrumentation....i would almost say that this would be alot better without those clacking sounds or rolling snares your using because it only makes me want to turn this beat off prematurely...not feeling this beat dog sorry
@anarchos digging what i hear so far, intro is done nicely, i personally might have done the hi hats differently, atleast there not to loud...the synth/lead you used was cool, i like the melody you went with but im kinda missing the direction you want me to go in as a listener, yea the beat is dope and made my head nod a bunch but as a producer i always try to "see" what it is you want me to "see" when hearing a beat, i didnt see anything this time in this beat and i think it could use some more life in it, maybe go back and play around with other sounds or something cuz this seems to have potential for more
@Beautiful Noise whats good homie, this beat remind me of some beatnuts kind of shit, boom bap era, old shool, whatever you want to call it, this really do remind me of the beatnuts, do you use fruity loops? do you sample through a sequencer? your style of sampling and drum patterns would go perfect for sequencer style producing ever hesrd of it, your beats are dope most of the time because of the unique ear you have for sampling but your timing of your swing patterns are always just a tad off...which is cool but in sequencers that shit would hit exactly on time 100% of the time...just saying...
@Edgar pilogue, kind of dope very modernized hip hop i like it, this seems like something you would hear in a commercial minus the thunderstrikes...kendrink type shit i hear him rapping over this lol...nice job adding the right amounts to everything to this smooth jazz chopped sample your using...nice work edgar!

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@NONONSENSEBEATS : Very unique instruments. Cool drums. I feel the atmosphere!! Great beat!

@Chad : Very soulfull and relaxing. I like the abstract drums, its creating a contrast between the beauty of the music and the crazy drums. Very nice beat!

@anarchos : the beat is not bad but it feels like somethings is missing. Im loosing attention after a minute. I would vary it a bit more to keep the interest of the listener.

@Beautiful Noise : First of all: everythings cool between us, I will never take it personal if someone cant critique my beats.
I never tried sampling and I guess I will never try, so I cant give you "technical" feedback on your beat, but I can tell you that I love what I hear. It sounds like an ald school WU Banger. I hear Reakwon and Ghostface rocking that beat!! I love that kind of Hip Hop.

@Edgar : Pilogue: Great beat. Everythings fine! Drums are great!
Lonely Nights: Its really great but you need to vary it a bit more to make a whole song out of it.

@wesley grider : Introduction: The idea of the beat is awesome, I love all elements of your beat. But you really need to work on the mix, it destroys the whole beat

@MickMain : I took me after 5 seconds. The drums and the insane melody is great! I hope you will show us the long final version of this beat.

@BeatSN : decent beat. I would make the snare a lil bit louder its not there sometimes. I really like the Saxophone!

@youngsunflower : Nice beat but you need to add some mid freq stuff into it. The high pitched snare the melody and the hats are hitting all in the high freq range and theres the kick and the 808 in the low. somethings missing in the mids imo, thats how I feel about it. But besides that its a cool beat.

@Chef M!KE DB : First of thanks for the praise I appreciate it bro!!!
I love the choice of instruments. The drums are killer. The melodies are really cool. The beat is creating a realy good mood

Beautiful Noise

No Song is Safe.
Battle Points: 8
@Beautiful Noise : I like the sample choice and how well the drums are mixed with the whole beat. I thought that the snare could be compressed a little better. Dope tag too.

After seeing some of the feedback, I made some changes to the drums on the beat that I posted Monday. Tell me what you think.
Nothing here yet.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. All of my drums are never compressed, and usually are layered to give it that extra snap/punch. It's trial and error when it comes to layering, trying to find the right attack for the kick and snare to hit you in the chest.

I love this revised version of the beat...I really do think you have a gem here that needs a little more polishing. The overall mix needs work. Also, the organ as the main melody should stand out front over all the other elements you have in this beat. The guitar chord playing on the right fits beautifully with this organ melody, and should be used as either the chorus section or the bridge section. The sound that's playing on the left with the guitar chord should be suttle in the mix, almost at an extreme low volume, so it doesn't distract from the mood of the beat. Also, try pairing up that clap with the snare to give it that attack power, and lose the double ups on that snare...keep it simple. Also, make the bassline suttle too...let it sit just underneath the organ melody.

Once you mix everything better, work on song structure. This is a killer R&B track, so arrange it in that format with all my mixing suggestions, and BOOM! This beat will be FIRE
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