Socialite or Homebody?


ill o.g.
Do you prefer to go out a lot or just kick it at home most of the time? Me, im definitely the homebody workaholic, but I do go out now and then. It's just when I hit up a club, im usually thinking "damn i could be in the lab bangin out way better shit than this", or I see the "big dogs" up in VIP celebrating and politicking and Im thinking I need to be back home or elsewhere on my grind, dont know if anyone else feels the same haha.


ill o.g.
I rather be at the Crib or around my Area but I do like 2 go out once awhile
The I look at shit right now is I jus wanna Make Money now and the Party Will be that much better when I get there


Miss C.C.
ill o.g.
Man i dont even know when da last time i been to a party but if i do go i observe da atmosphere and take that into consideration for my music making. Not sayin i wanna go home and do the same exact thing but go home and figure out how i can take what da club enjoyin and flip it. Shit man i love music so much dats all i think about everday.


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
I am defenetly a homebody. Not by shoice tho. I've got a stomach/intestinal desease that makes me have stomach pains 24 hours a day. So therefore I don't go out much. I*m at home or at work or at illmuzik :D


Royal Souf Productions
ill o.g.
Homebody.... I might go out to the movies or hang out on campus.. But other than that i'm at the crib chillin..


ill o.g.
I'd rather go out with friends....but not for too long. Maybe an hour or two, anything more than that would be unnecessary. I get drained after being with people for too damn long...don't know why. So I chill with my people for awhile everyday...


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
In Los Angeles, Im in the streets 20/7. the other 4 hours i use for music. I just gotta get my hustle on.

but since i been in Texas wit my mom for the past few months I've been in my room on the computer 24/7 making music. either beatin or recordin. and she gets so pissed off sayin i dont have a life, but every now and then when i head back to cali they say i stay out too much.

The Bastard

homebody during the week, i go into town (boston) one day in the weekend usually frieday,then saturday recover the hangover wit movies wit the lady,sunday are relax at home soprano days, i am a homebody that parties once a week


Soul Slinger
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
My party days are behind me and I prefer to be a homebody now. Once in a blue I'll get the urge to hit a bar or club, but for the most part staying home keeps me out of trouble and saves me some dough too. On the weekends sometimes I'll hang at a friends house or I'll have people over my crib to chill.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
2 years ago i decided to quit working and started living off raemon noodles, smokin herbals and drank all the time living off student loans and selling things on ebay. that lifestyle kept me home but truth now i can cook like a poor gourmet chef and also know how to save an make use of every dime. once i can pass a drug test im getting a full-time job while continuing school ohh and an apartment. i got what i wanted from the last 2years and now im ready to be more sober and basically take what is rightfully mine in this world. a true american tale


ill o.g.
ive been skateboarding for about 6 years, so i usually do that everyday, im still in high school, and im not tryin to get a job yet, so my day usually consist of goin out skatin the park or some street during the day with some homies then ill come home when everyone else goes to get fucked up or party or something and ill just try and make some sick beats


Etrack Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 6
shit ima start stayin home alot more. i dont think ive ever been more broke in my life. im spending way to much money going out. plus to top it all off, i was djing a party the other night and right in the middle of the set my laptop crashed on me and i damn near got my ass handed to me cause i had to spin some old break beat mixes of Journey. I guess thats what i get for agreeing to dj a party when i dont have enough vinyl to last the night. Lucky the cops showed up and broke it up, i got out scott free.


Pussy Monster
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 13
For me, I enjoy stayin home ever since I started making beats. Most of the time when I'm out is when I DJ at bars and clubs in Boston. I haven't been chillin with any of my boyz much cuz it's mostly the same thing over and over when I could be home making beats or making money DJ'n. Na meanz?

BTW... if you're in the Boston area, come check me out every Thursday nights at The Wonder Bar in Boston. I DJ @ the downstairs lounge there.


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
If we're talking pushing your music/promotions, then if definitely benefits you to be more of a socialite, or at least pick and choose your spots (parties) you wanna hit up and attend.

It also helps to balance out your life as well, some up-and-coming artists and managers know they got a family life to maintain, but they focus solely on the music, meanwhile they come home from a mini-tour and their significant other has packed up and rolled out.

I guess my sig summs up my whole view on the subject.


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
I wanted to start a thread like this a while back. Cuz in my opinion, MOST of the producers are more homebody and less outdoor people. Cuz producing is being lock in a room by yourself, there's is no way you can hate staying at home and liking beat making. Yup, i'm more of a stay at home guy.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
id like to say i stay at home making beats all the time but to be honest i try to go out as much possible your only young once, and as much as i love working on music most of the time i find myself going out im still young so i wana go out while i still can, i still find enough time to work on my beats not as much as id like in a perfect world but enough !


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Homebody, I would expect that more or less we are all homebodies, otherwise we wouldnt know one another.
I mean no one would be at their PC's right?
When I was in high school through about 23 I was out at the clubs and doin shows, then I figured that it was all the same crap and started staying at the crib more making trax.
About 3 years ago I got all my semi pro gear.
Recording studio+PS2+PC= Why was I going out again? Oh yeah the store.
Shadeed has a good point though and this is the stage that I am comming to.
Its not easy though having been a hermit for the past 3 years straight it can be strange and panicky to thrust yourself back onto an unforgiving rap scene like:
"YEAH I;m BACK MF!!! remember me?" lol.
I envy Prince, barely leaves the mansion and people love him for it.
All he has to do is crack the door and its big.
I'd lke to be the secluded genius but it doesnt work like that so I'll fake it till I make it...

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