This flick may not suck ass,,,,


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
The preview looks okay but 2 things I'm NOT looking forward to:

1. The romantic crap.
2. Special FX. It's sad because movies like this today are overloaded with FX and it really brings down the quality of the movie (for me at least).

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
yeah the FX was botherin me too, but I know that the previews aren't ever the final product when it comes to CGI. Whatever, I just want to see Spacey's Luthor. I read he flips it up, one minute he's laughin, the next he has Supes beggin for mercy,,,that sounds cool. I also heard that Braniac will be in it, but they didnt want to show him in any of the trailors.


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
I think It'll be cool. I like Bryan Singers previous work especially X-men and X-men 2 where he proved that he can make a comic into a really good movie.

So I think it'll be cool


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
Lmao that looks real cheesy, like some classic superman ish, yeh Spacey looks like he's going to be entertaining as Luthor

All the fade to black and fade ins were annoying though

Cant wait to see M:I3 and xmen 3 too

DJ Xsinna

The Big Bang-BINO
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 43
I want to see it just because of Kevin Spacey! They will never be able to top the 1st Superman movie. Even with all the CGI. That junk right there is a classic! It's gonna be interesting to see how Bryan Singer flips this one. I hate all the romantic junk though...bring on the action FOOL!!!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
hehe i think it will be good, looks ok. i liked the new adventures of superman, i hope this can beat it.


actually after watching the trailer again, i think the movie lacks the touch of the old movies. anyway still will deserve my £3 for trying

The Bastard

afriquedeluxe said:
hehe i think it will be good, looks ok. i liked the new adventures of superman, i hope this can beat it.


actually after watching the trailer again, i think the movie lacks the touch of the old movies. anyway still will deserve my £3 for trying
that ''touch'' your talkin about is christopher reeves, hell always be the superman of our era,dont seem right witout him, but i can def look past it and expect an ill flick,since supermans my favorite and shit

The Bastard

this movie still looks good tho, if u didndt get chills on the scene where he was gettin shot point blank in the chest wit that machine gun and when hes chasing the falling plane thru the sky,your not a real man


Reppin V.I.C
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
honestly i just cant wait to see this movie its gonna be the shiyt

The Bastard

kaivai said:
honestly i just cant wait to see this movie its gonna be the shiyt
i hearthat. im gunna see that shit in imax 3d!!!!

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