Theory of mine concerning the economy, Bush, Obama,,etc


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
Obama will win the presidency as our economy is on it's last leg. During Obama's first term, our economy will totally collapse. Here comes the blame,,,Eventually with politics as usual, Obama will be to blame and this will be the frist and last time we have an American president. I've lived in the hood and the ghetto and scene both ways of life and how certain folks react to certain things. Throughout the suburbs Obama will be known as the "black president who ruined the country". those who are still linked to the "matrix" will let the propaganda sink into there boxed in brains. It's what we are all expected to do since birth as we are slaves and nothing else.
This might sound crazy, but if you look at all the movies where the president was black...there is always some type of crisis (5th Element, Left Behind, Idiocracy, Deep Impact, and 24) See people say you can't beleive what you see on T.V. but the "powers that be" choose this way to transmit subliminal messages. Sometimes you have to read between the lines...sometimes you gotta "dum it down". Who knows Obama may be part of the plan...maybe he's not, but for the illuminati to even make you a part of there scheme you have to be in approval. I'm just sayin...


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Part of all this is the mortgage problem, I remember when "they" were trying to shit me on a house saying that heres an introductory rate but it will go up, but then so do your wages so it should be no problem, and when the guy said he would approve me for up to a mil, with NO job, I about punched him in the mouth.
That was an insult to me, not a compliment on my credit score, I looked at him and said .."So your trying to kill me then?"
Then I expalined WHY that wouldnt make any sense along with the fact I'll live in an apt forever before I pay a balloon mortgage..
To this he said america wouldnt be in the problem its in now if more people thought like that. That was in 2006. What problem? They knew then what was comming bu tthey still kept doing it...
Im good now though. 2% fixed for 30. Never goes up.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
U guys are missing one big factor here: THE IRAQ WAR, 10 BILLION A MONTH FOR 4 YEARS NOW. Now that's 10 billion today when were really not on the offensive and dropping bombs every day. Just imagine how much we spent a month the first 3 years over there!!! Clinton did not break this country. Bush Jr. did that all by him lonesome! Between the war, under handed shit going on on wall street and predatory lending, we've been royally screwed. Dangling the the proposition of giving a loan to a poor person who could not afford it was dead wrong. They knew a people who had never had shit would jump at that opportunity. The opportunity of owning a part of the "AMERICAN DREAM". They also knew that they (the buyer) didn't fully understand the math behind adjustable mortgages. Giving people loans on houses with NO MONEY DOWN was criminal. If you can't come to the table with 10% of what your home cost you shouldn't even be considered for that loan!

I have "POOR FRIENDS", and yes you're poor if you live pay check to pay check, who got loans for $300,000 homes who bring in less a month than me and my wife does. And my wife is $6,000 short of $100 grand a year! My friends combined income (wife and husband) was around 50 to 60 grand a year! Shit was ok before the mortgage adjusted. After that there $1400 a month payments ballon'd to damn near double that. Now if you were already working your fingers to the bone to make the 1200 payment how in the fuck could you make a $2200 payment when your shit adjusted in a year or two? THERE WAS NO WAY AND THEM GREEDY BASTARDS AT THE BANK KNEW THIS. They just didn't know shit would get totally out of hand and they wouldn't be able to resale that foreclosed property. They thought that they would be able to take from the poor and sale to the rich for a much discounted price. They wouldn't have thought in a million years that the entire financial market would be crumbling. They had every intention on making the poor poorer and the rich richer and to stick the poor with the tax!!!!!


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Ya LDB I dont forget about the war, I got people over there now, and yeah it costs alot and doesnt give back shit.
I think W should be hung for high treason, but unfortunately that isnt going to happen...
Im a paycheck to paycheck person( I get paid once a month no less) , but someohow we manage to make it. I wasnt dumb enough to fall into that BS they dangled ou there...
Need a home call N.A.C.A. shit is fantabulous.

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