The Great Debate #2


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
Seen as the last post seemed to go down well and get some decent discussion i thought i'd post up another question im looking at....

Is current hip hop/rap (whatever you want to call it) almost just a parody of itself used to make money?

so basically are a lot of modern hip hop artist just using what people associate as hip hop the slang the clothes the rapping etc in order to make more money?
has it become a parody of itself ...

Lazy Eyes

The Beat Konduktah
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
Relic: get away from all the forums and go check my beat!

The mainstream builds up marketing plans which already include setting up a clothing line, perfume line, toilet paper line, ringtones..

hell yeah it's about the money, the motivation for making good music is lost. Totally. People are making music that sells. That's the whole issue why people aren't sampling as much..

People don't sample as much.. - clearing cost money
People don't have the funds to hire real musicians - costs money
People use FL and make laffy taffy shit - making big money..

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