
Cell 2Dee

Bloody Fingers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
Is it just me, or does every beat maker on Soundclick make rip-off Dr Dre beats, or rip-off Lil John beats? They all have the same style, and about 90% of the beats sounds exactly the same. The same Kick - Clap - Kick - Clap drum style, with some high pitched keys and low strings. They all claim that 'Eminem would kill this beat!!!!!!!', but in reality, someone like Eminem wouldn't even take a second listen. I guess I'm just ranting haha. People need to stop jumping on the bandwaggon.


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
I think when you hear a certain style so much and for so long you can subconsciously make tracks the exact same way without knowing it. I've had to catch myself a few times, thinking I have this hot melody, then start to think I've heard this somewhere before. Next thing I know Im deleting the entire track. I ve heard some awful shit on soundclick, and some where I was like 'this guy can get signed any day now'.