Software/hardware Advice


ill o.g.
i Need Some Advice On Software & Hardware Trying To Decide Between A Cubase 4 Setup W/battery 3 And Other Vst Plugins Or An Mpc2500 Or Ensoniq Asr-10 W/my Vst Plugins,whats The Best Way To Confused I Know Alot Of The Newer Producers Are Using Programs Like Cubase And Fl Studio But Do They Sound The Same As Beats Done With The Mpc's,because Alot Of Hot Producers Now Like Brian Cox & Timbaland Are Still Sequencing With There Hardware Pieces And Using Vst's.i Have Battery 3 And Feature Wise Is Kills The Mpc But It Dosent Sequence I Still Have To Use A Daw To Sequence So Am I Losing The Feel Of The Mpc By Using A Daw?

Somebody Give Me Some Feedback As The Way To Go


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
First Read, this is only my opinion, but you gonna get a lot of feedback on it...

first do what you can afford
2 find some people you have locally or at a music store to go see if you can work out on their gear

Ok here you go man, if you want more versatility and Sound like cats above they are probably using a mixture, I read an article a loooooong time ago in the late 90's of timbo fucking with fruity loops experimentally at the same time he had all of his gear asr, triton etc, but remember especially since they have the luciano$$$ people that have been around in this game for awhile are not gonna just be sitting around fucking with a bootleg copy of fruity loops like its the only thing they can afford to get the sound they want and cursing all hardware users bragging about how much better their beats are LOL, the cats you mentioned above have primo setups and can probably afford any piece they want, in Real form not a vst imitiation that comes strikingly close, and furthermore if you just want to stay sampling and never doing any other serious instrumentation without frustration, delay, polyphony better think of getting HARD gear and an mpc...but its how you integrate all of that to get the maximum...with fruity all of that is put cables, no hard mixer to toggle, no noise to contend with, no having to think hard about midi channels and assignments...just a whole nother skill level of producing is left out....just sit down and make some beats and get grammies and collect checks...LOL JK ....but not that one is better than the other, its what do you want to do and how versatile to you want to be.

open mind

basically u can achieve EVERY sound with lots of diffrent hardware/software setups the INSTRUMENTS,SAMPLES,VSTs and the MAN BEHIND THE MUSIC makes the DIFFERENCE!

good luck.

ps:i would go with the daw/battery 3 setup.but thats only me u have to see what u comfortable with.


ill o.g.
Yeah, really it up to you and what you feel comfortable with. I started out using hardware a lot. Own the MPC 2000 but sold it because I started like the software more but I can get on hardware anyday an make a beat. You need to buy what you can afford. If you have crack software more power to you. Just don't be that guy that just collect plug in and don't even know how to used them. You can get the damage done in my opinion with Cubase(or any sequencing software) plug in -FM-8, Hypersonic, INtakt or Battery(I use SR-202 often), String Edirol Orchestra. There are a lot mote thing to use for processing or mastering the audio but that's another story. Peace


ill o.g.
i personally think the whole hardware/software debate is dead; there is no reason you cant use your hardware WITH software with the powerful DAW's you can find today. if you want to get an mpc, cool, no doubt its standard hip hop equipment (although I would strongly recommend the Roland MV 8000 over any MPC these days), but theres no reason to not use it with Sonar, Cubase, Digital Performer, Live, or Logic. Look into the different DAW's and find one that suits you best; I think you will find Cubase and Live easiest to use, and Sonar and Logic most capable, although both Cubase and Digital Performer have a nice blend between simplicity and power.