So You Want To Start A Record Label ... Free PDF Read/Book


DJ Nice // Crack City
ill o.g.
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Came across on the net ... Just thought I'd share for those that have yet to learn
about the industry. I didn't give it a read but thought I'd post it for those
that may like to give it a read or brush up on reading.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 34
This was a real good read until about the 17th chapter then dude begins to endorse selling out like its the only way to be "successful" on the last page he said some shit like, "you are not really an artist youre an image...youre somebody else pretending to appeal to a demographic" now i could play devils advocate with this but to be REAL this is whats wrong wit the industry. this is a followers mentality, there are people who do this very well like 50 Cent, he is very good at appealing to female consumers even though he is far from your pretty boy rapper but, he understands the music business. it gets irritating but atleast he does his street records and his mixtapes to balance shit out. then u have artist like chingy who SEEM to devote their whole careers to fitting an image an making midriff records
(MOOK and MIDRIF actually stand for something i cant remember maybe somebody can help too lazy to google.) it would be wise to take into account much of what this dude said but it shouldnt be read as a bible to the industry. just understand that however unflattering these words are its all a very very true representation of the industry. its all POLITICS

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